Thread: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer? Reply to Thread

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13th June 2014 08:03 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

Hello i am seshasai doing EEE 3rd year
i am little bit confused with civilservices or doing M-TECH my father is saying ti do mtech but iam more intrested in civils
so please guide me which one i have to prepare
30th November 2013 03:08 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

how to enter indian custom pls tell me detail for sent my e-mail ( [email protected] )
pls provide it urgent !
21st September 2013 06:53 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

i am doing my btech cse can i get customs officer job
6th January 2013 06:57 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

hai.u will try to get a master degree .especially areo or design in areo bass.i think ur not eligible for Master in areo.but.u will eligible for in areo.try it .exam for design is Ceed.
6th January 2013 12:32 AM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

Hello sir, I am santosh doing CSE engg.. dis is my final year , actually my aim was to do aeronautical engg.. but unfortunately I dint get seat for tat.. so pls suggest me wat to do nw ? I mean ll it be a fair n worthy idea to try again for aeronautics or should try for civil services??
1st July 2012 10:02 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

Sir, i m a graduate from b.a political science hons. and after graduation at present time i haven't more job opportunities or may be i haven't found yet.
sir. as i belong to middle class family i have to earn and do job for earn some money but after graduate from political science where should go? really confused coz today in market the demand of professional courses like software hardware animation etc. if i change my line my political science may be useless for me. where should go please help...
12th June 2011 04:34 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

i m confused between engineering and civil service.both are good career but which is a better one with respect to today s outlook.plz help me.
1st June 2011 11:19 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

hello i am rajat.i am doing bba and my dream is to become an officer and i am confused between custom and civil service tell me what should i do
1st May 2011 02:24 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

hello im neha. I in final year B.E.(CSE). i would like to work in airport (other than airhostess & stewardess). plz guide and help me as to what i should do?
30th April 2011 04:53 PM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

Both are not anyway related to the degree what you have done

so the selection between custom services or civil services should be done by you only

the exam for the both will be same according to my knowledge the two services will be of the same exam


CSE(Civil service examination)

the general civil services are like IAS IPS IFS etc..,

in the same way the another civil service is there that is Indian Custom Services

this is all the stuff about the two services


11th January 2011 09:08 AM
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

You should go on your will not on fathers will.You should decide which type of jobs you like and which type you doesnot like.i think civil service is best amongst other officers grade.
10th January 2011 06:32 PM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

Well both are a good career option,It is all upto you to decide, but civil services is one of the respectable job in india. Its okay if you like it,dont think that your btech will be useless.It will have many applications in the long run.Everything is useful if you use it carefully.

So i would prefer you to go for the civil services.

All the best for your future!!

3rd January 2011 09:02 PM
Custom Officer or Civil Services? Which career option is better for a Software Engineer?

I am final year student of BE computer Science Engineering.
I am confused whether I should go into software field or custom department or civil services.
I like both the career ie as an officer or as an Engineer but I am confused which one to select.
My father likes the officer jobs rather than engineering jobs.
I am confused because I think that if I make a my career as an Engineer I would miss the officer royalty and environment but if I choose to be an officer my btech will be useless. Please help choosing the best option

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