Thread: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)? Reply to Thread

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22nd July 2013 01:16 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

which subject i willl take CSE or IT ? which one have more value
22nd April 2013 01:40 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Please tell me that which is better for girls (IT) or (computer science)?
13th September 2012 03:46 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

how much perctange required for it job in infosys fir freshers?it jobs how many
29th August 2012 04:29 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

hi my name is manjay kumar i want to join the b tech ( information technology) so please tell me about any good open university
7th August 2012 08:55 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

31st July 2012 12:55 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i passed 10 2 exam ths year,,,, plz telll me, abt me smthng about it..n tell me the benifit of ths stream..............
Btech IT deals with softwares,Computer programming like c/c++,java,php,javascript etc.
this branch is taken as equivalent to computer science.
It has wide scope as you can get secured job in IT sector i.e. software MNCs like TCS,Infosys,Accenture,IBM,Wipro etc. These companies offer handsome packages to the freshers too.
So this stream has great career opportunity.
To make your furture in IT you have to first clear entrance exam after 12th so as to take admission in Any IT based engineering college.
All the best....!
14th July 2012 05:50 PM
ankur bana
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

no equal but..
B.Tech is an engineering degree comprising of 4 years of studies. A Btech in Computer Science gives you the opportunity to work in any area in the computer industry - i.e. hardware or software. These may be in application, development or system software. Jobsavailable range from System programmers, Systems analysts, application programmers etc. The range is wide and scope high. You couldlook at various companiessuch as Oracle, HP, Wipro. IBM, Compaq etc.
The IT industry prefers to have either BTech / Mtech / BCA / MCA / Diploma or Masters in Computer Sciences etc. However one should choose a career not dependent on degree as much as the aptitude onehas for and interest. Degree can also be obtained for indepth knowledge in the field.
16th May 2012 08:20 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Friends i finish my 12th exam.i join college for confusion.because IT OR B.TECH C.S which is best
20th April 2012 11:07 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

what is the procedure of IAS Exam?
9th April 2012 12:45 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

i have passed b tech in IT engg. from hindu collage of engg from sonipat

i wanted to private jobs in ncr dehli
plz help me
preeti chawla( sonipat)
30th March 2012 07:13 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

No need to worry about this (cse) and both are equivalent but not in some times.

If you go for PSU only CSE students are eligible to apply this is not for the IT students.

you need not to worried
about it, you can try for other
govt. sector jobs like
Indian Army/Navy/Air force
Indian Railways etc.
So no need to worry you have a good future.
All the best for your bright future.
17th March 2012 11:38 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

i m a 1st year -IT student...should i change my branch to CS if i get chance....?
9th January 2012 02:13 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

can mca student get job in psu company and any other gov company
17th December 2011 02:47 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

BSc.IT is equivalent degree to B.Tech in computer science for Govt Job PGT(Information Practices)
8th December 2011 11:59 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by gauravbhushan View Post
Hi frens..!!

Please help me I am trying for govt. job on the basis of B.Tech. (IT), m i eligible for jobs mentioned as B.Tech. (CS)/equivalent...??

I'll be highly thankful if someone can provide me any kind of help in this...
Dear friend,

you are definitely eligible for wherever there is mentioned that B.Tech(cs) or equivalent.

go ahead with out any hesitation.
best of luck
11th November 2011 01:36 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

B.Tech (IT) and B.Tech (CS) are equivalent if you want to get job in private companies provided if you are from a good college only.if you are from a college that falls under average they are not going to be the same.

B.Tech (IT) and B.Tech (CS) are not the same for all govt., jobs.It depends on the job you are applying for.
For example: B.Tech (CS) is eligible for Civils but not B.Tech (IT
23rd September 2011 06:34 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

hi friend,

Both cse and it in are equivalant. Syllabus some what different from 6th semister.

Both are same to elgiible for goverment jobs

In some instance of jobs most of the jobs are available for both B.Tech(CSE) & B.Tech(IT) in IT is different from the in CS,
but both are the equivalent degree,but both are not same ,both are same in degree but different in the subjects. you can go in many sector by this branch just like thatl
ONGC- oil and natural gas corporation limited
CDAC- center for development of advance computing
BEL- bharat electronic limited
government companies
NIC- national informatics center
SAIL-steel authority of india limited
NPCC- national projects construction corporation limited
20th August 2011 07:21 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

In some instance of jobs most of the jobs are available for both B.Tech(CSE) & B.Tech(IT) in IT is different from the in CS,
but both are the equivalent degree,but both are not same ,both are same in degree but different in the subjects. you can go in many sector by this branch just like thatl
ONGC- oil and natural gas corporation limited
CDAC- center for development of advance computing
BEL- bharat electronic limited
government companies
NIC- national informatics center
SAIL-steel authority of india limited
NPCC- national projects construction corporation limited
bank sector
ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!
4th August 2011 04:12 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by gauravbhushan View Post
Hi frens..!!

