Thread: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum? Reply to Thread

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6th March 2016 11:45 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

please tell me any good college whose fees does not exceed 75000 per annum?
28th April 2015 05:39 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

please say me the btech colleges who has premission of jntu nd whos fees are less than 1,oooo
18th August 2011 09:47 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

There are many colleges take only Rs 30,500 per annum in Andhra Pradesh,if you qualify in the entrance exam i.e EAMCET.

Some of the colleges takes only Rs 30,500 per annum:

Osmania University-Hyderabad
Vignan Jyoti Institute of Technology-Hyderabad
Vardaman Colleges-Hyderabad

In IIT's and NIT's Colleges also take less than Rs 50,000,to get in this colleges you have appear for AIEEE exam.
18th August 2011 08:36 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

many colleges under anna uviversity get 50000 for annum

there are many 100 colleges available

you can go through the anna university website

all the best
18th August 2011 05:43 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

list of colleges in mumbai .....which have low fees structure and i belong to
14th July 2011 08:10 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

our air is 204670 and obc 71222 in aieee could i get admission through this rank plz tell me college
12th July 2011 12:25 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

what is the fee structure of bits mesra,patna and ranchi?
12th July 2011 12:22 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

What is the fee structure for BITS,Mesra,Patna and Ranchi. I would like to know the tuition fee, hostel fee and mess fee separately.Please reply soon! Thank you
3rd July 2011 08:05 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

yes it is best to study in bits
30th June 2011 11:55 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

Some of the colleges are as follows:-

Durgapur NIT.
NIT Rourkella.
NIT Tirchi.
Osmania University-Hyderabad
Vignan Jyoti Institute of Technology-Hyderabad
Vardaman Colleges-Hyderabad.

14th June 2011 11:38 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

what is the fee structure of bit sindri for I am going through jcece exam.
13th June 2011 03:35 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

plz tell fee structure of top ten nit. thanks.
8th June 2011 08:38 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

which courses are available of eng in vjit college
5th June 2011 06:26 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

I want to know the name of engineering colleges in mumbai whose fees is not more than 100000 per year?
24th May 2011 12:08 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

Well For Engg. Colleges below 50K we have........
1.BIT Sindri (fees around 20K including hostel fees per annum) but its 100% domicile you know
2.Jadav Pur(through wbjee)
3.Shivpur(aroung 18K-20K)-through wbjee
many NITS also take very less fees than private institutions.So better try out at these institutes.
Good Luck
28th April 2011 01:56 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

Some of the colleges are as follows:-




Osmania University-Hyderabad

Vignan Jyoti Institute of Technology-Hyderabad

Vardaman Colleges-Hyderabad

15th April 2011 09:51 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

There are few universities which have less than 50000 fees per annum.
The list of universities are:
*RTU-rajasthan technical University
Fees: 42500 p.a
*WBUT-west bengal
Fees: 44000 p.a
*UPTU: Utter pradesh tech univ.
Fees: 48000 p.a

The fees structure is given which not includes the examination fees and other development fees.
15th April 2011 06:45 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

Today , most of the colleges have fee around 1,00,000 and even if you can find some one , then that will of too low quality institute.
Even govt institutes like IIT and NIT charges 80,000 annual fee.
15th April 2011 02:02 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

the universities whose fees is about 50,000 per annum(exclusive of hostel and mess charges only educational fees included) are as follows....
satyabhama university
bit deoghar , bit patna
raisoni group of institutions

and many colleges

and the govt colleges are always less than the 50000 per annum
15th April 2011 01:18 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

hello dear

List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum

1.Durgapur NIT.

2.NIT Rourkella.

3.NIT Tirchi.






all the best.........
14th April 2011 11:53 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

For engineering colleges list you can check out best shiksha.It provide some really good information about the colleges and courses.
14th April 2011 10:45 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

There are many colleges take only Rs 30,500 per annum in Andhra Pradesh,if you qualify in the entrance exam i.e EAMCET.

Some of the colleges takes only Rs 30,500 per annum:

Osmania University-Hyderabad
Vignan Jyoti Institute of Technology-Hyderabad
Vardaman Colleges-Hyderabad

In IIT's and NIT's Colleges also take less than Rs 50,000,to get in this colleges you have appear for AIEEE exam.
14th April 2011 10:07 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

dear sir,

only the state engineering colleges like BIT SINDRI, JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY have fees less than 50,000 per annum.

IIT's and NIT's fees also ranges between 75000-1,00,000 per annum.
14th April 2011 10:02 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

There are many colleges which offer's students to pursue their Engineering course with less than Rs 50,000 per annum but it totally depends upon the entrance test which you want to go through.

For example:-
State CET
If you have been a student who got placed in a Engineering college through EAMCET exam then your fee will be round Rs 30,200 if your a GEN category student.So, you need to understand that if you get placed in a Government UNiversity or private aided colleges which are under the University then the fee is to be decided by the State Government.

National Tests
Where as if you go through AIEEE and IIT JEE and got yourself placed in an IIT/NIT then the fee structure is to be decided by the Central Government since the exam is conducted National Wise.

Private Universities
If you wish to go through tests conducted by Private Universities like VIT,SRM then the fee structure will be nearly Rs 1,00,000 or even more.

Since you have not mentioned the exam you wish to go through hence it will be better that you mention the exam you wish to go through else go through the official website of the exam you wish to go through.
18th July 2010 07:34 PM
siddharth anand
List of engineering colleges whose fees does not exceed 50,000 per annum?

I want to know about engineering colleges whose fee is not more than 50000 per annum ? Please post reply soon.

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