Thread: List of good institutions for UG(Biology) Bangalore vicinity? Reply to Thread

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19th June 2017 09:03 PM
Re: List of good institutions for UG(Biology) Bangalore vicinity?

I have got 1500 rankings in veterinary practicals can I get government seat ? (Category-3B) no any specified quotas.
28th April 2014 11:03 PM
Re: List of good institutions for UG(Biology) Bangalore vicinity?

my daughter has completed bipc 10 2 course at nellore AP ( biology , physics, chemistry ) can she join BS 4 yrs course at iisc bangalore without mathematics. she did not appear for any entrance tests till now. can you suggest better options for ug
22nd December 2012 11:11 PM
Re: List of good institutions for UG(Biology) Bangalore vicinity?


List of good institutions for UG(Biology) Bangalore vicinity---------------

1.bangalore mediacl coll.
2.christian medical coll.
3.grant medical coll.
4.osmania medical coll. johns medical coll.
6.madras medical coll.
7.univ. of hyderabad
8.jipmer coll.
9.goa univ.
10.gargi coll.

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10th October 2012 01:30 PM
Re: List of good institutions for UG(Biology) Bangalore vicinity?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My son is studying presently in Class XII in Bangalore with P C M B as subjects. He is very keen to study Biology at undergraduate level.

Can you suggest good colleges for studying Biology at undergraduate level?

If your son is so much interested in Biology then their are lots of courses in which he can take admission. List of such courses are:
  1. BSc
  2. Biotech
  3. MBBS

MBBS is professional high level course and your son can do it if he wants to make career in medical field as a doctor.

BSc is a graduation course and your son can have lots of opportunities after it like:
  1. Banking
  2. Teaching
  3. Scientist
  4. Research

It depends on his capability how far he can go in this.

Biotech is another option which he can chose if he wants to make career in development and maintenance of health care domain.

Colleges offering such courses are:

  1. Oasis Institute of Health Science and Research Center, Pune
  2. EduProz Insititute of Professional Studies, West Delhi
  3. Hindu College, North East
  4. School of Basic and Applied Sciences Manipal Campus, East Sikkim
  5. Padmanava College of Engineering, Sundargarh
  6. Faridabad Institute of Technology , Faridabad
  7. Goa University, South Goa
  8. Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
  9. Centum Learning Limited - Bokaro
  10. Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode
  11. Indian Institute of Forest Management - Bhopal
  12. Gargi College, North East

  1. University of hyderabad.
  2. JNU,New delhi
  3. Rajiv gandhi centre for biotechnology
  4. Institute of chemical technology
  5. Guru govind singh indrapastha university
  6. National dairy research institute, karnal.
  7. GB panth university of agriculture and technology
  8. University of kashmir.
  9. Banaras hindu university.
  10. MS university Baroda.

1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
2. Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), Delhi
3. University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, Delhi
4. Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore
5. Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune
6. Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), Delhi
7. JIPMER College, Puducherry
8. B.J. Medical School, Ahmedabad
9. Grant Medical College, Mumbai
10. Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal
11. Seth G.S. Medical College, Mumbai
12. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi
13. Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata
14. King George Medical College, CMM Medical University, Lucknow
15. Institute of Medical Sciences, Varanasi
16. Bangalore Medical College (BMC), Bangalore
17. Christian Medical College (CMC), Ludhiana
18. Madras Medical College, Chennai
19. B.J. Medical College and Sassoon Hospital, Pune
20. St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore
21. Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research, Kolkata
22. Faculty of Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
23. Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati
24. Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
25. Stanley Medical College (SMC), Chennai

16th January 2012 09:40 PM
List of good institutions for UG(Biology) Bangalore vicinity?

My son is studying presently in Class XII in Bangalore with P C M B as subjects. He is very keen to study Biology at undergraduate level.

Can you suggest good colleges for studying Biology at undergraduate level?

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