Please help me I am trying for govt. job on the basis of B.Tech. (IT), m i eligible for jobs mentioned as B.Tech. (CS)/equivalent...??

I'll be highly thankful if someone can provide me any kind of help in this...

hi friend
it sounds good that you have completed your b.e with the CSE branch ,you can go in many sector by this branch just like that
ongc- oil and natural gas corporation limited
cdac- center for development of advance computing
bel- bharat electronic limited
government companies
nic- national informatics center
sail-steel authority of india limited
npcc- national projects construction corporation limited
bank sector
and many more companies
if you are interested in defense then you can apply there,but here age limitation is required age limit -21-30 years old
29th July 2011 10:52 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

i passed 10 2 exam ths year,,,, plz telll me, abt me smthng about it..n tell me the benifit of ths stream..............
8th July 2011 02:54 PM
vishal jaybhaye
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

dear friend , in computer science is equivalent to the in information technology
it means that they have same weightage .

but the computer science is different than the information technology.
information technology is the divided branch of the computer science
divided in the sense sub branch.

31st May 2011 11:21 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Hi dear, in IT is different from the in CS,

but both are the equivalent degree,but both are not same ,

both are same in degree but different in the subjects.

so read the eligibility criteria clearly then apply for the job

25th May 2011 05:06 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

yes, is equivalent to

because all the papers are same in total semester.

both course student read:--

computer security
embedded system
16th May 2011 11:54 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

These Are Just Like 2 Faces Of A Coin...
1st May 2011 03:07 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

In B.Tech IT you will study some computer papers, some software dvelopment papers and some communication papers. But in B.Tech CS you will read only computer science papers and many software development papers.
30th April 2011 04:07 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Yes both are quite equivalent ......... it is based on you that want do you want to do.............
21st April 2011 05:55 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

From the job perspective B.Tech IT is 100% equivalent to B.Tech CS.
19th April 2011 03:16 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

In IT you will study some computer papers and some communication papers. But in CS you will read only computer science papers.
18th March 2011 03:39 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by gauravbhushan View Post
Hi frens..!!

Please help me I am trying for govt. job on the basis of B.Tech. (IT), m i eligible for jobs mentioned as B.Tech. (CS)/equivalent...??

I'll be highly thankful if someone can provide me any kind of help in this...

B.Tech (IT) and B.Tech (CS) is not same. Both degree is the same but branch is different. IT means information technology branch but CS means computer science branch. You are not eligible for the job in which the qualification is B.Tech(CS). Many government / private job are available for the B.Tech (IT) holder person.
5th March 2011 12:08 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

hi,friends i am rajneesh in 3rd year I.T. i want to get govt jobs? tell me that can i giue the exam of IES
27th February 2011 11:14 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

hi i want to join in railwy
15th February 2011 08:36 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by gauravbhushan View Post
Hi frens..!!

Please help me I am trying for govt. job on the basis of B.Tech. (IT), m i eligible for jobs mentioned as B.Tech. (CS)/equivalent...??

I'll be highly thankful if someone can provide me any kind of help in this...

Actually B.Tech IT and B.Tech CS are two different courses.
But as per your question, and regarding about the jobs... Definitely you are eligible wherever CS are available because for many exams CS and IT are treated as same. As both are dealing with the software.
So, don't worry my friend, You are eligible for this exam.

15th February 2011 02:30 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Hi Friends,
i m a student of BE (IT) 4th year. i have search the goverment for that what can i do.
12th February 2011 08:02 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Subject wise both are almost the courses are the same but you will have a bit of extra knowledge in hardware compared to the CSE students.

You can almost attend most of the examinations conducted like BSNL JTO exam,Combined defence Service(CDS) examination,Railway Recruitment Board(RRB),Staff Selection Commission(SSC),ISRO and other entrance exams.

