Thread: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks? Reply to Thread

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6th June 2018 10:13 AM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Any suitable course after passing 12th with 58.92 percentage with PCMB group ?
23rd May 2016 05:48 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I have scored 58%u2105 in my 12 the std -with commerce with math's but in math's my score is34 , please suggest me the best course inDU
7th May 2015 11:31 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

i have scored 67% in my 12th std - with computer science marks of 155, please suggest me the best course to fix my career
19th October 2013 09:34 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

arts stream 58%mark which course is better for me?
3rd July 2013 07:01 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Sir,I complete 12th standered with 57 percentage in pcm. My father is a farmer.You give me some suggestion .what is the ocasion for me?
20th May 2013 11:16 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I got 74.4% in class x and 64.4% in class xii, 58.33% marks in pcm, but scored 72 in maths and 78 in english, which colleges will be suitable for me, and easy to get chance in mathematics honourse ?? Please do reply, i am in a great tension... Whoever replies, I will be very thankfull to you.........
3rd May 2013 01:39 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I. had. finished. my. 2 results. are not. yet. published. now. I planned. to go to degree. back maths is this course suitable. for me
10th June 2012 06:50 PM
babusingh rajpurohit
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

For Science Stream,You can for B.Sc(Physics),Chemistry,Mathematics,English,comput er science....Or You can go for B.C.A,BDS,B.Phram,Bio-Technology.This courses also Value able courses.

Once You finished Your Bachelor's degree go for Master degree.After completing Your Master degree You have a More Opportunities Many fields like Research,Teaching Profession,Software Fields......

For Commerce Students You can for CA,ICWAI,CS and Bachelor course like B.Com,B.B.A,B.B.M.
10th June 2012 04:00 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

i have got 60% in 12th science so what will b suitable degree courses for tell????
2nd June 2012 08:05 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

my daughter has complted 12th science & average student - pls confirm degree course in semester patern apart from engineering
23rd May 2012 05:24 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

i have scored 61% in my 2nd puc(science). what courses can i opt for in future? plz advice me on this.
20th May 2012 08:25 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

i am passed intermidiate with55% marks in C.S.E (voc) what i do in futre? please advice me
21st August 2011 02:18 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

i have completed my 12th n m waiting for my bcom 1st year results and i want to do icwa course please tell me how to apply..??
17th July 2011 10:53 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Sir i got 75% in 10 & 60.50% in 12(science) & 155 marks in assocet (pmt) mahara. Can i get Mbbs if not then which field choose first bds or bams or any & why? -
please reply fast.
15th July 2011 04:43 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

you can go for many professional course..
hotel management
MBA and CA ,cs also
7th July 2011 06:56 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

although your % are not upto the mark still you are having following options
as many reputed colleg do not take students below 60% but still try to search such college.......
after passing 12th from commerce field you can go for
4 hotel management
5 MBA and CA ,cs also
6 mass and media communication
7 fashion designing
8 if you are are interested computer student you can go for BCA

best luck
7th July 2011 11:27 AM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I have passedout 12th commerce from k.j.somaiya college and obtained 58.33% 350 marks and cant able to take decision what to do after 12th. I have poor financial condition and have 3options:- with cs, b.m.s, b.m.m. Which 1 is best for me? Or do you get me any other best suggesion
11th June 2011 06:51 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I want to do coaching for aieee from kota n i have got 65% marks in 12th so, will it creat any problem in it? pls sir tell me i want to do it.....
10th June 2011 04:18 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I am passed out from COMMERCE stream ,so please tall me what sould we do now.
8th June 2011 12:28 AM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Can i take B.TECH EEE after 12th with 58 percentage of marks?
5th June 2011 11:24 AM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

HI i secured 62% in 12th.please suggest a course which i get achvment in futuer
3rd June 2011 12:32 AM
Niladri Misra
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 67% marks in science stream?

