Thread: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF? Reply to Thread

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25th April 2020 10:46 AM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

Sir, How can i joint indian army after completing diploma in mechatronics at NTTF
20th July 2015 09:45 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

Sir, Iam RAJKUMAR.S 19 yrs old I have completed my diplomo in mechatronics in NTTF this year. I have a big aim to join in INDIAN ARMY pls tell me sir how to join. u can send ur suggestion to my email {[email protected]} plz plz...
30th September 2013 12:24 AM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

hell sir i m 23 yr old..i had completed my nttf..this i have a big intention to join indian this is posible for me...if its their plz tell me the procidure to join..plz..plz..sir..u can send ur suggesion to my email ([email protected]) thank u...
19th September 2013 01:17 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

is their any option to join idian army after completing diploma in tool and die making..please clarify this que..sir i want to join idian army..and also i want to know about age 23 year old..
6th August 2013 04:19 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

sir, i have completed my diploma in mechanical engg. and want to joined the army. so,please tell me how to apply for it.
4th January 2013 09:16 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

respected sir
I am the final year trainee of nttf institute doing with my tool and die making
13th September 2012 05:43 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

sir i am mr.Girish s i have complited nttf in tool and die making. after sslc,so....... is there any way to join the army. please tell me sir my email ID [email protected]
15th August 2012 10:36 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?


you can easily join indian army , for this you have to give NDA entrance exam

it is conducted by upsc twice every year


you should be citizen of india

you should have pass 12th class

if you are appearing in 12th class then also you can apply

age limit: 17 to 19 yrs

exam procedure:

written exam


physical test

written test consist of 2 papers: paper 1 consist of maths of 300 marks

second one consist of english and general awareness of 600 marks
11th June 2012 02:43 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

Combined Defence Service Examination (CDSE) is conducted by upsc ( twice every year for entry into all three defence services.

Eligibility criteria is different for all three.

For ARMY- graduation in any background,with at least 60% aggregate Age Limit- 25 years.For Navy: Physics and Mathematics) or Age Limit- 22 years.For Airforce- B.E./B.Tech,graduate in any decipline with Physics or Mathematics at class 12 Age Limit- 23 years.

You can also enter in there logistic cadre ,the minimum qualification for logistic cadre is,BCA,LLB,etc.You have to crack an entrance for it conducted by army,navy and airforce it self.Notifications are released in employment news keep it reading.
30th December 2011 04:05 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

sir i am arunkumar complete diploma chemical i want to join indian army tell me sir email id [email protected]
22nd October 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

sir i am nitesh kumar i in nttf n completing diploma in mechatronics ....i want 2 join army ...izz dere any way 2 join plese tell me sir my dream izzz to join [email protected]
9th July 2011 04:59 PM
sonam wangdi
Re: Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

hi friend..
natioanl degence academy is responsible for recruiting the candidates for army..for every six months. so for that you have to attain national defense services exam. these exams are conducted by UPSC for every six all the best for that...
thank you
24th June 2011 10:17 PM
Steps required to join Indian Army after completing diploma from NTTF?

HI, I m Aiswarya i m studying in 1st yr computer engineering ,after completing diploma from NTTF i want to join Indian army.Plz tell the steps to join army.
send me in [email protected]

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