Thread: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students? Reply to Thread

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30th April 2019 07:46 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I have finished 10th in 2019. I decided to take biomaths in 11th.Is biomaths group is suitable for law profession.
24th May 2018 02:39 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I am a bio maths student. I am very confused with the courses after 12th which i have to take. So my question is that which are the courses for the biomaths student after 12th
11th June 2016 11:59 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

How many new courses are available in medical college which are very valuable?
23rd May 2016 10:47 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

Sir, I am a biomaths student who passed out with 60% . I don't want to go to engineering field . I wish to do something at medical field. With the range of my marks which all courses are easily available for me?
28th June 2015 10:21 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

i am a biomaths student iam confused to choose my carrieer, and i would like to work in technichal field, so please sugesst me your ideas to choose my carrieer with best scope and salary.
6th May 2015 06:42 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I am a bio-maths student i am confused to choose a wright course after completing 2 so please sugesst me your ideas to choose carieer,from both medicne and engineering with best scope and salary.
28th April 2015 01:55 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

iam a bio maths student. i like to join a professional course which have a large salary .please tell me which course is suitable for me.?
16th April 2015 11:10 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I am a bio maths student in tanilnadu but I wish to join CA directly.can i do like this? Then please told me which is the best college
6th August 2014 09:13 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

myself sakshi.i belong to rajasthan.i have passed 12th (cbse) in bio-maths with 60% i m agirl so my parents want me to study in my own city.i want to know what to do next.
1st June 2014 04:09 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I am a biomaths student. I like mathematics verymuch but physics i am not that intrested. So anyone please suggest an apt carrier for me. I am bit confused.
16th May 2014 09:57 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I have completed 2 in maths biology. My aim is to become a doctor. But my cutoff is not enough(i.e.,) 183. Which will be the best course that I have to take in medical line.?
1st May 2014 05:38 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

30th March 2014 04:22 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

iam bio math student iam righthing public examination ido not know degree cources for bio maths
23rd March 2014 11:36 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I am a bio math student & want to do ca,is it a good option to do after 12th?
19th March 2014 09:33 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I'm a 10th student. I'm confused that which sylabus should i choose for 11th and 12th, state or CBSE. Everyone is telling that CBSE is too difficult to study. The questions are soo difficult in the board exams. Because of this most of the students are getting low marks in 12th board exam, even those students who got 100% in 10th. I would like to select bio-maths. What courses are there which i can go rather than engineering and medicine?
I need the answers as soon as possible. Please help me. I need to give the admission before the classes start. It is very difficult to get admission for 11th.
22nd October 2013 01:07 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

Please give me name of xam that i would give for admission in bpt colleges...
17th October 2013 09:57 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I am a 12th bio maths student. I would like to study a different course other than engineering and medicine. Which will be the best course that I have to take. Please send suggestions.
15th September 2013 12:43 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

what are the career options for a bio math student
15th July 2013 01:13 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

dear friend.....

Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students

1.bpt (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)
2.B.Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy)
3.B.Tech.( Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology)
4.bds (Bachelors of Dental Science)
5.BSc course ( Bachelor of Science)
6.BSc course ( Bachelor of Science)
7.B. Tech.( Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology) in Environmental Engineering
9.B.Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy)
10.bams(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)
11.BSc course ( Bachelor of Science)
12.B.Tech.( Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology)
13.bpt (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)
14.B.Tech.( Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology)
30th May 2013 11:02 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

which all engineering courses can i go for after completing 12th as a bio/maths student?
30th May 2013 11:00 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

which all engineering courses can i go for after completing 12th as a bio maths student?
18th May 2013 03:57 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

I am a bio maths student .but I like to get CA .how I can get it?
30th April 2013 06:08 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

how much mark should i need to take Bsc biotechnology
30th April 2013 01:06 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

which are the courses that can be done after completing 12th with just 53% in bio maths
18th April 2013 08:45 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

i'm a bio and maths student. but i want to do computer engineering , would i get scope in it? can i join that course?
18th April 2013 08:45 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

i am bio maths student studying 12 th std which course can i take to earn good salary please suggest
13th April 2013 08:48 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

Which has more scope in india?bio related r computer related education.
13th April 2013 11:00 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?


Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

**B. Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy)

**BDS (Bachelors of Dental Science)

**BSc course ( Bachelor of Science)

**B. Tech. ( Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology)

**BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathyic Medicine & Surgery)

**BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)

**BE in Environmental Engineering

**BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)

best of luck!!!!!!!!

thanks alot!!!
18th March 2013 06:29 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

course that profide good salary after 2 for bio maths students
21st January 2013 09:12 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

Any professinal course for bio_maths student after 12th for girls
3rd October 2012 06:45 PM
tulika kansal
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students:-

>> BDS (Bachelors of Dental Science)

>> BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)

>> BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathyic Medicine & Surgery)

>> BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)

>> B. Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy)

>> B. Tech. ( Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology)

>> BE in Environmental Engineering

>> BSc course ( Bachelor of Science)

Best of luck..........
25th May 2012 03:12 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

What are the courses after taking biomaths after 10th and not interested much in medical field?
28th April 2012 11:55 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

what is bio technology?
8th April 2012 12:31 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

course after 12th for bio maths student which complete before 7 years with high pay scale
29th November 2011 08:55 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?


Since you have selected both Biology and Maths in 12th you can specialise in areas like biotechnology, bioinformatics etc. You have the option to go in for B.Tech or B.Sc course in these areas. If you plan to go for engineering then you need to appear for the entrance exams. Other than that you can choose to go for medicine or other branches of engineering. It is important to select the course that interest you the most.

28th November 2011 08:56 PM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

what are the courses after 12th
29th October 2011 11:14 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

why should i choose biomaths in 2
7th August 2011 09:55 AM
Re: Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

Since you have selected both Biology and Maths in 12th you can specialise in areas like biotechnology, bioinformatics etc. You have the option to go in for B.Tech or B.Sc course in these areas. If you plan to go for engineering then you need to appear for the entrance exams. Other than that you can choose to go for medicine or other branches of engineering. It is important to select the course that interest you the most.
6th August 2011 03:10 PM
Professional courses after 12th for Bio-Maths students?

i like 2 join a proffessional course after 12th which have large salary.i am a bio maths student

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