Thread: Aieee barch marks and rank Reply to Thread

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16th May 2013 12:43 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank


Dear Friend,
Dont worry,
your result is so good,
In general if you score between 800-1000,then you
can get good colleges in India,
to take admission in top colleges you have to scre between 500.
so you may get chance in NITs
Jadavpur university also offers for B.Arch etc..
Good luck
21st November 2012 10:38 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

what are marks required to get double digit rankin barch
25th July 2012 07:26 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

sir i have secured 85 marks in b arch can i get manit bhopal
15th June 2012 06:36 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

Hi dear,

Dont worry,
your result is so good,
In general if you score between 800-1000,then you
can get good colleges in India,
to take admission in top colleges you have to scre between 500.
so you may get chance in NITs
Jadavpur university also offers for B.Arch etc

12th June 2012 08:24 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

My B Arch 2012 AIR is 23037, SC category 1466 Kerala state general 1423 and category 47.
Shall I get admission in NIT Calicut?
18th May 2012 09:03 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i got 104 marks for paper2 aieee, sir do i get admission in nit calicut?
31st March 2012 04:02 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

what the expected cutoff marks in aieee b tech\arch 2012???
30th November 2011 01:08 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

Dear Friend,

Dont worry,

your result is so good,

In general if you score between 800-1000,then you

can get good colleges in India,

to take admission in top colleges you have to scre between 500.

so you may get chance in NITs

Jadavpur university also offers for B.Arch etc..

Good luck
1st October 2011 03:12 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

please give me the result of j&k in aieee B.ARCH
21st September 2011 01:12 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

dear friend,
you may not get good colleges with this marks but definitely you can get some private college .you have to appear for the counseling.
your rank will be displayed and according to that you will get enrolled
14th July 2011 12:20 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

Hi dear,

Dont worry,
your result is so good,
In general if you score between 800-1000,then you
can get good colleges in India,
to take admission in top colleges you have to scre between 500.
so you may get chance in NITs
Jadavpur university also offers for B.Arch etc..

12th July 2011 02:26 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my aieee rank is 565493 can i good colleges
16th June 2011 10:57 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i have got state rank 2500 .will i get manit bhopal
16th June 2011 01:49 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i hav all india rank in b.arch 31346..n also state rank in catgry waht would be prference for me a better clg
14th June 2011 03:11 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my aieee rank is 30177, can i get good colleges . suggest some?
13th June 2011 11:23 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

Firstly congrats for your good marks.
As you say you have 290 marks in AIEEE B.Arch .so i think your rank within top 1000.
And you will get any of top Govt College.
So Hope so you will find one of the best college in India.
12th June 2011 12:19 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i got 85 marks in b arch, my cast is st pleaze....... tell me can i got nit collage
10th June 2011 11:28 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

sir my air is 31,438 category rank 7542 state rank 2614 category rank 601 can i get get admission in nit or govt college.
10th June 2011 06:37 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my aieee b arch air- 15990 and category-3632
which colledge can i get?
10th June 2011 02:49 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

can u give me list with ranking of all architechtural colleges particupating in AIEEE councelling 2011
10th June 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

[QUOTE=Unregistered;729526]my rank details All India Rank
Overall 674338 57892
Category 382761 35817
State Rank
Overall 16958 2032
Category 6189 742
will i be able to get in any nit? or what type of college

ya you cant get nit but you have a chance of geting some best private collages
10th June 2011 02:19 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

sir i am from tamil nadu .my aieee state rank is 5809.will any possiblity of getting ssn,cit for chemical engineering
9th June 2011 10:13 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my aieee b.arch all india rank is 43353 and state rank is 1107 can i get admission in nit or govt college plzz help me
8th June 2011 10:54 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

hello sreemayi,
i am sure u could get a seat in SPA-Vijayawada or Bhopal,, and in some of the NITs like , hamirpur,.....
8th June 2011 10:32 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

[My AIEEE Barch AIR is 8900, AIR Category is 1923, where can i get admission?
8th June 2011 04:34 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

I got 1789 alindia rank in b.arch aieee in which college can i get seat
8th June 2011 03:57 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

sir i got all india rank 33000 in aieee b.arch if i get set in nit or not pleace tell me category wise 2691
8th June 2011 03:50 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

sir igot 33000 rank in barc if iget seat in NIT or not
8th June 2011 02:42 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i have 125 marks in barch which collages i have nits or not
8th June 2011 01:58 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

I got 1603 rank overall. i m frm delhi. Which colegge will i get in b.arch?
8th June 2011 01:23 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

sir i have 167 marks in AIEEE 2011 B ARCH entarance exam. so can i get good govt college like MANIT bhopal for B ARCH.
8th June 2011 12:57 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i hav got 1236 all india rankin b.arch n 610 in state...i m from andhra pradesh......which clgs i may get into.......plzz do respond
8th June 2011 11:37 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my AIEEE-2011 B.Arch rank is 530 in all india level. In which best college of west bengal i get admission? please suggest. urgent.
8th June 2011 01:15 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

iv got
state rank[A.P]-7593
state rank -4590
in aieee b.arch
do i stand any chance of getting into any of the nits or good arch colleges........?
n which colleges do i stand a chance in b.arch............?
plz help me out....plz........
7th June 2011 11:13 PM
Sumit Ahujaa
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

In general if you score between 800-1000,then you
can get good colleges in India,
to take admission in top colleges you have to scre between 500.
Thanks to contact us!
7th June 2011 01:20 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i got 6500(AIR) and 4500(category) in aieee b.arch...! can i get into any govt college?!!?
7th June 2011 01:16 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i got 6500(AIR) and 4500(category) in aieee b.arch ...can i get into any college??!!
7th June 2011 10:52 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

i am from Delhi, i have got 98 marks in b.arch aieee 2011 .... is there any chance to get good college in delhi....????
7th June 2011 12:01 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

My air ranking 16905..
Categ0ry rank1029
state rank 259 and bel0nging t0 SC there any chance f0r getting admissn in NIT
pls email at [email protected] (its urgent)
6th June 2011 08:38 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my AIR in B.Arch 2011 is 26972. AND cat rank is1872. state rank is 1554.state cat rank is 91.i m a sc student .pls tell me the colleges.pls pls pls
6th June 2011 07:27 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my aieee b.arch all india rank is 743.. will i get spa delhi at this rank???
6th June 2011 04:50 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my state rank(w.b) is 390. scoring 169 marks. seeking admission into best NIT college.please help me..
6th June 2011 01:12 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

My aieee b.arch state rank in category 265 in haryana and overall its 11628 can i get any govt. College in delhi or haryana please tell me on [email protected]
6th June 2011 09:51 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

which NIT should I expect for an AIR 2035 for ab arch?state rank(wb)is 56
6th June 2011 09:34 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

which college can i apply with score 152
6th June 2011 01:10 AM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

hi , i have got 422821 rank in b arch & 8100 rank in state & 5000 in catogery.... where would i get seat please reply me...........
5th June 2011 11:25 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my aieee b.arch all india rank is 43353 and state rank is 1122 can i get admission in nit or govt college plzz help me
5th June 2011 07:40 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

my rank details All India Rank
Overall 674338 57892
Category 382761 35817
State Rank
Overall 16958 2032
Category 6189 742
will i be able to get in any nit? or what type of college will i get ?
5th June 2011 06:53 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

hey...i hav GOt 1568 Rank im m.p. State...!! Cn i get some gud MaNIT bhopal...?? plzzzzz HelP me...
5th June 2011 04:48 PM
Re: Aieee barch marks and rank

tell me which college i will get as i got 34000 rank all india
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