Thread: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore Reply to Thread

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26th February 2020 11:59 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

I am Vikash Bisoyi, I am studying, Berhampur,odisha) 3rd year. I want to do 4 weeks summer training in HAL Bangalore.please kindly give me the information*...
2nd February 2017 05:46 PM
Magdalene Christilla
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

My name is Benjamin Kings, studying aeronautical engg. in Sathyabama Unversity, Chennai. I want to do my inplant training at HAL, Bangalore for 7 to 10 days (March 2017). Request you to send the details to my mail ID: [email protected] and my Mobile No. is 91761 65431. Pls help.
29th April 2016 04:03 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hello, We are students from Tamilnadu, pursuing 2nd year in Aeronautical Engineering.. we would like to attend
the implant training provided by HAL -BANGALORE, so, could you please tell us how to apply implant training at HAL. Also, please let us know about duration of training. Thank you.
26th February 2015 12:47 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

hey, I am right now doing in mechanical I am in 4th sem. I want to take summer training at HAL in Bangalore. Please tell me how can I apply for this. My 4th sem will over 1st week of June, I have a vacation of two please inform on [email protected]
6th February 2015 10:06 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

my name is sneha singh.I am in third year student of aeronautical engineering.please reply me for training in hal.please suggest me best division of hal.
6th December 2014 04:15 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

hello sir, my name is Ritesh Jena and i am a 3rd year aeronautical student and i want to know about my eligibility for doing intensive in HAL. And i want to know the procedure for that.
17th March 2014 12:57 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

My name is shivakumar. I am a B.E (E&E) Graduate completed B.E in 2013 now doing M.Tch 1year(Electrical DrivesAnd Embedded Control.).
I want to do intership training in your company.please kindly give me email [email protected],moblie number 9488889219
12th March 2014 04:15 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

hello sir
im doing B.E 3rd ETC from nagpur can i know what is the procedure to appear for entrance exam in HAL? and
im willing to do internship in HAL..... [email protected]
thank you
25th January 2014 04:41 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

sir,my name is dantesh,now i am studying 2nd year mechanical,i am intrested in summer internship in hal please send details about that to [email protected]...
11th January 2014 02:11 AM
Re: Summer internship for in HAL, bangalore

I am a student of central institue of plastics engg. and tech. continouing my in plastics engg. i need an summer training to improve my skills in this field of engineering.
21st November 2013 01:36 PM
Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Respected Sir,

I am a B.E. final year student of Aeronautical Engineering under Anna
University, Chennai. I wish to know if I can do my final year project
in HAL, Bangalore division and if there are any internship opportunities
for next 2 months.

I wish to carry out either of these two (depending on approval from
Head of Department) as my project work:

• Study on generation of the noise of turbojet engines and methods of
• Use of Adaptive materials for thrust vectoring

I would be really grateful if you could tell me the application procedure.
Thanks for your precious time
27th September 2013 07:49 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Me sowmya mvjce 3rd year ece want 2 join hal internship in jan 2014
30th June 2013 03:59 AM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hi Mukesh

As you may be aware there are not many company you can do intern with.

I would advice you to search for people who are working in these sector via facebook or LinkedIn.
These people would be able to tell you, which division would be good for you.

If you want to intern with HAL, you can mail your CV to the HR.
Or if you have any source/relative/friend working with HAL at good level, you can ask them to push your CV to respective HR.

All the best
15th May 2013 10:39 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

I am B.Tech student 3rd year IT from NITK Surathkal(Mangalore)and looking for summer training for 6-8 weeks during the months of may to july 2010 in Bangalore.
Please let me know few companies in Bangalore where I can apply for Training.
Thanks in Advance.
25th March 2013 03:45 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

I am B.Tech student 2nd year AEROSPACE from SRM UNIVERSITY(CHENNAI)and looking for summer training for 2-3 weeks during the month of JUNE 2013 in Bangalore.
Please let me know few companies in Bangalore like HAL (my mail id: [email protected]) , where I can apply for Training.
Thanks in Advance.
7th November 2012 03:05 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

what is the procedure to get into the internship programme at HAL kindly guide me on the documentation needed for the same .
3rd November 2012 12:27 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Dear SIR,
i'M Studying 3rd B.E. Mechanical,i want to get an opportunity of summer training in HAL or NAL, please inform me the procedure and give the contact details of HR dept and TRAinINg dept. For cantacting me my mail id is [email protected]
31st March 2012 12:01 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

I'm a student of b-tech 3rd year(electronics engg.).
I want to do summer training in ur company.please kindly give me details.
30th March 2012 09:17 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Sir ,
I am a student of Govt Polytechnic Sirsa (Haryana) I am student of Diploma in Mechanical Enginering (2nd year) 4th semester. I want to know about any programmes for Mechanical Engineering in HAL. Is there any vacancy for 2nd year students.

I will ever grateful to you

yours sincerely,

Pooja Kumari
30th March 2012 09:03 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Sir ,
I am a student of Govt Polytechnic Sirsa (Haryana) I am student of Diploma in Mechanical Enginering (2nd year) 4th semester. I want to know about any programmes for Mechanical Engineering in HAL. Is there any vacancy for 2nd year students.

