Thread: Difference between B.Sc in Physical Science and B.Sc in Physical Science with Computer Science? Reply to Thread

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22nd June 2018 08:34 PM
Re: Difference between B.Sc in Physical Science and B.Sc in Physical Science with Computer Science?

BSc in physical science with Computer science is basically a specialisation in computer science in an applied field of physical science based subjects. The number of subjects is greater , i.e you have to study Physics, maths and economics besides your specialisation which will be computer science. There will be different practicals in each subject. The course overall is huge. There will also be subjects related to computers, like PHP, Java, Hardware, etc.
BSc in physical science on the other hand is physics and chemistry in compulsion and chemistry/ economics/ computer science any of those along with the two. It is more theory based and there will be practicals as well.
19th June 2018 09:37 PM
Re: Difference between B.Sc in Physical Science and B.Sc in Physical Science with Computer Science?

Which course is better from job prospects in future...BSC houners, BSC physical science with computer science or Applied science with computor science
10th September 2016 11:44 AM
Re: Difference between B.Sc in Physical Science and B.Sc in Physical Science with Computer Science?

List of the main subject and course book of (physical science)in computer science
1st July 2015 05:38 PM
Re: Difference between B.Sc in Physical Science and B.Sc in Physical Science with Computer Science?

No typical difference between the bachelor in physical science and Bachelor in physical science with computer-

>> The basic difference in both is that physical science has only single special subject as physical science and in another option it has computer science as the selective subject with physical science. Here after the graduation you can do the master degree in both the physical as well in computer science whichever is your most interesting stream.
1st July 2015 01:37 PM
Difference between B.Sc in Physical Science and B.Sc in Physical Science with Computer Science?

Sir, I want to know what is difference between BSc Physical Science and BSc Physical Science with compuer science. If I choose BSc Physical Science with computer science what the option after doing it in higher education like (M.Sc)
and Job.

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