Thread: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering? Reply to Thread

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18th May 2016 02:26 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

After pursuing btech marine engineering, which steps need to accomplish for getting a job as 4-engineer
1st October 2015 11:33 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

sir which one amongst these two courses is comparatively easier or we can say less hectic???
6th May 2013 11:31 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

yes , never ever choose bsc in engineering you will be nowhere after it. Its very expensive and returns are very less although promises and claims are high , courses like Bs in nautical technology takes nearly 6 yrs to complete ,still there would be no job guarantee better do a 3 yr grad or B tech
1st March 2013 02:32 AM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

What can do after 12th Class in Sci stream? I get 70% in PCM. What are the scope of B.Tech in India
28th February 2013 02:57 AM
The Mask Man
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

THE DIFFERENCE between bsc engineering and

--bsc in engineering is awarded to some colleges only or ti is rarely found

--it is 3 year under graduation course

--job opportunities after bsc is less than in

--after this you are never eligible for

B.TECH is also under graduation degree but for 4 years

--it is 4 year course

--job opportunities are high

--after this you can do
--which is 2 year post graduation course

but with both degree you can join army, railway etc.

All The Best
27th February 2013 11:44 PM
narendra B.
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

Both are seperate streams my friend, there's no comparision between these. Even you can't.

B.Tech. in Marine Engineering is one which deals with marine related equipments found on board ships, boats etc. It's a completly Technological course. It's a department of merchant navy and the duration of this course is 4 years. Nautical Science is application science degree which includes occupations like navigating officers. This course will take years to complete. It deals with deck and rating department of merchant navy. After doning this one start his career a
27th February 2013 10:59 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

Originally Posted by sansun View Post
what is the difference between bsc nautical sciences and Btech marine engineering?And what are the advantages of the one against the other?
Both are seperate streams my friend, there's no comparision between these. Even you can't.

B.Tech. in Marine Engineering is one which deals with marine related equipments found on board ships, boats etc. It's a completly Technological course. It's a department of merchant navy and the duration of this course is 4 years. Nautical Science is application science degree which includes occupations like navigating officers. This course will take years to complete. It deals with deck and rating department of merchant navy. After doning this one start his career as a Deck Cadet.
18th January 2013 09:09 AM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

Sir please tell me how can i join TS chanakya?
21st July 2012 06:07 PM
Onkar Kaur
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

Both are seperate streams my friend, there's no comparision between these. Even you can't.

B.Tech. in Marine Engineering is one which deals with marine related equipments found on board ships, boats etc. It's a completly Technological course. It's a department of merchant navy and the duration of this course is 4 years. Nautical Science is application science degree which includes occupations like navigating officers. This course will take years to complete. It deals with deck and rating department of merchant navy. After doning this one start his career as a Deck Cadet.
14th May 2012 07:29 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

out of B.Tech ( ME) and B.Sc which will best and sopefull in future?
27th February 2012 08:38 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

hai friends ,
B.Tech Marine engineering deals with the engineering aspects of marine related equipment found on board ships , boats and so forth.
Salaries for this area is about $74k
B.Sc Nautical science includes occupations such as navigating officers. It deals with the art and science of ship operations . Again you study to navigate and operate ships and boats in the merchant marine
2nd July 2011 09:14 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

is there is entrance for marine enginering
2nd July 2011 02:51 AM
Re: Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

Well dear there is a huge difference among both of the courses, or we can say there is no comparison among them. One is north pole while the other is south pole.
  • Nautical Science is a application science degree, while Marine engineering is a applied technological degree course.
  • Nautical Science which is tought at Bachelor level ( is a 3 years long program, while B.Tech (Marine Engineering) is a 4 years long Engineering/Technology degree.
  • Nautical Science degree will lead your career toward the Deck and Rating departments of Merchant Navy, while Marine Engineering will lead you to Engine department of Merchant Navy.
  • Person having a Nautical Science degree will start his career as 'Deck Cadet' and eventually lead up to the highest designation 'Captain' of ship/cruise/sea-vessel. Whereas a Marine Engineer will start his career in this sector as a 'Fifth Engineer or Fourth Engineer or Trainee Engineer and eventually leads toward the designation of 'Chief Engineer' of the ship/cruise/sea-vessel.
  • A Nautical Science graduate generally starts with a pay of 25,000 - 40,000 per month which can go up to 3.5 Lacs per month for national shipping company and up to 5 Lacs per month for International job as a Captain. Whereas a MArine Engineering graduate generally starts from 20,000-35,000 per month which can go up to 3.5 Lacs per month for a designation of Chief Engineer.

This type of various difference are associated with both the course.

6th April 2010 09:58 PM
Difference between BSc Nautical Sciences and B.TEch Marine Engineering?

what is the difference between bsc nautical sciences and Btech marine engineering?And what are the advantages of the one against the other?

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