[QUOTE=AravindRko;618527]Hi. I scored just 67 percentage of marks in 12th board exam. Now, please give me some instructions about taking a suitable degree course.Please reply me very soon..Otherwise i missed some of councling..
30th May 2011 02:45 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I secured 55% in 12th. Please suggest a course that does not require Physics because I failed in Physics.
26th May 2011 04:36 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Hi.. I secured 58 percentage marks in 12th. In B.Tech course, to which field i should opt for? Aeronautical or mechanical.. Give me ur full guidance
24th May 2011 08:20 PM
united india
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

It seems you are an average student and so have scored 58% in you board exam. Even if you are from science background I would suggest you to change your stream to commerce and carry your further studies in some commercial course. Today alot of courses have come up in commercial area and have lot of scopes in future.

Some commerce courses you can look forward to are:

1.B.Com (Honours in Accounting and Finance)

2.B.Com (Banking & Insurance)

3.B.B.A. (Bachelor of Business Administration)

4.B.B.M (Bachelor of Business Management)


6.B.Sc (Economics)
24th May 2011 02:47 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Originally Posted by AravindRko View Post
Hi. I scored just 58 percentage of marks in 12th board exam. Now, please give me some instructions about taking a suitable degree course.

Degree course after 12th std.

If you completed 12th std. and if you want to get admission in the degree course then you are eligible for the admission in the degree course.

If your stream in the 12th std. is physics, chemistry and mathematics then engineering course is best for you. for admission in the engineering
course you need to appear in the entrance exam.

You have also other many option like BBA, BCA, B.Sc...etc. If you are not
interested in the engineering course then you can join any other course
according to your interest.

24th May 2011 12:28 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

you do not specify what the subject you take?

ok if u have science then you go for B.TECH,B.SC,BCA like this

if u have commerce then you go for B.COM,BBA,etc.

choice is yours.
24th May 2011 12:27 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

you do not specify what the subject you take?

ok if u have science then you go for B.TECH,B.SC,BCA like this

if u have commerce then you go for B.COM,BBA,etc.

choice is yours.
23rd May 2011 09:32 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I got 58% marks With ARTs Stream what should i opt for???
22nd May 2011 01:42 PM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Hi.. Am a A-biology student.. But, can i take BCA.. Will it be helpful for me ?
11th May 2011 09:37 PM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

I don't know in what sense you are asking for suitable, i mean its suitable according to your intrest or money matters you most. Although you haven't mention your stream so it would be difficult to guide you properly.

Thses are some common fields for which Science, Commerce and Arts students are eligible.

After appearing 10+2 students can appear in NDA examination which is for those who are intrested to join defence forces as a officer. 10+2 passout student with any of the stream are eligible.

Other than traditional degree courses you can choose BSc in Animation/fashion technology, journalism, BBA, BCA, etc which are professional job orienred degree courses and are in peak trend. You can do traditional degree courses and after that you would be eligible for many entrance exams or furthur higher studies. You can get another opportunity to join Defence firces as a officer by appearing in CDSE or SSC examination.

You can appear in in bank clerical aptitute exam/ probationary officer examination on the basis of graduation degree. You would also be eligible for CAT examination to get admission in reputed management collage.
11th May 2011 11:58 AM
deepak KUMAR 007986
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Many courses are there to go through.

But it matters that from which stream have You passed 12th.

And personally I recommend you to opt course according to your 12th stream and make your career in that. Don't bother with different courses isn't it.

Thank you!
Deepak Kumar Chauhan
11th May 2011 10:49 AM
Re: Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Originally Posted by AravindRko View Post
Hi. I scored just 58 percentage of marks in 12th board exam. Now, please give me some instructions about taking a suitable degree course.
You not Mentioned which branch Your studied in 12th.

For Science Stream,You can for B.Sc(Physics),Chemistry,Mathematics,English,comput er science....Or You can go for B.C.A,BDS,B.Phram,Bio-Technology.This courses also Value able courses.

Once You finished Your Bachelor's degree go for Master degree.After completing Your Master degree You have a More Opportunities Many fields like Research,Teaching Profession,Software Fields......

For Commerce Students You can for CA,ICWAI,CS and Bachelor course like B.Com,B.B.A,B.B.M.
11th May 2011 12:31 AM
Suitable degree course after 12th standard with 58% marks?

Hi. I scored just 58 percentage of marks in 12th board exam. Now, please give me some instructions about taking a suitable degree course.

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