Thread: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad? Reply to Thread

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17th August 2013 07:44 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

There is good scope after Biotechnology in India and Abroad;-

Biotechnology has grown rapidly in last few years.

As we all know that Biotechnology is applied in agriculture,food science,medicine.

Biotechnology is basically a manipulation of organisms to do practical things to provide useful products.

It is also used in recycling and treating of wastes.Organic products like beer,milk products are manufactured using biotechnlogy.

When biotechnology is applied in so many things,it is obivous that it will have a great scope.

After M.Tech in Biotechnology,there are enormous opportunities in both government and corporate sectors.

Opportunities exists in research fileds and various industries like chemical industries, bio-processing industries, agriculture related industries and pollution control activities of the major industries etc.

In future India is considered to be the Biotech capital of the world.It is estimated that in next few years,India would be requiring biotechnologist in huge numbers.
As a whole,Biotechnology will make a good future.

All the best......................
17th August 2013 06:35 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Biotech is not very career oriented course in India. Even if you do m tech you may not get decent jobs in the biotech field, but you may end up getting placed in other fields like IT. I would suggest you do an mba finance hr or marketing from a good institution, you can get placed in a decent job and you can also get an opportunity to work in biotech companies in management or administration part of the companies.
17th August 2013 11:31 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Sir.I have completed my in biotechnology..and am planning for mtech.will it be a good choice to take mtech in industrial biotechnology. ? What are its job opportunities. ? Or any other branches in biotechnology for masters which has good job opportunities right after studies. Please please me...waiting for your reply
21st July 2013 12:21 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

i have got selection in Biotech NIT Jalandhar .I was preparing for MBBS in Kota. should i join Bech or continue my preparation for MBBS-- sony
12th May 2013 10:24 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

I am little bit confused about the negative answer given someone. so anybody who are really in good status by taking bio tech as their stream can give their suggestions. can u please give me the clear answers. as i was fully confused i need a professional in bio technology to clear my confusion. can u?
29th October 2012 01:11 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

i m pursuing biotechnology from amitu university . i got an academic break n m confused either i should continue d degree or not .m in 3rd year and if i continue what should i opt for d further options which could make my career . please help me out m bit confused . i m interested in going abroad ,should i prepare for gre/gmat, or opt for 1 yr course in ms biotechnology......?please reply ASAP.
13th July 2012 09:53 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

I have also applied for the integrated B-Tech + M-Tech Biotechnology at Amity but am scared to take it as my friends and elders say that there are many unemployed biotechnicians in india but scope is gud abroad . Secondly Amity is deemed to be university so my friends say it might lead to a invaluable certificate .
29th June 2012 01:38 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

i hav finished my 2 exams right now i hav an idea of pursuing btech biotechnology can any1 plz tell the job scope plzzzz
22nd May 2012 12:39 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

I am a second year student of B. Tech in biotechnology and biochemical engineering, kerala university. I would like to pursue studies and researches in the veterinary medical field. Is that possible.? Either in india or abroadc i have heard that one can go for MS in any field of study after B. Tech in any stream. Could you please inform me more about thesec. Thankyou.
14th April 2012 02:22 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?


For Food Inspector, you must be a graduate in Medicine or, should have graduation in Science with Chemistry as one of the subject or, a graduation degree in Agriculture/Pharmacy/Bio-tech degree/Veterinary Sc/Food Technology/Dairy Technology.
So, yes, you can apply for Food INspector post if you meet the minimum eligibility criteria.

6th April 2012 11:18 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

I want to pursue my career in biotech so can you tell me if VITEEE is good or not
31st October 2011 11:56 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

dear friend,
After completion of in biotechnology you want to go for course in the same field.

For that you have to qualify the GATE exam..

After qualifying in GATE exam you can take admission in course in bio-technology field..

Bio-technology course is an emerging field... It has a huge scope in future..

So, you can go for the course..

All the best...
31st October 2011 08:34 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

don't be in dark..........the fututre of biotechnology is only on tongue..........really believe me........really struggling career.........decision is ur's.........
31st October 2011 04:30 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

