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21st August 2015 07:06 PM
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

Gate :- Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering is an entrance examination which is conducted by the IIT for getting the admission in various IITs NIITs and top most good and reputed engineering colleges for the master degree in engineering sections.One can get the admission in best engineering college on the basis of their performance as well as rank in this entrance exam.

The basic eligibility criteria for this exam is to have a bachelor degree in engineering stream or agriculture stream or equivalent 4 years degree course or master degree in science stream.
20th August 2015 01:28 PM
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

Dear Friend..

GATE exam is conducted every year...

Importance of GATE exam

--Through this score you can get admission in M.Tech programme for higher studies..

--Nowadays the GATE score card is widely used by different PSU's for their recruitment process..

Following are the PSU's which uses GATE score for their recruitment process:

**So it is one of the important exam for a B.Tech student..So prepare it well...

Following are the tips for preparation:
--Try to strong your basic concepts in your core subjects..
--solve previous year question paper..
--make a proper time table and follow it properly..
--you can also join a test series for evaluating your preparation and it will definitely boost your score in the exam..

All the best for your preparation..
18th May 2015 12:10 AM
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

Being a first year mechanical student you are not eligible for the GATE examination.But you can apply for it in future.

GATE stands for Graduate Aptitude Test of Engineering. The candidates who want to take admission in the government colleges for the course can apply for it. On the basis of GATE score candidates are offered different IIT , NIT also score is valid for getting the jobs in PSU.

It is conducted by the IIT only and the examination is online based. The score are valid for three consecutive year. It is conducted in the month of February.

To qualify in the examination the candidates must have better knowledge of topics of their stream with good knowledge of Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. So please start your preparation from now. There is negative marking for each wrong answers.
17th May 2015 09:54 PM
Patri Suma
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

GATE exam plays a very important role for admission into higher education like M.Tech,PhD[/B],MS etc in reputed institutes.GATE score is also taken into consideration during interviews in government and non government sectors.
GATE exam paper covers lot of subjects,wide areas.Read as much as possible in different areas(subjects) and do not stick to one particular book.go through as many as possible.
17th May 2015 06:28 PM
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

GATE has its own importance in the jobs and also for the future study plan in the post graduation if you want to get admission in after bachelor in mechanical engineering you must be qualified in GATE exam and another better option of GATE is that if you qualify this exam and take admission in master degree of engineering then you will get the scholarship every month.

After qualifying GATE you can get the scholarship of about 10000 per month if you get admission in any IIT, NIT or in any reputed university of India and can make a bright career after the if selected in any multi national company.
17th May 2015 06:00 PM
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

GATE stands for Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering and the examination is conducted by the IIT for the candidates who wants to carry forward there studies of to from a recognised government colleges such as IIT , NIT and other government or private colleges. These are offered on the basis of GATE score/rank.

Even the GATE score aplays a crucial role in getting the jobs in PSU after your

But you are not eligible for it as candidates who have completed there are only eligible. GATE eamination is conducted only in online based and the s aare vaalidd for three years.

You can start preparation for it from now .
17th May 2015 05:34 PM
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

GATE stands for General Aptitude Test of Engineering

GATE is an examination conducted for B.Tech degree holders. After GATE all the candidates are awarded with valid rank and score. This score is most important and required at the time of employment purpose.

Today all the prival sector companies as well as many Public Sector Undertakings are offering jobs to the aspirants on the basis of performance in GATE.

As per current trend, score obtained in GATE are taken into consideration while shortlisting the candidate for job in Jammu.

However, GATE is not mandatory. Candidate without GATE are also eligible for job. Several companies offer jobs those candidates also who have not participated in GATE.
17th May 2015 01:55 PM
Re: What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

It is the Graduate Aptitude test in engineering. through this programs can be done in various IIT's and NIT's of the country.

ALso, many PSU's recruit through this exam like-

The composition of GATE exam is
- 15% Aptitude
- 15% mathematics
- 70% rest technical subjects of relevant trade.

Also, there is no sectional cutoff in the GATE exam so you don't need to worry about the separate cutoff of the aptitude section or technical section
16th May 2015 08:24 PM
What is the importance of GATE exam? How should I prepare for it?

I am First year mechanical engineering student.
I don't know what is the importance of GATE Exam. please explain me about that. If its is good for me then how I want to start prepare for GATE exam?

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