Thread: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy Reply to Thread

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29th July 2017 03:45 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

I am girl and i can directly join in the navy as a deck officer after 12th and after entrance exam
1st June 2017 09:46 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Hello sir, My name is Aastha I am want to join merchant navy but problem is that I am commerce student in 12th so can I eligible for admission
8th June 2016 06:01 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Helo sir,
My name is Samiksha I really won't to join navy.but problem is that in 12th I won't 52% so can I eligible for admissoonnn...I really won't to go...
15th May 2016 02:01 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have to go for merchant navy after my graduation what is the procedure for..?
Yes there is a procedure you can go for naval architect there is college IMU Visakhapatnam you can apply for
I m a student here you can contact me at [email protected]
18th March 2016 10:20 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

I have to go for merchant navy after my graduation what is the procedure for..?
9th December 2015 11:57 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

I am a girl I am interested in being as merchant navy as my father is an offshore deck fore men he wants me also to join in it but in some institutions they said that there is no applicancy of girls so I had to take ece I am in second year still iam interested in naval sources or any kind of field in it
4th June 2015 01:57 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

I want a join to Merchant qualification-H.S pass 62% & running graduate (B.Sc.general).. I really like this job..but why only give this opportunity for boys.why not girls..? Please sir give us a chance..
29th May 2015 09:18 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Can a commerce student (a girl) opt for merchant navy ?
8th December 2014 09:06 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

hello sir I completed my graduation with BA but I did intermediate by science physics chemistry biology ...but I wish to join navy ..plz suggest me
22nd July 2014 01:05 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Resoected sir/mam,
I am ranjita,
pursuing my mechical engineering degree, and have got 65%in my 12th st.
am I eligible to write upsc exam to join merchant navy.
22nd July 2014 12:58 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Hello sir,
I am ranjita,pursuing mechanical engineering degree nd I hav got 65% in my 12 th std.
am I eligble to write the upsc exam to goin merchant navy.
28th June 2014 08:20 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
every person is wrong I think my opnion there is a gud scope for grls in indian merchant form chef Anil Bajial
sir can you guide me what course should i apply for and what colleges would help
31st May 2014 04:48 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

why girls can only join merchant navy after doing graduation why cant after 12th standard plz tell me yhe procedure to join after 12th standard
13th April 2014 12:44 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

27th March 2014 08:36 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

respected mam/sir
please tell me. may i join in navy i have done B.A in english, sociology and political science with 58% marks...

pavitra sinha
1st March 2014 05:42 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Hello :-)
i m Vaishnavi......& wants 2 join merchant navy...... dis year i had given my final xams of 9th std ...........after 10th std i want to join merchant navy so plzzzz help & guide me sir plzzz !!
And i don't think so there sud b any restrictions 4 girls coz d SCENARIO had changed a lot !!
10th January 2014 09:42 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
dear child am a person who works as a deck cadet in a merchant navy vessel and ofcourse am proud to say that am a lady! think if u have the inner power that you can do the tuff life at sea then u r welcome onboard. many people wer there to disheart great "kalpana chawla" also. think if she can fly to space then why cant we sail on seas? build up physical fitness and mental toughness for taking up sealife. best wishes.
All da best madam and I am proud being a girl u r foing job in merchant navy , if a girl have guts to fly aeroplane, to go in space, than why not a ship , she can do it its our , mantality that how she stay for six months but its nothing .
19th January 2013 06:33 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Is there any scope in navy for girls and please tell about colleges for navy courses in india( in punjab)...........????
18th July 2012 07:25 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

yr y d hell gals cnt join navy after doing arts in 12????????????????????????????????????????????????
dts nt fair.......ek taraf kehte ho lg nw gals n boyz r sme dn kun boyz join kr skte h 12 k bd or gals graduatn k bd????ya fir sci strems se???!!!!!!!!
11th July 2012 01:13 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

yes grls cn jon merchnt navy...i m engineer officer in merchnt navy...nd i workd wit grls o n board so many times...drr is no issue weder u mail or fem.....anybody cn jong in india v hav sm procedure to follow 4 d addmission.....nd drr r so many myths regardng b clear wit dat....nd its gud nd safe life fr grls india so many coll...v have where v trained grls also...such as tulani..nd many more...
9th June 2012 12:00 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

hi dear,

definately you can join in Merchant Navy.

girls students can join in Merchant Navy after graduation.

to join in Merchant Navy, you have to appear an qualify UPSC exam.

through UPSC exam, you can join in Merchant Navy.

the criteria to attain in the UPSC exam is

minimum graduation in qualification with 55% marks.

age limit 21-29 years.