You can persue from best institutes of India like-

hi its good to do m tech
the institutes offering r
IIT-M,IIT-K,IITD :they are considered the best among IIT'S for biotechnology,they provides world class facilities,you know that more then 60% lab equipments for IIT's are imported from Japan,then why to go for abroad.Admission is through GATE entrance,you have to crack it with very well score,you will be also offered scholarship for it and integrated P.hd program is also there after cracking GATE with good scores.
19th October 2011 04:19 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

are bio technology students getting better jobs?
26th September 2011 02:20 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

find the best universities where mtech can be done
26th August 2011 08:11 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

im doing my final year in btech biotech..can i go for forensic studies with this eligibilty...??what type of courses do i need to study???
what are the career opputunities for biotechnologists in forensic sciences ??
17th August 2011 10:55 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

hello, i want to know the difference between biotechnology and MS biotechnology?? nd which is better for doing after biotech?? please help me.. i will be very thankful to u..
13th August 2011 10:32 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Hello Sir,m pursuing Btech(biotech) n m in 4th year,I wanted to knw abt the colleges providing integrated mtech(biotech)-Ph D???plss reply asap.....
27th July 2011 07:37 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

sir , can u please tell me which brach should i be choosing to pursue my masters after completing my current 4th yr in btech biotech? i have given my GRE and scored 1260. my toefl exam is impending. i really love biology and wud like to pursue my masters in the US. Hence please guide me regarding the selectiion of an appropriate branch...any branch that will let me grab a job right in the US after my masters. please guide me. also , my campus placements are impending, though they are all s/w companies. should i take up the software job and let go of biotechnology ?
21st July 2011 02:47 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

hello i am in my first year msc biotechnology i would like to know if there is any scope for biotechnology in india?if there is any scope for jobs after post graduation?wat r tha career opportunities in this field?kindly reply
13th July 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

which course is better integrated Ph.d in biomedical sciences or biotech.............Plzzzzzzzzzz....reply..
9th July 2011 04:57 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

dear friends,
if you are planing to do in biotechnology then you are going to commit one of the biggest mistake of your life unless your are very rich guy, if you belong to a normal family then never do it.I am going to give you
6th July 2011 02:48 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

sir i have done bioinformatics from panjab univ. chandigarh and i m selected for biotech(3 yrs.) in gautam buddha univ greater noida. Should i go for it, what is its value now and 3 yrs from now...will i b able to get a good job with decent salary...plz reply soon i m very cnfused about it. thank u
2nd July 2011 12:21 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

30th June 2011 02:19 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

I am a B.Sc BT student and I want to become a scientist because its my dream from my childhood. But the word 'confusion' is still on my mind about the way that i should do to achieve my goal. So will you please give me some or complete advice or suggestion on my present and future condition? Thanks with regard....
27th June 2011 01:12 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

pl let me know b tech biotech degree providing colleges in maharashtra. Is there any entrance exam for it
25th June 2011 08:12 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

hello sir,i got a seat in b tech biotechnology in shaheed udham singh college,tangori.,punjab....nd m very much confused dat whether i should go for it....nd i want to know dat whether it has a shining scope in punjab or not and in which fields,nd is it suitable for teaching line.............please help me out nd plz answer soon
25th June 2011 07:19 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

hello sir,i got a seat in b tech biotechnology in shaheed udham singh college,tangori.,punjab....nd m very much confused dat whether i should go for it....nd i want to know dat whether it has a shining scope in punjab or not and in which fields...........please help me out nd plz answer soon
25th June 2011 07:17 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

hello sir,i got a seat in b tech biotechnology in shaheed udham singh college,tangori.,punjab....nd m very much confused dat whether i should go for it....nd i want to know dat whether it has a shining scope in punjab or not and in which fields...........please help me out nd plz answer soon
18th June 2011 01:09 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?


I am doing botechnology from IIT kgp.. I want to know how can I pursue my carreer abroad... Where and when to apply??? What is the GRE score I should obtain to get good institutes?? Will I be required to pay any fee for Phd there or will I get the stripend??? Are there any companies abroad I can get in??
17th June 2011 12:10 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

hello, i want to ask that is it ok to do biotech from amity or not?
12th June 2011 12:45 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

i have done my biotechnology from icfai university.nw m planning to do mtech biotech from amity it rite option to do so??
what are the future prospects for amity mtech biotech or simply mtech biotech??? please help!!i have heard that after mtech biotech also there is no job oppurtunities in R&D . MOST of the biotechnicians either change there field and some went outside india.and some still unemployed.and those who are also employed earning 7-10,000 per month after there mtech also.what is the trur condition or scope of mtech biotech?? should one opt for mteh biotech after btech to get a good job with good salary and if one dint have any plans for phd??
31st May 2011 12:27 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

i have done btech in biotech now what should i do mtech in same field or switch over to MBA
30th May 2011 08:03 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

where is the scope of biotech. in india ? someone told about pharmaceutical companies , it is not true , pharmaceutical companies donot take biotech. candidates , whoever wrote about the scope , can you justify . bioteh boom has not come in india , and it will not come laso in next 20 years . so , think , before yo take biotech as your career option ,if you lot of money to complete higher studies.

