Thread: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing Reply to Thread

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13th August 2015 10:53 AM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

Respectable sir,
i abhishek kumar ojha pursueing msc geoinformatics from bit mesra want to give gate for mtech in near future. sir please help wheather i elligible for gate or not??
13th July 2012 01:18 AM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

sir, i have completed my in electronics & communication now i want to do in environmental science, i want to know if i am eligible for environment science or not?
30th June 2012 05:26 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

i have completed my btech from biomedical engg can i go for mtech from energy and environment science is dis a good option from galgotia university
30th June 2012 05:21 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

i have completed my btech from biomedical engg mtech from energy and environmental science good option or not?
29th December 2011 02:50 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

I am K.manochandran doing my 1st year Msc Spatial Information Technology at department of Geography, University of Madras. As part of my Syllabus we have to undergo 8 weeks internship in Reputed Institutes Using Geospatial technologies like GIS, and Remote Sensing. Getting hands on training in these technologies is important part of this. Last year few of our seniors had completed their internship training at your institute. Me and 4 of my friends would like to do join your institute as an intern to enhance our skills. So kindly let me know that can we join in your institute and what further steps we should take.
15th September 2011 08:31 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

sir i have complete my Msc in Environmental science and i want to do Mtech in environmental engineering can you please suggest me good institute and give me some ideas about this course...
18th August 2011 04:57 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

sir what is the elgibility criteria for remote sensing.......can students can take remote sensing in anna university chennai is it elgible........
30th July 2011 10:10 AM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

Sir I m doing in Mining Engg. from ISM, Dhanbad. I want to take admission in iit delhi through gate exam. Can u provide details of the department in which i can enter through mining paper of gate????
19th June 2011 10:58 AM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

sir iwant to do in env engg from dtu(dce)... is that all right?
then i want to do ms in this branch, so which college would be best suitable for it? or should i go abroad for ms?? then which college there?
2nd June 2011 10:52 AM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

Sir , i Completed My M.Sc in Remote sensing and GIS.... i want to pursue M Tech Environmental science in Part time.... Any colleges provide Part time M Tech Envi Science ????
Am i Eligible for M Tech????
8th May 2011 10:51 AM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

Sir i am b.a student can i go for any branch of science for master degree
25th April 2011 05:12 AM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

Sir m 12th Arts student..i wnt to b a enviornment eng..i diddnt get proper gydins..plz help me sir
15th April 2011 05:33 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

sir! i am a 2nd year student pursuing btech from computers. but i wish to do ms frm energy conservation and sustainability development .
can u guide me the need full.
23rd March 2011 06:38 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

How to apply for m tech in remote sensing through gate, because i didnt get syllabi of that ou your website?
23rd February 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

to do from the best colleges in India which are the iit,s ,you have to give the gate exam in civil engineering,
because the environmental branch comes under the civil engineering ,
the best college though to do the environmental course is the iit Delhi,there is lots of demand for this course and many good companies are offering job ,
you have to get an gate score of around 600 to get admission in the iit Delhi,
this year the gate exam is already over you can write the next year in the month of February,
as you have already don i think you can even think of doing ph.d rather than going for because both are post graduation ,
i am attaching the information brochure of the iisc Bangalore you can think of it,
23rd February 2011 01:11 AM
Admission procedure, Eligibility and Institutions for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering after M.Sc. in Remote Sensing

Respected sir,
This is to inform you that I have completed my M.Sc in Remote Sensing and GIS and preparing for M.Tech.
Sir, I want to do M.Tech in Environmental Engineering or Environment science or Energy science.
Sir if you will send me the necessary information regarding admission procedure, eligibility and institutions offering M.Tech in above branches then I will be very grateful and thankful to you sir.

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