Thread: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce? Reply to Thread

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21st March 2015 03:15 PM
baggu helper
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Hello Sir,

To get admission in Aieee dec, there are only 15% of sheets are filled up. On the other hand it totally depends on you category that you belong. On the basis of category you can get many relaxation in many of fund and even in marks. Your score should be in between 1 to 2000. So on my suggestion it is best for you and go for it.

Thank You.....
20th July 2013 10:35 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

I belong to sc category nd my air rank in aieee is can I get admission in nsit
7th July 2013 08:39 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i have got 6500 rank in delhi in general category,,, sir can i know in which college(govt.) i can get admission...
7th July 2012 05:40 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Sir, watz the minimum rank to get admission in dte-2012.??
1st July 2012 07:19 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i have got 233 marks in aieee where can i get best mechnical
29th June 2012 10:50 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i got 9300 aiee rank and 983 delhi state rankwill iget admission to dce
24th June 2012 08:36 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

14th June 2012 07:39 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Hi dear,

I am not sure about the marks but i am sure about the rank. From this year onwards DCE is admitting on AIEEE basis so there will be a stiff competition in order to get into DCE.

According to DCE main website, there are around 900 seats for all courses and there is 85% reservation for delhities and rest for all india quota. So you may need a rank in top 5000 to get into DCE. So work hard for AIEEE and try to get in top 5000

14th June 2012 02:25 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

dear sir ,
i have scored 208 marks in aieee and
over all rank -11703

category gen -9729
state rank -1201
category rank-1118
can i get mnit or dtu
i am resident of delhi
13th June 2012 01:28 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

sir,i got 84 in aieee....which college i may get?
11th June 2012 09:19 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

I hail from Kochi and my aieee rank is as follows:
all India
state rank-12167
what are my chances and how nearest would i get?
10th June 2012 09:42 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

my AIEEE AIR rank is 60460(GE) and state rank is 5123 in which college of delhi ncr i can get admission in mechanical , electrical & electronics , electrical , computer science
3rd June 2012 12:21 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i wnt to get admission in dce.hw mny no. rqd in aieee fr gt admsn.i blon obc ctogry
24th May 2012 09:02 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i hv predicted to get my aieee rank in btwn 50000-75000.can i get adm in dce?
22nd May 2012 06:18 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

attaing 31000 rank in AIEEE. WHICH NIT COLLEGES CAN I GET ?
21st May 2012 08:26 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

I appeared in aieee exam 2012 and solved 181 marks out of 360 i sufficient to get admission in nit or otherwise if
I sufficient to get admission in nit collage may be intimated please.
19th May 2012 08:17 PM
[email protected]
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
sir,what is the minimum marks for aieee 2010
120-125 marks
my friend got civil engineering in 134 marks
you can get lower branches around 120 marks if u are a sc student
13th May 2012 10:15 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

sir can i get nit raipur by getting 137 no. in aieee 2012. I am from general category.
11th May 2012 11:46 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

min marks required for outsider(sc/st) to get admission in dce
10th May 2012 02:58 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

if u r frm delhi, you will get dtu below 10,000 rank. It means a score above 200 in aieee . But you should be frm delhi only, unless you have to score 250 above if u are an outsider of delhi.
10th May 2012 01:26 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

CTET stands for Central Teacher Eligibility Test.

CTET exam is conducted by CBSE for recruting teachers for students from1 to 8th .

These exam is conducted Once every year.

For 1st to 5th :-

You need to have passed the senior secondary with at least 50% marks .

You can also apply if your in the final year of Diploma course.

For 6th to 8th:-

You need to have completed graduation in any streams with at least 50% marks.

The exam consists of 2 papers.

First paper for class 1st to 5th and seconf for class 6th to 8th.

The exam is of 150 marks.

If you are interested in teaching for both the batchs then you need to appear for both the exams.

There is no age limit for this exam .

So you can apply at any age.

Application forms will be available from November.

Last date of applying will be last of November.

Last date of applying through post is 30th of November.

Exam will be conducted in the month of Janurary mostly in the last week .

If you want to apply for the CTET exam online visit the official web site of CTET exam that is:-

Important dates for CTET 2012:-

Sale of CTET Information Bulletin with Application Form at Designated Branches of Syndicate Bank/other Banks Institutions against cash Payment only. List available on CBSE Website.-05.11.2011 to 25.11.2011

Online Submission of application through CBSE website or :- 01.11.2011 to 25.11.2011

Last date for Receipt of Application / Confirmation Page in CBSE office:- 30.11.2011

Issue of admit card:- 03.01.2012 to 12.01.2012

Applications not received cases (contact CBSE)*:- 3.01.2012 to 12.01.2012

Date of Examination :- 29.01.2012

Paper 1 10.00 to 11.30

Paper 2 13.00 to 14.30

Centre of Examination:- As indicated on the Admit Card

Declaration of Results:- By 06.03.2012

Dispatch of CTET Certificates / Mark Sheet :- By 31.03.2012
9th May 2012 02:33 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i m getting 150 marks in aieee 2012....... wat rank can i except ???
any chances for me to get selected in dce ???
plz plz plz reply.....
9th May 2012 12:55 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

