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16th June 2013 02:25 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?


In government sector there are many areas for a cse student.









11th April 2013 04:43 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

Nitin Goyal
Now i am persuing in [cs]3rd year,so i want tell you about my career .Bcoz i am not learn the language
so plz sugg .
2nd March 2013 08:28 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

i got 80 percentile or 28 marks in GATE 2012.Now plz tell me how to use this gate score for mtech or job.
27th February 2012 08:47 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

Hi friend......

I appreciate you for choosing CSE(computer science and engineering) as your option because it is one of the best course in engineering

It is one of the best group where you can cover all the syllabus including some electronic subjects

Now coming to job oppertunities in CSE there are lots and lots of better oppertunities in that course in both govt and in private sectors.

Here are some of the govt oppertunities and private companies

Govt oppertunities

-Banking sector
-Civil services.
-Indian Army
-Indian Air-force
-Indian Navy

For the above govt sectors we have to write written examination which are kept by their own companies.
written exam dates are given by companies which are noted in newspaper.

Jobs in Private field


For this private companies you have the major rounds such as

-Written test
-technical round
-group discussion
-personal interview

I wish that you will get placed in one of this companies.

good luck

all the best
23rd February 2012 04:50 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

You have the opportunities in government sector

As a computer engineer you can apply for the technical posts in various departments

Recent notification from AP police department to recruit stipendiary cadet trainee posts

Qualification : BE/B.Tech / diploma in CSE EEE IT ECE Automobile
Age limit :21-25 years as on 01-07-2011

Physical ability :

For men : height - 162 cm & chest - 84 cm
For women : height-152.5 cm & weight - 40 kg

Last date to apply :15-03-2012

Filled applications should be given in range police offices in the following centers


All the best
5th November 2011 08:26 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

hi,,,,,,,,i am mastram meena 4th yr cse student nd i want to go in metro rail field so plz tel me the exam procedure
24th September 2011 08:29 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech information technology ?
7th September 2011 08:43 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

where we could find the syallabus for the examination held in govt. sector for c.s. engineeres?
31st August 2011 02:28 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

I complet BCA i find gov, job in computer sector can you tell me any web site , i check the that type job..
13th August 2011 10:00 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

55 percentage in cse so i get any job?
16th May 2011 03:24 PM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

hi prakash, there are many areas you can have jobs are listed below:

  1. BSNL(bharat sanchar nigam limited)
  2. ISRO(Indian space research organisation)
  3. DRDO(Defense research and development organisation)
  4. ECIL(Electronic cooperation of india limited)
  5. AAI(Airport authority of India)
  6. SAIL(Steel authority of india)
  7. RRB(Railway recruitment board)
  8. UPSC(Union Public Service Commission )
  9. CDS(Combined defense service)

All the best.
16th May 2011 01:08 PM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

hi friend,

There are many government jobs for engineers. You can apply for IAS conducted by UPSC. You can also apply for many posts like-
Joint Secretary and Legislative Council
Technical Assistant, Technical Officer, Technician
Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Asst Admin Officer, Associate Librarian, Section Officer, Research asst, Stenographer
Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Asst Admin Officer, Associate Librarian, Section Officer, Research asst, Stenographer
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
Assistant Registrar, Senior Assistant

Also you can for BSNL JTO exams etc,.,

Best wishes ,
8th May 2011 11:00 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

Originally Posted by buddhi prakash View Post
my name is buddhi prakash bairwa studying in (computer engineering), 2 nd year. in future i want to go in govt. field. pls tell me in which field i can make my future.
You can preffer some companies like BEL,Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd (TCIL), ERNET India etc for govt sector jobs. you can also go as a scientist engineer in ISRO which conduct a exam every year for scientist engineers...... thank u.
5th May 2011 09:21 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

i'm doing my ug on computer science engineering....actually i'm interest in electricals and electronics side mainly on i'm thinking of doing my pg on both of my interest(electricals) and present my core(computer science)....what is the better option of group to do this?????
19th March 2011 09:50 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

what type of government job are available after completion of in computer.
14th January 2011 02:16 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

what are posts in govt sector for experienced computer engineers?
2nd January 2011 06:53 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

sir.pleace send syllabus for ntpc,ongc,bhel,ies,defence,drdo,army,navy,airforce ,SAIL,
bharath petroleum in only computer science students
18th December 2010 08:27 PM
mini rani
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?


There are many ways in which you can join government organizations & PSUs.

You can join nationalized banks directly as a specialist officer or by applying as a PO.

