Thread: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016? Reply to Thread

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15th September 2015 12:38 PM
Mehta Jatin
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

According to upsc 2016 Age limit for general candidate is 21 to 30 and maximum attempts 4. I think your age is more than age limit so you are not eligible for UPSC 2016.
15th September 2015 12:07 AM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am Dr. Patil my date of birth is 13th May 1981. Till date I gave three attempts of UPSC.
As per the extended age limit and number of attempts am I eligible for UPSC 2016?
Dear friend,

As you had already appeared for UPSC Exam 3 times, so according to rules of UPSC exam, you can appear now only once.

According to UPSC, following no. of chances are given to candidates:
General: 4 attempts
OBC: 7 attempts
SC/ST: No limits

Also, there is age limitation in appearing UPSC Exam.

You must have your age between 21-30 years.
3 years relaxation is given to OBC Candidates.
5 years relaxation is given to SC/ST Candidates.

As your age is near about 34 years, so you check it whether you are eligible or not.
13th September 2015 11:23 PM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

The basic eligibility criteria for this exam is to have a bachelor degree in any stream from a recognized university with good percentile.Also the appearing aspirants age must lie in between 21 years to 30 years as GE category to be eligible for this course.

The reserved category aspirants like Sc/St get the relaxation by 5 years and the obc category aspirants get the relaxation by 3 years.There is no limit to attempt the exam for Sc/St/PD aspirants.For Obc aspirants 7 attempts are given and for general it is 4.

You are exceeding the age limit on 2016, that is why you can not apply for this exam.
12th September 2015 02:23 PM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

No you will not eligible for the UpSc exam.Because appearing students age must be upto 30 years to be eligible as general category students. If you are reservation category then you can apply upto maximum 35 year.

As on 2016 you will cross the 35 years so you can not appear in the UpSc 2016
12th September 2015 02:07 PM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

No! You can not appear in the Civil Service examination conducted by the Upsc for the year 2016.Because your age exceed the age limit on 2016.

Eligibility and age limit for this exam:-

:- it is must to have a minimum graduation Degree in any discipline from a recognised university to be eligible for this exam.

:- The age of general category candidates must lie in between 21 years to ,30 years.

:- For Obc it lies between 21 years to 33 years.

:- For SC/ST it should be lie in between 21 years to 35 years.

No. Of attempt:-

For GE:- 4
For Obc :- 7
For Sc/St :- no limit.
11th September 2015 11:05 PM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission which is used to organize many government exams under it like IAS, IPS, IFS, IES, Etc.. There are certain eligibility criteria for this exam which are as follows :

*The candidates should be a citizen of India.
*The candidates should be a graduate in any discipline from a recognize university.
The final year students can also apply for this exam.
*The Age limit is 21 - 30 years, There is a age relaxation for reserved candidates.
*The No.Of Attempt :



SC/ST- No restriction

For more details visit website of UPSC.
11th September 2015 09:19 PM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

Dear aspirant,

As per the eligibility criteria there are only four attempts for general category student and age limit is
21 to 30 years ,
So you already attempted this exam three times and also you have one chance but your age is more than 30 so you are not able to apply for this examination.
11th September 2015 08:38 PM
ranjan Ayush
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

As per the extended age limit, the age limit for candidates of different category is:

General Category: 21-32 years.

OBC category: 21-35 years.

SC/ST candidates: 21-37 years.

Since your date of birth is 13/05/1981, you will not be eligible for the UPSC Civil Services exam because you are over 35 years, so no chance if you are OBC or SC/ST candidates but you can appear for the exam if you are from SC/ST category.
11th September 2015 07:06 PM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

In the case ,you belong to unreserved category, you will be ineligible to apply for UPSC 2016 exam as per the age criteria .

Eligibility criteria for UPSC Civil Services exam :-

Nationality : Indian.

Edu. Qualification :Graduation degree in any discipline from a recognized university.

Age criteria :

General category :21 years to 30 years .

OBC candidates : 21 years to 33 years .

SC/ST candidates : 21 years to 35 years .

PWD candidates :21 years to 40 years .

Eligibility criteria for UPSC IES exam :-

IES stands for Indian Engineering Services.

Nationality : Indian.

Edu. Qualification :Bachelor's degree in Engineering(B.E./B.Tech) or equivalent from a recognized university.

Age criteria :

General category :21 years to 30 years .

OBC candidates : 21 years to 33 years .

SC/ST candidates : 21 years to 35 years .