I secured 119 marks in aieee 2012.sir,what would be the best colledge for which i should apply
6th May 2012 09:31 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I got 33089 AIR & 4313 in state level......& belong to general catagory!!
what college can I get???
can I get any NIT or a good IIIT???
plz reply as soon as possible/
i think if u blongs to general and got 33089 rank then u get any iiit or nit it's imposible so plz. contect any good private collage as srm, noida etc.........
4th May 2012 09:03 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

2nd May 2012 09:20 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

sir ia= am getting 163 marks in aieee obc can i get seat in nit
28th April 2012 10:43 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Dear friend
There is a good chance of getting admission in DCE if your AIEEE AIR is below 2000.
But, the seats for AIEEE is only 15% so you must see the other option as well. If you don't get mechanical in DCE then at these rank you can choose IT from IIIT hyderabad.
Thank You
28th April 2012 09:17 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Originally Posted by Akhil Rajeev View Post
Sir i have got only 52 marks in AIEEE 2010.Is that mark is enough to get an admission in NITs .i belong to general category
No dude...52 is not enough to get admitted in NITs. better luck for the next time.
26th April 2012 01:24 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i m from delhi, how much i should score in aieee to get admission in dce..??
22nd April 2012 04:25 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Dear friend
You can apply for DCE on the basis of AIEEE score after the results of CEE DCE 2010 declared.
The 15% of the total seats is filled on the basis of AIEEE score.
Assurance of admission in DCE can only be given if your All India RAbk in AIEEE is below 2000.

Good Luck
11th April 2012 02:08 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

sir if 15percent are filled by aieee then the rest ones ?
8th April 2012 12:00 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i blong 2 sc ct.i got 120 out of i get a govt colleg in delhi.?if yes,den plz name d colleg.
27th March 2012 11:42 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Minimum Cut-off depands upon from which cateory do belongs.

General is required to score more,Backward communities are required to less,that why dont get into that just remember what rank you have to scored.

For DU minimum 30,000 all India rank is required.
20th March 2012 12:20 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

what is the minimum rank and marks in AIEEE to admission in dce? i m belongs to delhi.
20th March 2012 12:13 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

what is the minimum rank in AIEEE required to get admission in dce? i m belong to delhi.
2nd March 2012 07:47 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

is there any form for dce also??
27th February 2012 11:01 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

hello sir. i am an outside delhi, what will be the minimum mark's or rank in aieee to get admission in dce
17th January 2012 10:20 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

RAnk reaquired is under 2000 to get admission in dce..or nsit
12th January 2012 01:09 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

dear sir,i am preparing for aieee 2012 ,if i got marks between 220-240 then will i get dce? please reply !!
9th January 2012 08:38 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce? aieee...and general category so i want to much..marks..i should get to get into aieee.????
3rd January 2012 09:36 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Dear friend
at this marks your rank would be around 20,000. For Dce one would have to get rank within 2000 roughly.
however, you can get some of the NITs(like Patna, Jamshedpur, srinagar) and Sastra Thanjavur at this rank

All the best.
20th December 2011 01:42 AM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

sir i m aspecting 230 marks in aieee..pls predict my rank..obc catgary..can i get dce mech?
19th December 2011 12:33 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

is delhi college of enf
17th December 2011 04:14 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i want to know if 240 marks is sufficient enough to get dce
1st December 2011 12:08 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Dear friend
You can apply for DCE on the basis of AIEEE score after the results of CEE DCE 2010 declared.
The 15% of the total seats is filled on the basis of AIEEE score.
Assurance of admission in DCE can only be given if your All India RAbk in AIEEE is below 2000.

Good Luck
25th November 2011 10:31 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Dear friend
You can apply for DCE on the basis of AIEEE score after the results of CEE DCE 2010 declared.
The 15% of the total seats is filled on the basis of AIEEE score.
Assurance of admission in DCE can only be given if your All India RAbk in AIEEE is below 2000.

Good Luck
6th November 2011 03:15 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

1st November 2011 11:49 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

Delhi College of Engineering is one of the finest institutions in India, and is presently the 13th in rankings.

If you wish to study in this , then your AIEEE rank must be below 5000 AIR.

Still the seats of this college fills up very fast and rapidly. So make sure, n give the AIEEE paper your best shot. so that you can even get a course of your choice.
1st November 2011 08:33 PM
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

i will get either 360 or 36 in aieee. can i get into dce?
19th October 2011 08:20 AM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Minimum marks or rank in aieee to get admission in dce?

hi dear,
There is a good chance of getting admission in DCE if your AIEEE AIR is below 2000.
But, the seats for AIEEE is only 15% so you must see the other option as well. If you don't get mechanical in DCE then at these rank you can choose IT from IIIT hyderabad.

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