Hence you need not worry about this and keep preparing for Government Sector Examination's and other such entrance exams.But since your an IT student hence many of the job opportunities for you will be in Software Companies,MNC's.
4th February 2011 03:16 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Yes, both are equivalent... you can apply only if they have specified IT also. most of the times it will be IT/CS.
3rd February 2011 11:25 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

i m a student of BE 3rd year from it branch.i have search the goverment for that what can i do.
2nd February 2011 05:56 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

what is the pass% to get job in armi i complite
29th January 2011 11:46 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?


There is quite difference between IT and CS if we consider these fields in respective of studies.
In IT field the study of the subjects is not descriptive means to say that in this field the students only focus on new trends in technologies. Where as in computer science branch there is a detailed study of each and every subject. Beside the software knowledge the students will be given the hardware knowledge of computer also.

If we consider these fields in respect of jobs then both field students will apply for the same job. For various Govt., Defence or central job in which a computer and IT student will apply because both of the branch will get the same degree.

27th January 2011 05:41 PM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

BTECH IT and BTECH CS are almost similar bit there is a difference between the two.

ONE is purely software related while CS includes hardware also.

So,for jobs you can apply for both as well.

Thank you.
27th January 2011 03:57 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by gauravbhushan View Post
Hi frens..!!

Please help me I am trying for govt. job on the basis of B.Tech. (IT), m i eligible for jobs mentioned as B.Tech. (CS)/equivalent...??

I'll be highly thankful if someone can provide me any kind of help in this...
in private sector, both (cse) and are assumed as equivalent and students from both the streams can apply for the same job. but for government jobs, it is specially mentioned that which job is for which engineer. so you can not apply for the post in which a a computer science engineer is required.
27th January 2011 07:25 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by solution View Post
hello dear

definately IT students are also eligiable to attain in the govt job.

you can join in the given below govt sector










all the best..........
most of the rucruitment for cs/it are done by the bank. very few rucruitment are done my navratna companies for cs /it
27th January 2011 01:24 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Originally Posted by gauravbhushan View Post
Hi frens..!!

Please help me I am trying for govt. job on the basis of B.Tech. (IT), m i eligible for jobs mentioned as B.Tech. (CS)/equivalent...??

I'll be highly thankful if someone can provide me any kind of help in this...

I am truly telling you that the syllabus of IT and CSE is equivalent , not equal so if you are a CSE student then you are eligible to sit or giving the IT interview else not .....

because cse students have the knowledge of h/w and software.....

Than You.........
27th January 2011 12:28 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

B.Tech IT and B.Tech CS is not totally similar. if in the job notification it is written that B.Tech CS and IT both can apply then only you may apply. otherwise if only CS are mentioned then i think you will not be eligible to apply.

but for exact information about the particular notification contact with concerned department. then will give you all information regarding this.

best wishes.
11th November 2010 03:20 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

Amost all private companies consider IT and CS as equivalent.
Both have similar opportunities in the private sector.
In govt. sector IT is less as compared to CS.
But have very bright future in private sector...
11th November 2010 02:15 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

I know appering the ies exam is not allowed in it student?
28th October 2010 03:59 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

ya surely IT and CS are equival IT is fully software and CS is that which also has the hardware in it you had been seen in sylabuss itself that they both are same..
28th October 2010 03:48 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

both the courses are very similar in nature and also most of the subjects are almost the same ,
bothe the students of it and cse are given equal importance,
it is an branch which is infact brought out of cse ,so both are almost the same
all the best
28th October 2010 02:58 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?


Although B.Tech (IT) and B.Tech (CS) seem to be same in the first place, but there is a thin line of difference between them. Hence when it is mentioned B.Tech (CS/Equivalent), the equivalent part never means B.Tech (I.T). That is the reason why most of the employers put either B.Tech (I.T) or B. Tech (CS) or both, depending upon the requirement.

And as you have mentioned that you are looking for Govt. job, please try to concentrate or apply to those only where B.Tech (I.T) is mentioned, as these Govt. Organizations are very particular about these things.


28th October 2010 01:50 AM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

hello dear

definately IT students are also eligiable to attain in the govt job.

you can join in the given below govt sector










all the best..........
27th October 2010 11:36 PM
Re: Is BTech.(IT) equivalent to B.Tech. (CS)?

dear friends, in IT is different from the in CS,

but both are the equivalent degree,but both are not same ,

both are same in degree but different in the subjects.

so read the eligibility criteria clearly then apply for the job.
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