PWD candidates :21 years to 40 years .
11th September 2015 05:55 PM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

Indian residents can apply UPSC Examination
Posts IAS and IPS are available under UPSC 2016 Examination and candidates those who have secured good scores in these tests will be given best opportunities.
Candidates should need to complete their 21 years of age and they should never exceed age of 32 years
Candidates come from SC categories will be having 5 years of age relaxation
OBC category candidates are given only 3 years of age relaxation
11th September 2015 05:30 PM
sainath asp
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

The age limit to apply for civil services is from 21 years to 30 years as on 1st August of the year of examination. The upper age is limit relaxed of 3 years for OBC candidates and 5 years for SC/ST candidates.

The number of attempts is four for General candidates under the creamy layer, seven attempts for OBC candidates and no limit for SC/ST candidates.
11th September 2015 04:30 PM
Maa ka pyaar
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

Sorry, you are not eligible to appear for the Civil Service examination conducted by the UPSC every year for the recruitment of the Civil Services officer.

The required qualification to appear for the examination is as the candidates must have passed the graduation from a recognised university and the age of the candidates must be between the 21-32 years for the general category aspirants. But there are relaxation of three years and five years in the upper age limit for the OBC and the SC/ST respectively.

So if you belong to the reserved category you are eligible to appear for the examination conducted in the 2016. The notification for the examination is released in the month of the June every year.

The examination is conducted in the three stages and the aspirant have to qualify in all the stages for the final selection. For more information visit at the
11th September 2015 11:56 AM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

You are eligible to apply for UPSC 2016 Examination only when you belong to OBC/ SC/ ST or PWD or Ex-Servicemen Category. If you belong to General or Unreserved category, then you are not eligible to apply for Union Public Service Commission 2016 Examination. As far as your age is concerned, your age is 34 years which is more than what is required.

Number of Attempts Allowed:

For General / Unreserved category - 6 attempts

For SC/ ST/ OWD / reserved category candidates - 9 attempts

Age Criteria for UPSC 2016 Exam:

Minimum Age - 21 years
Maximum Age - 32 years

Maximum Age for General/ Unreserved candidates - 32 years
Maximum Age for OBC candidates - 35 years
Maximum Age for SC/ ST candidates - 37 years
Maximum Age for PWD/ Ex-Servicemen candidates - 42 years
11th September 2015 11:50 AM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

UPSC stands for the Union Public Service Commission. From my point of view, you are asking about Civil Services examination. There were some modification from 2015 in the Civil Services examination.

>>The Civil Services aptitude paper was made qualifying. Now candidate only needs to score 33% marks in this paper to qualify it. The marks scored in the General Studies paper will serve as the cut off marks.

>>The age limit for candidates of general category is now 21-32 years. For OBC it is 21-35 years and for SC/ST it is 21-37 years.

>>The number of attempts for general category candidates is six, for OBC is nine and for SC/ST category there is no limit upto upper age limit.

If you belong to open or OBC category then you have no chance for appearing in 2016 UPSC CSE exam because your age will be above 35 years. However if you belong to SC/ST category then you can apply for the exam.
11th September 2015 11:11 AM
Re: Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission and as the name suggests it is not a examination rather it is commission which conducts different examinations for recruitment in the central government jobs in different fields.

But more often than not people use UPSC examination for the Civil Services examination and this must be the case in your query also.

--> Civil Services examinations are conducted once every year for the recruitment as officers in administrative field. The appearing in this examination you need to have the qualifications given below:-

* You must have the nationality of India.

* Your age must be within 21 years to 30 years if you belong to general category. Otherwise there is provision of age relaxation for reserved category candidates as per the government norms.

* You must have completed your graduation or must be in the final year of same with any discipline of your choice from a recognized university.

--> The examination is held in three stages which are known as Preliminary test, Mains and Personal interview respectively.

--> Also the number of attempts provided to clear the same examination are different for different category which are as 4 attempts for general category candidates , 7 attempts for OBC category candidates where as for SC/St category category there is no such limitations.

Now as your date of birth is May 1981, so by the Civil Services examination 2016 which is held in the month of August your age will be over 35 years. Hence you are eligible for the same examination only if you belong to physically handicapped category as the upper age limit for general category , OBC category, SC/ST category is 30 years, 33 years and 35 years respectively.

For further queries regarding the same examination you can log on the official link of UPSC i.e;
11th September 2015 01:29 AM
Am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

I am Dr. Patil my date of birth is 13th May 1981. Till date I gave three attempts of UPSC.
As per the extended age limit and number of attempts am I eligible for UPSC 2016?

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