all the best............
8th June 2012 04:16 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

there's any scope for girls after 12th in merchant navy???
20th April 2012 03:49 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Hi, i want to know if there are any lady captains out there?
8th April 2012 01:10 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

hv passed my 12 wid PCM n scored 79% marks now studying interior design....
but i really want to join navy dere any chance of selection for me????
5th April 2012 11:46 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

dear child am a person who works as a deck cadet in a merchant navy vessel and ofcourse am proud to say that am a lady! think if u have the inner power that you can do the tuff life at sea then u r welcome onboard. many people wer there to disheart great "kalpana chawla" also. think if she can fly to space then why cant we sail on seas? build up physical fitness and mental toughness for taking up sealife. best wishes.
16th March 2012 09:03 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Originally Posted by subhash5687 View Post
there is no scope 4 girls in merchant navy so you can try for of luck dear
then in which field there are more scope for girls
11th February 2012 12:41 PM
[email protected]
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
ummmm m a girl n i want to join merchant navy. I asked from a institute they said that girls are not eligible for this field. If anybdy can hlp me thn said me a msg on [email protected] its a yahoo id
hey u can joim thid field...not many but there are some institutes that support female candidates...i m mysely pursuing final year in bsc. nautical science..u can try for amet university at chennaior tolani college at mumbai
31st October 2011 01:07 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Hi dera,

definately you can join in Merchant Navy.

girls students can join in Merchant Navy after graduation.

to join in Merchant Navy, you have to appear an qualify UPSC exam.

through UPSC exam, you can join in Merchant Navy.

the criteria to attain in the UPSC exam is

minimum graduation in qualification with 55% marks.

age limit 21-29 years.

30th October 2011 06:40 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Yes. after completing your,you can apply for Navy/Defense.
As you are a girl, I will suggest you that join the technical deptt.
And Sorry, you cant join air force when you are in 3rd yr.
25th October 2011 12:32 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

you have scope in merchant navy in following profiles. Marine Engineers Chief engineer. Second engineer. Third engineer. Fourth engineer ...
24th October 2011 03:39 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Hello Sir,my name is preet.I have a big dream to join merchant navy.Can girls join merchant navy.I'm doing B.Tech in C.S.E trade.Plz reply me sir.
22nd October 2011 06:16 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

hello sir,my name is preet.I have a big dream to join navy. Can girls join merchant navy. I'mdoing cse. Plz reply me.
10th October 2011 01:01 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

sponsorship dila do yar.pak gaya hu
9th October 2011 05:56 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

hi guys i hv big dream to join merchant navi because yaar I m brave girl
19th September 2011 11:46 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

ya m doin engineering in computer science branch .nd i got 65% in 12th std .nd nw i want to join merchant navy .what should i do .????????
8th August 2011 05:48 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

my friend you may apply for indian merchant navy, but in my point of it may not suitable for you as a girl, becauseas i know the staffs of Merchant Navy spent their 6 months on the deck.they have to go for long journey for 6 months continuously from one country to other country.
31st July 2011 01:55 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

unmarried female candidates of age less than 20 years are eligible .Those belonging to the SC/ST have this rule relaxed by about 5 yrs.
you must have completed +2 through any recognised boards
you have a wide scope in it if you get into the field
28th July 2011 11:19 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Hi dear,

definately you can join in Merchant Navy.

girls students can join in Merchant Navy after graduation.

to join in Merchant Navy, you have to appear an qualify UPSC exam.

through UPSC exam, you can join in Merchant Navy.

the criteria to attain in the UPSC exam is

minimum graduation in qualification with 55% marks.

age limit 21-29 years.

2nd June 2011 03:26 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

hello i have to join merchant navy nd i have 60% in 12th so can i join merchant navy after 12 or not
17th May 2011 01:58 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

i want to join merchent navy................................indian merchent navy is waiting for u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,nistha.{captain nishtha frm up ]
17th May 2011 12:45 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

can girls join merchant navy...........i want to join it............because i am fond of facing challenges that comes in life when u are in merchant navy,i want to live that life
11th May 2011 06:25 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

hello i'm shubhangi i wanna join merchant navy .
i'hv 61% in 12th wats the eligiblity to join it.
when the form avalaible plz send me a msg on shubhi.simmy.gupta9@gmail .com
help me plz....
10th May 2011 09:46 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

can a student appear in merchant navy
4th May 2011 03:11 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

i'm a plustwo science student.i would like to join merchant navy.would you tell me the steps.and the scope for girls?
1st May 2011 11:57 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I reuest to all girls -plz join the indian merchant navy , there is a gud scope

[email protected] this is my id
1st May 2011 11:54 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

I want a join to indian mercnat navy ,I asked a institue plz help me [email protected] this is my id
1st May 2011 11:50 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

I want to join in indian merchant navy from chef anil bajial,I think god help me
29th April 2011 08:11 AM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

i think there is no any scope for girls in Merchant navy.because as i know the

staffs of Merchant Navy spent their 6 months on the deck.they have to go for

long journey for 6 months continuously from one country to other country.
28th April 2011 09:00 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

I reuest to all girls -plz join the indian merchant navy , there is a gud scope

27th April 2011 04:07 PM
Re: Scope for girls in Merchant Navy

every person is wrong I think my opnion there is a gud scope for grls in indian merchant form chef Anil Bajial
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