Thread: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE? Reply to Thread

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21st June 2015 10:08 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

I'm in class 11 science and i always a big dream to be a mechanical engineer . what should i do and where n what should i study.?? What will my annual expenses?
Please help n xplain detail
Thanks n regard.
17th December 2013 02:44 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

my son has finished his 10 th std in icse sylabbus with a percentage of 84. but now he is studying in 11th std stateboard sylabbus. when did he going to take
the coaching for iit course
14th July 2013 12:24 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

i am in 11th now, and i want to crack JEE exams with flying colours, how should i start my preparation??
i was not able to score good marks in my 10th board exams, so will i be able to do well in my 12th board exams??
1st July 2013 12:43 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

The main differences between IIT and AIEEE are :

1. IIT stands for Indian Institute of Technology.
AIEEE stands for All India Engineering Entrance Examination.

2. Through IIT exam, you can get admission into top reputed IIT colleges after qualifying this exam.
Through AIEEE, you can get into top NITs colleges.

3. IIT exam is conducted by the IIT college itself.
AIEEE is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
30th June 2013 10:40 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I m not doing any coaching but its my Passiom 2 select in IIT JEE.

If you are not going for any coaching then its very much important that you make a time table and follow it. You need to have very strong determination and focus
You need to spend around 2-2.5 hours each day on each subjects

Following books you would like to refer.

- H. C verma and Resnick Haliday for Physics
- Comprehensive Chemistry by pradeep publication for chemistry
- M.L Khanna for Maths

All the best
30th June 2013 10:38 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i've passed 11th now.i want to prepare for iit jee. i need the study materials.could you tell me?

IIT JEE material is available in market
If you want to prepare on your own, then you should choose the following books

M.L Khanna for maths
H.C verma for Physics
Resnick Haliday for Physics
Comprehensive chemistry ( subjective and objective ) for chemistry,

Alternatively you can join any good coaching center.

Try to solve as many mock papers as possible.

all the best
30th June 2013 10:33 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?


Both IIT and AIEEE was engineering entrance exam

IIT JEE is conducted for getting into IIT, IT BHU and ISM Dhanbad
AIEEE was conducted for NITs

Now AIEEE does not exist.
Admission to IIT and NIT is done through IIT ( IIT mains and IIT advanced )

for joining IIT Guwahati after 12th, you need to appear for IIT JEE and get rank around 2500.
The higher rank you get the more choice you will have

all the best
12th May 2013 11:27 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

i've passed 11th now.i want to prepare for iit jee. i need the study materials.could you tell me?
10th August 2012 08:49 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

I m not doing any coaching but its my Passiom 2 select in IIT JEE.
13th June 2012 05:47 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

The basic difference between IITJEE and AIEEE is that IITJEE is meant for admission to the prestigious IITs and AIEEE is meant for admission to NITs, IIITs and also colleges in the state of candidates since 10% of the seats in the states are reserved for aieee.

Another difference is that IITJEE is much more tougher than AIEEE.

The only way to join IIT Guwahati after 12th is to crack the entrance exam IITJEE.

No. Your choice will play the least role in deciding which IIT you will be going to.
It is solely dependent on your rank.
10th June 2012 07:24 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

IITJEE is held for admission to the best engineering institutes of India-the IITS(15 in total) spread all across India.
AIEEE is held for ad,ission to the NITs and 10% of the seats in each and every state of India is reserved for AIEEE cadidates who get admission according to their state rank.
No, a student cannot choose the IIT according to his choice but his rank decides which IIT and which stream he is eligible for.
10th June 2012 07:13 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

The difference between IITJEE and AIEEE is that IITJEE is held for admission to the best engineering colleges of india- the 15 IITs situated across India.
AIEEE is held for admission to the NITs and it also fills up 10% of the seats in all the states' colleges.
8th June 2012 07:18 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

AIEEE and IIT-JEE are the two top most Engineering Entrance Exams in India.
They are different from each other in some aspects.

Questions are mostly based on the concepts and formulaes directly. You are required to go into deep.
This exam is gateway to NITs, IIITs and other deemed universitites.
Questions are based on the concepts but they are not straightway. You will to study the question carefully and then apply appropriate concepts in that question. It is little bit typical than AIEEE.
This exam is gateway to IITs and some other institutions that accept IIT-JEE ranks.