You can join government services by appearing in civil services exam conducted by UPSC. You can also appear for Indian Engineering Services exam.

You can join government organisations by applying for the specific job posts like BSNL JTO post.
18th December 2010 02:31 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

Dear friend

following are the good government sector in which you can join:
1.indian army
2.indian air force
3.indian navy
7.Metro rail etc
Best of luck
17th December 2010 04:25 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

iam naveen i want to know syllabus details for jto exam in cse
23rd November 2010 01:36 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

i am a student of BCA , I want to go for AIMCET(all india MCA enterence test) ....but i have no math in hs 2 stage.....but in BCA i have two Math paper am i eligible for it?
20th November 2010 09:12 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

asian fobes
9th October 2010 04:14 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

am karthik
bro i hav completed (cse) i want 2 know whether am eligible for bsnl,nd other govt.sector
3rd October 2010 09:53 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

u should go for civil services, banking sector, and cds u may apply....................
3rd October 2010 01:21 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

these are good sectors.
keep an eye on
2nd October 2010 05:27 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

I m 3rd year student in cs.I got 2nd class.which government jobs are good after B.E.
2nd October 2010 11:36 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

how to crack GATE for CS&E
2nd October 2010 02:19 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

i have completed my ( bro can u find any govt. job ......i belongs to s.c category
29th September 2010 04:16 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

how cs student can entry in ntpc.....
28th September 2010 05:43 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

We generally tend to link computer engineering to the private sector. There are lots of opportunities for computer engineers in the government. Almost all sectors require them. Some companies are Bharat Electronic Limited, CDAC, etc.
28th September 2010 03:22 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

Originally Posted by buddhi prakash View Post
my name is buddhi prakash bairwa studying in (computer engineering), 2 nd year. in future i want to go in govt. field. pls tell me in which field i can make my future.
all the govt jobs for are good depends on you which you crossed .you should well prepared for there written interviews,GD
ok best of luck
27th September 2010 10:40 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

dear friend,
First i appreciate your thinking.
No doubt the Government jobs will be better for you after completion of your
B.Tech in CSE.

Some goverment sectors are:
Indian Army/Indian Air force/Indian Navy
OIL etc.

But friend, it is very difficult to get a job in government sector because seats are very few in these companies for CSE student.

If you were the student of core department like ME,EE,ECE etc then there will be so many seats for you.

But you can take preparation for it when you will be in 3rd year.
But you can appear in either in 4th year or after completion of your degree.

good luck.
27th September 2010 09:03 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

Hii !!

Well friend...You may face difficulties in joing govt. sector..making Comp. Sc as your basis of need to give PSUs and UPSC exams to get into govt. sector...

but am sure that there are innumerable chances to go into govt.sectors...

good luck !!
27th September 2010 04:44 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

ello dear

Job opportunities in Government Sector for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers are given below

they can join in the given below govt sector








all the best..........
27th September 2010 04:35 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

you may join as a JTO in BSNL. it is a very good government job for computer science engineering student.
also there is so many good government company which recruit computer science engineer.
you may join in army, navy, indian railway etc.
best wishes.
27th September 2010 04:32 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

you may join as a JTO in BSNL. it is a very good government job for computer science engineering student.
also there is so many good government company which recruit computer science engineer.
you may join in army, navy, indian railway etc.
best wishes.
27th September 2010 12:07 PM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

you may elligible for any kind of GOVT exam.why u can choose Civil service exams...its better for u.but Computer subject is not there...otherwise u give the correct Qn? for ex whether i am elegible for this exam ok.
27th September 2010 10:59 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

There are many government jobs for engineers. You can apply for IAS conducted by UPSC. You can also apply for many posts like-
Joint Secretary and Legislative Council
Technical Assistant, Technical Officer, Technician
Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Asst Admin Officer, Associate Librarian, Section Officer, Research asst, Stenographer
Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Asst Admin Officer, Associate Librarian, Section Officer, Research asst, Stenographer
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
Assistant Registrar, Senior Assistant
27th September 2010 08:54 AM
Re: Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

national informatics center is very well suited for an computer science graduate,
you should also try your chance in organizations like iocl and bhel
all the best
27th September 2010 01:37 AM
buddhi prakash
Which Government Sector Jobs are good for B.Tech Computer Science Engineers?

my name is buddhi prakash bairwa studying in (computer engineering), 2 nd year. in future i want to go in govt. field. pls tell me in which field i can make my future.

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