Thread: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC? Reply to Thread

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2nd July 2014 05:00 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

my cut off is 143.75 can I get admission in anna university for aeronautical engineering
27th May 2014 05:58 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

my cet rank is around 11000 tell me whether i am applicable for AE course
13th May 2013 10:40 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

76.5 cut-off mark is eligible for annaunniversity council for bc-candidates?
10th May 2013 05:26 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

i got 177.6 aggregate.what college will be allotd in anna univ counselling for mbc
2nd October 2012 09:26 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

hi, this is nafeeza , many cut off marks should required to get admission for aeronautical in anna university.
5th April 2012 12:56 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?
16th January 2012 07:16 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

25th December 2011 12:38 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

cutoff marks reqired for aeronautical,csc,automobile in anna university. pls tell me
1st October 2011 10:49 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

cut off marks required for bio-tech (mbc)
29th August 2011 03:35 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how mch cut off mark for getting admission in anna universityh for compter science?
7th August 2011 07:37 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

Iam earned cut off 76.5 i elgible?
23rd June 2011 03:58 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

i m an oc.i got 184.5 aggregate.wat collg will i be allotd in anna univ counslg
23rd June 2011 03:55 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

i got 184.5 aggregate.i m an oc.may i know wich college wil i get alloted in anna univ counseling
29th May 2011 04:26 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How many marks required do needed for admission in anna university
20th May 2011 10:29 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much cut off marks are needed for joining in anna university msc 5 year coruse
20th May 2011 10:27 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much marks needed for msc 5 year course in anna university
18th May 2011 05:36 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

i comple in diplomo in civil enginering cut of 40 preasantage i am bc civil enginering anna univercity admission in latteral entry minimam cutof mark deatils
15th May 2011 10:26 PM
yogalakshmi sekar
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

To get admission in anna university,you should get more than 199 to get admitted in reputed courses like ece,eee,civil,mech,aero,e&i,cse,it of mbc category...

You should get atleast 199 as your cut-off to get admitted in aeronautical engineering of anna university...

All the best...

15th May 2011 02:03 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

what is the minimum cut off for B.Arch in anna university
15th May 2011 01:57 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

what is the minimum cut off mark for IT in anna university based collages
15th May 2011 11:28 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

my cutoff is 195.5 and i belong to sc. will i able to get a seat in anna university
15th May 2011 11:26 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

my cut off is 195.5 and i belong to sc community . will i able to get a seat in anna university
14th May 2011 07:12 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna university for computer science engineering ? Cut off mark for OC?
14th May 2011 11:24 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

what is the colleges available for 188.2% marks
11th May 2011 08:03 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much should i get in 12th to get in anna University for software engineering
11th May 2011 06:32 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much marks required in 12th to get admission in anna university for B.Tech(IT) course?cutoff mark for MBC?
11th May 2011 03:29 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for SC?
11th May 2011 03:15 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for SC?
11th May 2011 03:13 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for SC?
11th May 2011 03:12 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

11th May 2011 01:06 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much cutoff mark in biomecal engg conseling
11th May 2011 12:00 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for BE compeuter science? Cut off marks for sc?
11th May 2011 11:56 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

my cut off mark is 193.25 and I belong to SC. can i join Anna university?
11th May 2011 11:33 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

My cut mark is 121 .. am BC .. Can I get an engineering seat in anna univ based colleges?
11th May 2011 11:30 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

I am Vinithasree , my cut off mark is 89.5(BC). can I get an B.E(IT) in counselling in anna university ? and also which college i prefer in erode and coimbatore distric
10th May 2011 06:38 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

Am Akshaya FC. My cut off mark is 169.5. Can I wait for counseling in Anna University? If so, can I get ECE branch?
10th May 2011 06:29 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

my cut off is 171 and i belong to BC..whether i can join in anna university main campus??
10th May 2011 06:14 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much marks required in inter to get admission in anna university
10th May 2011 02:42 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much cut off marks needed for BC to join in counselling
10th May 2011 02:36 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

i got aggregate mark 76 in 12th std.i am belong to M.B.C .it is possible for me to get admission in anna university for B.ARCH
10th May 2011 02:34 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

i got 176 aggregate in 12th std iam M.B.C , if i can get admission in anna university
10th May 2011 01:51 PM
karthika lakshman
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how much marks should be scored by a candidate in 12th to join anna university
my register number is 147180
9th May 2011 11:22 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much cut-off marks is needed to join in anna university guindy- any stream
9th May 2011 09:55 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

is the cut off marks 154.56 is enough to join in annauniversity?
9th May 2011 04:52 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

I am pavithra BC,my cut off marks 182.25.which course available in B.E anna university?
9th May 2011 12:53 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

Total Mark 1049, whether I can get seat in Anna University
9th May 2011 11:27 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

How much cut off marks for aeröatical in anna university for mbc
9th May 2011 11:15 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

my cut off is 181.where i will got the seat for B.E in salem
9th May 2011 10:42 AM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

what is the cut off mark required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for engineering cource for OC
6th May 2011 07:29 PM
Re: How much marks required in 12th to get admission in Anna University for Aeronautical Science course? Cutoff mark for MBC?

how much marks required in 12th to get Aeronautical engineering?cut off marks of BC?
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