If you had got good rank in IIT-JEE. You will be called for counselling and then you can opt for your desired college i.e. IIT Guwahati, Assam
28th May 2012 04:27 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

can i wright iit-jee entrance exam by taking aieee course in inter?
5th May 2012 11:09 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

sir i am going to join a coaching who mainly prepares for iit jee not focus on aiee should i join it as i want to score good in aieee if i joind it is there will be any problem in scoring good marks in aieee.please tell me as i am very much confused .
10th March 2012 06:09 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

one have to choose the field of commerce or science after 10th so that to appear in iit exams.
11th February 2012 09:16 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

i am an average student scoring in 80s can i crack iitjee? i'll be appearing for jee could u suggest some good coaching instituions in delhi?
11th November 2011 12:46 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

Sir,There are lot of differences in between both the entrances that is among IIT and AIEEE
there are differences between them but can be considered as minor differences only
Their quality of service is almost equal .
pay scale
the average pay scale of IIT is higher when it is compared to NIT
fee is less in IIT's than in NIT's
Talent you achieve in IIT is more than in NIT anyways this is not of big difference
As a whole IIT is best when compared with NIT
6th November 2011 08:45 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

30th August 2011 11:58 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

hi friend,

iit-jee is the entrance for the iit in the country and AIEEE is the entrance exam for

the NITs in the country . to enter iinto IIT guwahati ,you should qualify iit-jee

Atfer clearing IIT-JEE ,on the basis of your rank and your choices put for counselling

they will give you the seat in iit
23rd May 2011 02:29 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

what are the qualifications of IIT exam?how can i enter in the exam?
4th May 2011 04:33 PM
yogalakshmi sekar
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

if u want to join NITs and other state governmental technical institutes,attempt AIEEE

if u want to join preliminary IITs,attempt iit-jee exam...

IIT-JEE is more complex than AIEEE..

u can select iits in your own,if u get more cut-offs in IIT-JEE exam

IIT-JEE is the toughest exam in india...


4th May 2011 12:41 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

Yeah There are lot of differences in between both the entrances that is among IIT and AIEEE

there are differences between them but can be considered as minor differences only

Their quality of service is almost equal .

pay scale

the average pay scale of IIT is higher when it is compared to NIT

fee is less in IIT's than in NIT's

Talent you achieve in IIT is more than in NIT anyways this is not of big difference

As a whole IIT is best when compared with NIT
4th May 2011 11:34 AM
kapil vij
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Debjyoti Konwar View Post
What is the difference between AIEEE and IIT entrance exams ?
How to join IIT Guwahati after 10+2 ?
Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE??
IITJEE is the exam conducted by the group of seven IIT colleges, these are considered as the top institutes in india.
and AIEE exam is conducted to opt for various colleges in india, which are also reputed but not as much as IITs are.

so clearing IITJEE is every students wish, but not all the wishes come true.
so to get admitted in IIT you have to study hard, concentrate on concepts and focus on your aim. Otherwise you won't be able to qualify it.

You can't opt IIT with your own choice untill and unless you are the top scorer in the entrance exam. so you willl get colleges according to your score in the IITJEE entrance exam.
best wishes.
4th May 2011 11:26 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i wrote iit and aieee,my brotherinlaw asked me what is the difference in quality,payscale,campus selections,fee,tallent.,various differences between iit and aieee.please tell me.
Yeah There are lot of differences in between both the entrances that is among IIT and AIEEE

there are differences between them but can be considered as minor differences only

Their quality of service is almost equal .

pay scale

the average pay scale of IIT is higher when it is compared to NIT

fee is less in IIT's than in NIT's

Talent you achieve in IIT is more than in NIT anyways this is not of big difference

As a whole IIT is best when compared with NIT


3rd May 2011 10:19 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

i wrote iit and aieee,my brotherinlaw asked me what is the difference in quality,payscale,campus selections,fee,tallent.,various differences between iit and aieee.please tell me.
10th April 2011 12:56 AM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

IIT-JEE is the entrance for IITs.
AIEEE is entrance for NITs and some private institutions..
Difference between NITs and IITs is funds difference,exposure difference there by payscale difference...
After clearing IITJEE,you can select the IIT you want during counselling....(provided your rank is good enough to choose the concerned IIT and the branch).
8th April 2011 12:35 PM
Re: Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

why shpould i join iit
13th February 2011 08:22 PM
Debjyoti Konwar
Difference between IIT JEE and AIEEE exam? How to join IIT Guwahati after 12th? Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE?

What is the difference between AIEEE and IIT entrance exams ?
How to join IIT Guwahati after 10+2 ?
Can a student choose the IIT of their own choice after clearing IIT JEE??

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