Thread: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score? Reply to Thread

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30th August 2011 06:09 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

the syllabus of DCE CEE is largely CBSE syllabus, your preparation starts from the day one at school. Make sure to complete the NCERT books with few of the objective question bank .....
you can also refer any aieee books for extra preparation......

best of luck
15th April 2011 11:37 AM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Seperate forms is to be filled for whether AIEEE counsling under for outsiders.
plz reply Thanks.
30th September 2010 06:51 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

dear friend,

Every year the 15% of seats of DCE is filled by AIEEE rank basis.
& rest 85% of the seats is filled through the exam conducted which is DCE CEE.

But only the student belong to Delhi region can apply for this exam, outsiders can enter only through AIEEE.

good luck.
3rd June 2010 01:24 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

can i get dtu (dce) on all india rank of 19500 in aieee.i m a candidate of outside delhi belonging to general category.
30th May 2010 02:21 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

from where we can get application form
16th May 2010 01:02 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

what state rank should i get to take admission in DCE?
6th May 2010 06:14 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

what state rank should i get to take admission in DCE?
15th April 2010 01:16 AM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

dear friend
yes it will be based upon aieee but 85% reservation has been given to student of delhi
for further information:
all the best
11th April 2010 08:40 AM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Originally Posted by sajal paul View Post
Is there any seperate entrance exam for DCE 2010? And when will it be held this year?
no there is no separate exam for dce this year ,the admission to courses is going to be based on the basis of aieee score,
also there will be reservation for Delhi region students
all the best
to get admission in Delhi college of engineering you got to have good marks
10th April 2010 11:37 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

dear frnd,
85% is reserved through DCE exam & rest is filled up through AIEEE
good luck
10th April 2010 04:14 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Yes it will be based only on AIEEE score from 2010 onwards. Even NSIT considering AIEEE marks for its admission. DCEEE is scrapped. But there are some

you can check this notification for more details:

It is notified for the information of the candidates, desirous to seek admission in Delhi Technological University that the University shall conduct its own Counseling for Delhi & Outside Delhi seats in respect of 14 B.Tech. full time programmes including 10 programmes of the erstwhile DCE on the basis of merit rank of All India Engineering Entrance Examination - 2010 (AIEEE-2010), to be conducted by the CBSE, New Delhi.

Dr. K. Singh
Joint Registrar (Admn.)
10th April 2010 03:29 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

hi friend,
really it is true that,the students from delhi get 85% resevation in all the college,
and only 15% sheet is for the outsider and they will take admission through aieee exams,
o k
all the best
10th April 2010 01:20 PM
rahul k
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

my dear friend,
DCE has changed their admission criteria,
The admissions to DCE for the Btech programs
will be based only on AIEEE Score and CEE will be
for admission to NSIT only. For more details check the DCE Website

all the best..
9th April 2010 06:19 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

dear friend

this year DCE is going to conduct the exam and the forms are already available in the
net download it and fill up the form .hurry up.

Important Dates
Last date for receipt of completed application form: 2nd week of April, 2010
Date for Availability of forms for admission: Immediately after declaration of results
Last date for receipt of form for admission: 1st week of July, 2010
Declaration of results: Mid June, 2010
Date of Entrance Exam: Last week of May, 2010
Starting date for availability of forms: 2nd week of March, 2010

all the best.
31st March 2010 08:22 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

dear friend,
DCE takes its admission in the engineering line.the requirements are you must have domicile of delhi.
moreover if you have appeared in AIEEE then only 15% of the seats is reserved for non-delhi-ites..
good luck
27th February 2010 12:06 PM
sajal paul
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Is there any seperate entrance exam for DCE 2010? And when will it be held this year?
21st February 2010 07:22 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

hey friend.
it is fact that there is only 15% sheet for the out-sider of Delhi,
and you will take your admission only on that 15% of the total sheet,
and the admission will be taken on the basis of aieee rank.
so for this you must have good preparation,
good luck.
15th February 2010 12:36 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

yes this true news.
yes there is 85% for the delhi students and only 15% is for the outsider which will be filled on the basics of aieee result.
31st January 2010 06:29 PM
[email protected]
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

80 % of seats are filled by CEE rank annd only 15% is filled up with AIEEE all india ranking .....
27th January 2010 06:12 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

ya it is based on aieee based. DCE has changed their admission criteria.The admissions to DCE for the Btech programs will be based only on AIEEE Score. CEE will be for admission to NSIT only. Here is a small update which I found on DCE site

For more details check the DCE Website.
16th January 2010 12:06 AM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

yes you are right ...from 2010 onwards ....admission to dce will be purily on the basis of aieee rank.....
15th January 2010 03:35 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Admission to full time BE courses are held through CEE and AIEEE only.......

and Since the syllabus of DCE CEE is largely CBSE syllabus, your preparation starts from the day one at school. Make sure to complete the NCERT books with few of the objective question bank .....
you can also refer any aieee books for extra preparation......

best of luck
2nd January 2010 05:20 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

whoa.!! still confused.. What about Lateral Entry in DCE?
2nd January 2010 01:33 PM
kusum singal
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

u can council for dce on the basis of aiee score.but there is condition applied.
31st December 2009 01:57 PM
anurag kumar
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Yes this is true that DCE this year conduct it self Exam and it has 85% seat for delhi residing candidate and other state 15% seat , also it take admission by AIEEE and has same criteria for all student.
1st December 2009 05:43 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

The dicission is only ment for outsider(who do not live in delhi)

however,huge number of seat is filled by delhians.
26th November 2009 06:18 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

hi naman,

DCE CEE conduct entrance exam for bachelor of engineering.85% seats are filled by CEE exam(who has passed 12th from delhi school) and 15% seats is filled by AIEEE all india that in my opinion it is not fully depend on AIEEE.

best of luck...@@
26th November 2009 03:48 AM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Delhi College of Engineering - Combined Entrance Examination (CEE)
visit this official website of university ,here you will get all notifications regarding your query.
26th October 2009 06:39 PM
Re: DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Delhi College of Engineering has been accorded university status and now is Delhi Technological University. And it is indeed true that the admissions from 2010 will be based on AIEEE scores for Delhi as well as outside Delhi candidates. There will be no separate entrance exam conducted by it for admission to its programmes.
26th October 2009 05:49 PM
Naman Agrawal
DCE Examination 2010. Will it be based on AIEEE score?

Many Of My Friends Were Saying That This Year Dce Examination will Not Be Conducted And All The Students Will Be Selected On The Basis Of AIEEE exam And The Student Of Delhi Will Get 85% reservation. Is This True?

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