2nd March 2020 04:19 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? how many time i can appear for hsc exam? i m failed in 3 sub, in all three attempts in maharashtra board,can i give 3 subjects agiain 4th time, or want to give all subjects, please answer i m in stressed%uD83D%uDE22%uD83D%uDE4F |
9th October 2019 09:04 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? How many attempts can be made in the HSC board exam |
19th September 2019 01:59 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Can anyone give hsc board exams third attempt? Suppose any one given 12th board exam (hsc board) in 2018 He she also given their improvement exam in March 2019. He/she wants to give the exam again .. Can they? |
16th September 2019 10:15 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Thank you so much for the solving my problems. I understood it how can any one attempts hsc board exame and how many reapear. also i want to know the when the hsc board march examination applications start? please, inform me. |
12th June 2019 01:56 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I have 45% in pcb in my second attempt can I attempt third time also Need a reply fast please |
29th January 2018 03:40 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I have failed my HSC examination in 2017. I reappeared in JUly 2017 but failed too. I've been home since. Can I give my HSC exam In July 2018 again through college? |
25th January 2017 09:56 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I took HSC Maharashtra board in 2016 I want to improve percentage in February 2018 is it possible ? Please reply as quick as possible. Thank you... |
24th June 2015 06:11 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I have failed in two subjects in 12th Maharashtra Board exam in 2014 but cleared those two subjects in October 2014. Will I be able to get a admission in any college for any course this year? please reply |
24th June 2015 02:41 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I gave my hsc exam in march 2014 and passed but to improve my score I attempt exam directly on march 2015 and I didn't score well is there another chance in october 2015...plz help make |
16th June 2015 12:58 PM | |
Unregistered |
16th June 2015 12:38 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I have passed my hsc with 64.31 I have studied a lot I am not satisfied is it possible for me to give my hsc after 4 years |
31st May 2015 08:36 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i want to apply for improvement exam but i don't know how to apply? & where to fill exam form?................please give me a fast reply on my email [email protected] |
25th May 2015 03:18 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Do I have to Pay fees of college one more time to register for 12 board improvement exam ? plsss rply |
13th May 2015 10:07 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I have passed hsc my marks were less i gave improvement exam still got less now again i want to give a try my 3 attempts are over is it possible for me to give hsc exam again pls.reply |
6th February 2015 02:02 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I am not able to the maharashtra hsc exam due to leg injury.can i write the exam afterwards?when to give?i dont want to lose a year.please help |
11th January 2015 11:14 PM | |
shamli0023 |
Re: Maximum number of attemgpts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? if I already pass 12th,and I want to improve my score then can I give exam in next year I.e in march of next year? |
12th October 2014 11:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Can I fill form of hsc board if I have taken lc from college this year |
11th September 2014 09:18 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I failed in Hsc March 2013 n filled form for oct 2014 but i m nt sure dat i can pass in oct 2014...so can i Appear again in Hsc March 2015 under Class improvement scheme...plzzz Help me guys |
27th June 2014 08:56 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? How many time student attempt pune board exam and any age limit for them |
23rd June 2014 05:59 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i am failed in 4 subjects in hsc year 2014 but i want repeat all in papers in march so and i dont wanna give october so some body told u want to fill march form after results of october is this right????? |
23rd June 2014 10:26 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i have given 12th sci i got 43% but i m not satesfies from this marks for that i can give 12th again ? if yes than there no issue na that giving again 12th have trouble ahead future |
9th June 2014 10:34 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Can i repeat my 12 after passing it if you know about it please give me answer as soon as possible |
7th June 2014 09:45 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? if i gave re exam in octomber of hsc can college provide me my particals marks for my percentage |
5th June 2014 02:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? hi... i am lakshmi i have fail my hsc exams on 2012 from maharashra board , and now i wants to give exam of hsc again ..... can u plzz reply me can i give and how plzz sir |
5th June 2014 02:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I have not eligible in Physic subject Can I repeat hsc in further year for getting better marks is there any rule for repeating hsc from other board or university? Please suggest your suggestion Thank You... |
2nd June 2014 10:02 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? my sister is getting failed in maths. now this is the third time she has appeared for it...!!! can she change the subject now..!!!! |
24th May 2014 11:02 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Is it necessary to pass separately in orals n theory in 2014 economic s paper n wat is d passing marks in it |