Originally Posted by rrmohantysmile View Post
look dear, there e a ample of scope in india and abroad but as you have asked for the scope abroad and that too precisely japan, then i will like to inform you about some of the few things in breif about japan the technological aspect is very good and futuristic. if you have certain inovativeness in you then it is better to continue and give shape to your dream research as well as do your mtech from japan and more over you can search the various colleges in japan on google that is not at all any issue to worry about and about the scholarship you can check the prime minister's scholarship for the same cause of yours do keep in mind the money expence that you are going to make there if that does not bothers you then its fine and as well as various scholarship updates are avaliable in the latest employment news edition just want to tell you that if you are seeking a career abroad then you may get it but you may then face a lot of problems instead you can do the same over here with ease. mtech is an applicative field of biotechnology where you have to think and do more and more of experiments and research which is qute different from that of the bsc biotechnology. i hope i have helped you to some extent and for more details do write to me. bye wishing you good luck
19th May 2011 01:31 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

please tell whether mba hr or mtech biotech is better for btech biotech student from amity university?
9th May 2011 06:41 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

i have taken taken dual degree in biotechnology in amity university is it good...
30th April 2011 04:35 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Yes you can do it by giving GATE can do it in same field...
28th April 2011 01:04 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

i have completed my 2 i have intrest in btech biotechnology can i prefer it....what is the scope of getting jobs and plz tell me the salary.....
18th April 2011 01:49 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

hello, i m a 3rd year student of btech biotech. i want 2 knw if shld furthr go 4 mtech,MBA or MS from biotech...wat r scopes of dis field n is it good 2 pursue my career in india or abroad...wt job wil i get in future n is going abroad better....
18th April 2011 01:38 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

M a 2nd year student of biotech...m studying in chennai...plz advise me wheather i should go 4 in biotech or MBA or MS from biotech...m realy confusd...shld i plan 4 going abroad 4 pursuing my career or shld i try in india itself..i've there's less job scope in biotech in india..plz do tel wat is scope of biotech n where in future i can get job by continuing my career in it better 2 go abroad?
3rd April 2011 04:21 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

what are the job opportunities after persuing M.Tech in biotech? plz give me the list of job opportunities thanx
19th March 2011 09:31 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Originally Posted by Rica Das View Post
Hello Sir...I am pursuing a course in in biotechnology.I am currently in 3rd year at Amity University.I am actally a bit confusd regarding whethr to pursue in th same field in india or abroad.Which out of the is better?If abroad hen which country has a better scope in biotechnology?What are the scope for getting the scholarships abroad? I also want to know the scopes of integrated PhD programme in the same field?I'll be gratefl to you if u answer y question as soon as possible.plzzzzzzzzz.........try to give me the orrec information as soon as possible.thank you.
Better scope is there in abroad.
for this you have to appear in GRE.
so start preparing for it if you are really interested to make your careers in biotechnology.
US, UK, Cnada are the leading countries in biotechnology.
for scholarships u can have updated informations on d link
20th February 2011 02:04 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Guys , please advice me on some facts on amity .

1. ) Is the placement in the M.TECH Biotechnology? I mean they say 100 % guarantee .

2. ) Why do people say that you will have problem in future if you do from this university ?

Will there be a problem in future , please advice me soon .

Thanks .
19th February 2011 11:54 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

10th February 2011 12:00 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

is it necessary to do in biotech aftr biotech.........????? z nt enough for getting a good job????? plz tell me as soon as possible .......m in final yr n as m nt able 2 decide whethr 2 search fr a job or
25th January 2011 12:06 AM
Aradhana Sahu
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Should i do M.Tech in Biotechnology after completing B.Tech in Biotechnology. What is the scope of B.Tech Biotechnology
22nd January 2011 12:18 AM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

sir its necessary to do M.Tech(Biotechnology) after B.Tech(Biotechnology)???n also tell me what is the scope after B.Tech(Biotechnology)?plzz do repl.....
30th August 2010 03:11 PM
rajesh gupta 1
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

Hello friend;

As you are pursuing in biotechnology from Amity

University.So you go to pursue in the same field.

For this first you have to crack the GATE and take admission.

After that you go for the job in laboratories
24th August 2010 12:25 PM
Re: Should I do Mtech in biotechnology after doing btech in biotechnology? what is the scope? India or abroad?

I have completed my btech biotech now i want to do Ms Biotech from Japan Kindly tell me which is the best university and eligibility.
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