Thread: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS? Reply to Thread

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13th June 2018 06:50 PM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

Sir,my name is Shiva. Iam completed 12th class with goal is to become an ips officer. How can i start preparation with
26th May 2017 05:16 PM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

I am too much confused to take or degree for IAS preparation can any one give an idea
12th April 2017 12:11 PM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

SIR, i have completed my plus two, i am fully confused what to do next . i would like to do b tech but my father is advising me to join in an ias academy. Is there such academy that have both and training for IAS?
21st March 2017 07:50 AM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

Please tell me the list of colleges providing ias coaching with degree in vijayawada. I have completed my ipe exams.
27th July 2015 03:26 PM
channu tiwari
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

The path of civil services is quite uncertain. So we should have any backup plan for our future. That,s why I will suggest you to go for and if we talk about coaching then go Delhi after graduation. Best in India.
26th July 2015 12:46 PM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

sir,i completed my 12 my aim is to become IAS officer but i want do and next i want prepare for ias im very confused what to study which is the best option for me or degree
16th May 2015 01:32 PM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

sir! my name is sandhyasri igot 95% in ipe exams my aim is to become an IAS officer which is the best option for me to do or degree with IAS?
18th September 2014 10:25 AM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

Sir i am in 12th class after 12th class i want to join ias coaching with btech

30th May 2014 09:16 PM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

ihave completed my 12th class ,can i do ias after completing B.TECH WITH OUT DEGREE
7th June 2013 10:05 AM
Re: Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

Can i do IAS coaching and at a time which institute in Hyderabad offers it
25th March 2013 10:50 PM
B.Manasa reddy
Should I prefer B.Tech or degree to become IAS?

now i just completed my 12th class exams and im very confused about my next step.shall i prefer b-tech in which im interested in[mechanical or any other]or degree?my dad he has no konwledge about ias coaching but he was insisted by his friend to join in srichaitanya ias academy.....plz give me an appropriate answer for tis question.....can i become ias if i go to coaching centers after completing my b-tech?

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