18th May 2014 12:13 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Okay so here's my question...%uD83D%uDC4D How many times a in a year can a HSC student (private) can appear for the re_exam ? I know it's 3 times a year... I.e. March, June/July and September/October....Is that right ? I would like to make sure...and also when do the June/July exam forms come out? Please answer...i really need to know this for a good cause I appreciate the reply from the bottom of my heart. |
26th January 2014 09:48 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? sir i have passed my ssc from nasik in 2010. Then I shifted to Cambridge board but could not finish 12th. Can I appear for HSC 12th in science as a private student for march 2015 hsc exam. what are the formalities. please help |
30th October 2013 11:25 AM | |
Irfan Sayed Mastan |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I have passed HSC exams with 42% last year i.e. 2012, but i want to increase my percentage. Which form should I fill this year. |
4th September 2013 07:20 PM | |
@boss |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? sir i got 58% in hsc 2013 and i had appear for the improvement form and suddenly i had started bsc it so i want to cancel that form so whats the procedur of cancelling the form? someone told me that do not go for the exam it will automatically cancelled? but sir i have a quiery that can't it aafect my previous marksheet and new marksheet will come of absent and thus my bsc it will also be cancell sir please help me??? |
4th September 2013 07:13 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? sir i got 58% in hsc science stream 2013 and i had filled the form of improvement but now i want to cancel that form so whats the procedure to cancell that form somebody told me that don't appear for the exams it will automatically cancelled but i want to know that without appearing it may cause my report card? help me please |
3rd August 2013 04:09 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i have got 35% in pcb and agregate is 50% in 2011 from maharshtra board but now the eligibity is 50% in pcb . i am eligibal or not for improvement exam plzz help sir |
3rd August 2013 04:00 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i have got 35% in pcb and ageregate is 50% in in 2011 and eligiblity now is 50% in bums. i am eligible or not for improvement exam plzzz reply as fast as possible thanks in advace |
4th July 2013 04:22 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? what is the upper age limit for appearin for 12th exam. of maharashtra |
23rd June 2013 04:30 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Maximum nymber of attempts for hsc mahras htra board exam ? For how many times i can give a hsc maharashtra board exam? I was failed in it 3 times ? |
19th June 2013 09:24 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? hello sir, i gave my hsc board exam in march2012 and passed,but to improve my scores i gave my exam twice that is in oct2012 and in march 2013 under cis scheme,but i did not score well in both these exams and my march 2012 score is higher. my query is that will my best score out of the 3 exams will be counted or no?pl reply |
16th June 2013 09:43 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Hello sir, i falied in maths sub. I attempt exam near about 5 times, so are i able to give one more time this paper march or in oct. I hope you will give answer of this que. |
15th June 2013 08:59 PM | |
rinku6 |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Higher secondary certificate (HSC) students will now get two chances to improve their scores under the class improvement scheme(CIS). It is introduced by the state education board. Earlier, students could appear for the exam under CIS only in October. Now, if students are not happy with their marks, they can appear for the exam again. Thanks.. |
15th June 2013 01:18 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I failed in march hsc 2013 in three subj in science. Do i have to appear in oct ? |
11th June 2013 01:53 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i am karuna.i've failed in 12th from science.now i want to take arts.is it possible...?plzz help. |
6th June 2013 04:26 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I got very low score in chemistry maharastra board exam can i reappear only in chem for improvement?? Pls tell |
4th June 2013 05:37 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I fail in three subject......can i give in oct......plz answer frndsss |
3rd June 2013 01:35 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i have failed in 4 subject in commerce than i have to appear that subject only ya full subject please give me answer |
2nd June 2013 12:49 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i failed in hsc science march 2012 in three subjects, how many time i appear the same exam if i failed at three time at old syllabus |
30th May 2013 01:24 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? I failed in march hsc 2013 in three subj in commerce. Do i have to appear in oct ? |
25th February 2013 09:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? How many marks for passed physics out of 70 |
30th December 2012 08:52 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? Can I fill the form HSC Science Exam.which will be held in March.I have appeared twice for mathematic,Physics,& chamestry, because of ill health I am unable to fill the form,Can you help me clear my subjects |
1st December 2012 09:34 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i have passed in hsc in march 2012 n appeared for improvement in oct 2012, can i appear once again in march 2013? |
30th November 2012 09:00 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Maximum number of attempts for HSC Maharashtra Board Exam? i am fail in hsc oct 2012 exam next year i can give exam what????????????????????// |
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