I will ever grateful to you

yours sincerely,

Pooja Kumari
26th March 2012 05:21 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

dear sir,
i want to join summer internship training in the summer vacation for two month. At that time i am second year mechanical engineering student.sir kindly request to you please inform me soon.
thank you.
23rd March 2012 08:17 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

sir, i m a 3rd year electronics student.will u plz tell me where we can apply for internship of 4 weeks.pls mention site where we can get more about these things.thank u.
19th March 2012 12:29 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

i am a third year electronics s communication student.i want my traing in hal for 4 please send me the procedure for training.
9th March 2012 11:52 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

My name is ashish. I am in 3rd yr of ECE Dept. i want to do intern in HAL. so please let me know the procedure and the application form to apply in mail id is
[email protected]
2nd March 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

im ambuj 3rd year student of instrumentation engg.sir i would like to do a summer training from indian oil corporation(refinery),mathura...
can u pls suggest me the procedure for it
3rd February 2012 04:51 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

i m 3rd year mechanical engineering student.plz send the details regarding summer internship program in hal for the year 2012 at [email protected]
15th January 2012 09:19 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Summer training is of 3-4 weeks long,which is offered in the month of june-july every year.

Only the 2nd & 3rd year students are eligible for it,you have to contact HAL authority because, summer training is provided only to a team from a college i mean not a single student is allowed for,so are required to get nomination fom your college also,contact the principle or chanslor of you institute.
15th January 2012 03:42 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hi Dear

For INternship in HAL company

First you go to your college placement cell and get one permission letter
and give to the company HR department for approved.

Then you go for training in HAL company........................
14th January 2012 11:06 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Summer training is of 3-4 weeks long,which is offered in the month of june-july every year.

Only the 2nd & 3rd year students are eligible for it,you have to contact HAL authority because, summer training is provided only to a team from a college i mean not a single student is allowed for,so are required to get nomination fom your college also,contact the principle or chanslor of you institute.
9th January 2012 03:10 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Respected sir,
I m abinash pradhan doing 3rd yr B.E in EEE ,mits(odisha). i want to do summer training in HAL,so please suggest me, what are the procedure to do summer training in HAL.
my id-:[email protected]
24th December 2011 11:18 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hi sir,
Im in 3rd year of in instrumentation and control. could u please guide me on how to go about the summer training? After procuring the training letter from college how to apply to a company? and does recommendation/reference play an important role?
Thank you
24th December 2011 11:15 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hi Sir,
Im in my 3rd year of Instrumentation and Control. Could you please guide me on how to go about the summer training? After procuring the training letter from the college how to apply to a company? And does recommendation/reference play an important role?
Thank you
24th December 2011 11:11 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hi Sir,
Im in my 3rd year of Instrumentation and Control. Could you please guide me how to go about the summer training? After procuring the training letter from the college how to apply to the companies? And does recommendation, references play an important role?
Thank you
23rd December 2011 06:24 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

hello sir, im 3rd year student from EEE branch . just now i got over 5th sem exams and im intrested to join this training but i heard tat this training is held at month of june july month ,also for oonl 2nd and 3rd year students..... is it right ?
then in month of this coming january there will not be any training or what sir? if its their means please pleaseeeeee give me a details about it. and also can you tell which are the company going to give trainings .
sir i'l be waiting for your repl please dont neglect this msg
15th December 2011 07:02 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

4th November 2011 05:30 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

what is the procedure for doing final year mechanical engineering in your company (HAL), BANGLORE.
27th September 2011 11:34 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hi dear,

Summer training is of 3-4 weeks long,which is offered in the month of june-july every year.

Only the 2nd & 3rd year students are eligible for it,you have to contact HAL authority because, summer training is provided only to a team from a college i mean not a single student is allowed for,so are required to get nomination fom your college also,contact the principle or chanslor of you institute.

27th September 2011 10:07 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

where could i get to do CFD Aero related projects in india ... please e mail me on [email protected]
Shashidhar A L
17th September 2011 05:01 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

I completed aircraft maintenance engineering course. How to get job in hal
26th July 2011 10:19 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

I'm a student of BE 3rd year(Aeronautical engg.).
I want to do summer training in ur company.please kindly give me details
26th July 2011 10:13 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Respected Sir,
My name is Nilesh C Jaiswal student of BE 3rd year(Aeronautical engg.).
I want to do summer training in ur company.please kindly give me details. How to register for training ??????

[email protected]
19th July 2011 11:21 AM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

sir,i am the student of aeronautical engineering, currently in fourth year. please suggest me ,is am eligible for getting training in Hal . If so, please reply me best division to prefer . My email id is [email protected]
19th July 2011 11:09 AM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

My name is mukesh. I am in the fourth year of aeronautical engineering. Please reply me regarding eligibility for training in Hal . If so , please suggest me best division to be preferred for training.
16th July 2011 08:17 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

sir im doing b.e 3rd yr (industrial and production engineering) in davangere.. can you please tel me the procedure to appear for entrance exam in hal? [email protected]
14th July 2011 09:00 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hello sir/madam m student of 2nd yr MBA.......want to do an summer internship for 4 weeks in hal wats d procedure...........
14th July 2011 03:58 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

I am a B.E (E&E) Graduate completed B.E in 2008 M 2.5yrs Experienced ,Nd Compltd CCNA Course Wana Work in Good H/W Company or S/w Company so please suggest me a good job,wish to start my career in S/W Field
8th June 2011 12:47 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

hello mam/sir... m studnt of 2nd yr from electronics n communication branch...wanna do major training n its of 45 dayz..hw can i apply for dis's my major traing so i m xpecting i shud do from some reputed place....
5th June 2011 08:06 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Hai, i'm 3rd yr mechanical student from Bangalore, is there any internship opportunity in HAL??
30th April 2011 03:29 AM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

how can i contact with HR cell of HAL
28th April 2011 03:17 PM
Re: Summer training for 4 weeks in HAL, bangalore

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I m frm EX (BE-3rd yr) . sggst me training companies frm where i cud get?
hii, you will get an internship, from the tcs,cts, infosys..

you write a reques letter to them, if you do well chances of getting placed there only.
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