Thread: Can commerce students join merchant navy? Reply to Thread

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13th October 2019 01:23 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

I want to become merchant navy after commerce Graduate and i can get officer rank or captain rank in merchant navy
22nd May 2018 11:11 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Hello I'm himanshi and I'm 19 years old I'm a 12th pass out student as a commerce student. So will I able to join navy?
7th August 2016 10:10 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Yes you can join the Merchant Navy but your job will not be like the ones you think it would be.
You being a commerce student can join the Merchant Navy only as a Pursuer i.e one who deals with the finance and accounting of the ship he/she is deployed to.
You will not be eligible for the 2 mainstream job recruitment departments of the Merchant Navy i.e engineering and the navigation department.
Thus the job opportunities for you are very less and as such you will have to have great grades in order to find a permanent job.
3rd August 2016 11:36 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

How I can join merchant navy after completing my 12 by commerce stream plz reply the detail how to join my email [email protected]
Thank u
27th May 2016 09:23 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can commerce student joint merchant navy
It is not possible for commerce student to join merchant navy.After passing,secondary examination it is necessary to study intermediate with pure science stream/branch.

After secondary examination,generally student have three streams to choose,any one can be choosen for further studies among-

In science there are two streams to study,one with mathematics and other with biology.Mathematics is called pure science stream/branch and biology is called medical stream/branch.In order to join merchant navy,it is necessary to choose mathematics stream,that is pure science stream branch.

All the courses that requires to be studied to join merchant navy demands to have mathematics in intermediate.In short,it is not possible to study merchant navy without studying mathematics in intermediate.Even medical science stream/branch is not applicable for studying merchant navy,only mathematics branch will do.

As you have studied commerce in intermediate,you can not study any courses related to merchant navy and can not join merchant navy thereafter.
11th October 2014 08:24 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

sir i am from comm erce stream i got 86% 1n 12th and i am also gold meadlist silver meadlist and also from scouting and i want to apply for navy plz tell me about it in brief...... thanks
23rd November 2013 08:21 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Can I get a contact no of email I'd through which I can get further informations as I am from
Commerce background ad have lots of confusing queries
14th August 2013 05:27 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Hi i am Shashank jaiswal can i join the marchant navybut my stream is commerce
If it is possible than pls contact me 09708542426
and email is [email protected]
22nd May 2013 03:42 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

cn i join merchant navy if i had done even 10th with commerce stream(84%) without maths
n got 70% in 12th......
if yes than do reply on 7351299507..... asap
24th January 2013 01:54 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

hey i am gunjan en em doing my 12th with commerce so vl uh pls tell me how join merchant navy??
revert asap pls
8th October 2012 06:52 AM
shiv puri
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Hello friend,

Yes you can join merchant Navy.There is two department in Navy
1.Technical department
2.Non technical department.

I technical department only engineering students can apply.But in Non technical department can anyone trade person apply.You can apply for the sailor or some sports department or many others non technical department you can join there.

I hope this helpful to you....

Thanking you...
7th October 2012 10:49 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

I have to join merchant navi,I am having commerce stream will I be eligble for this job
13th July 2012 06:07 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Hi My name sachin kumar verma and I am 21 years old and want to join merchant navy
but the problem is i have done intermediate and through commerce stream...
so will i be able to join merchant navy.....
if possible send the copy of ur answer on my E-mail
[email protected]
26th May 2012 12:05 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Originally Posted by Manish Solanki View Post
Hi My name Manish and I am 19 years old and want to join merchant navy
but the problem is i have done hsc through commerce stream...
so will i be able to join merchant navy.....
if possible send the copy of ur answer on my E-mail
[email protected]
Merchant Navy :

No, commerce students are not eligible to applying the Merchant Navy course and see bellow required eligibility for admission in merchant navy program.

For admission in B.E/B.Tech/M.E/B.Sc programs required educational qualifications are you must completed the 12th class with with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as a compulsory subjects.

25th May 2012 01:48 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Can commerce students join merchant navy?

hi friend

According to my knowledge, you cannot join merchant navy because there is no way out to join this course without having PCM subjects in your 12th.

But according to your qualification, you are not eligible to join merchant navy. Because your background is commerce.

And to join merchant navy, PCM subject is compulsory. So, dont worry, just do any other courses, which was related to your field.

31st March 2012 10:51 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Ye syou can join Merchant Navy after your degree in computer science,To join Merchant Navy you need to give the entrance exam of various colleges which offers this degree,There after completing your degree you will be placed in some Shipping company,Initially you will be given training for 1 year after that you will get a Tag(post) on your back and you will be permanant.To give the exam for Merchant Navy you should have Physics ,chemistry and Mathamatics in you 11th and 12th class with minimum 55%.TS Chanakya University -Mumbai is the best college for Doing Merchant Navy,they will provide you good placement also.!!!!
29th March 2012 11:58 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

You cannot join the engineering or navigation department in Merchant Navy since your have a commerce background. To join Merchant Navy, one should do 10+2 or an equivalent examination with physics, chemistry and mathematics. However you have an option to join as Pursuer. A pursuer is responsible for handling the general administration including the money on board.
15th March 2012 10:41 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?


to join merchant navy after B.Tech
Merchant Navy Details
You cannot join in Merchant Navy, only way is that with your +2 qualification join Deck Cadet and then go for three year training and write the Exam for Higher Posting

Only Mechanical or Marine or B.Sc in Nautical Science can do Merchant Navy
It has Three posting

Loading and Off Loading of the Cargo and Safety of the Passenger and the Crew Depends on the Navigation Officer

Capitan of the Ship is the Chief Navigator


Mechanical Engineering,Marine Engineering or B.Sc Nautical Science from Recognized University or Institute


-->They are Responsible for Efficient and Smooth Operation of the Ship

-->Take Care of all Engineering Equipment installed on the Ship


Mechanical Engineering,Marian Engineering Or B.Sc in Nautical Science from Recognized university or Institute

Radio and Wireless Communication

Concerned with Shore and Maintenance of the Equipments as well

Light Keepers help in operating the Signaling Equipments of the Ship


-->One can also join as the Deck Cadet by completing 10+2 with physics,chemistry and Mathematic and Train on the Job for Three years

Institute Offering Merchant Navy Courses in India

-->Training Ship Chanakya(T.K Chanakya) karaus,Navi Mumbai

-->Marian Engineering Research Institute ,Kolkata

-->Marian Engineering and Research Institute Mumbai

-->Director General of Shipping Mumbai

All the Best
13th March 2012 09:41 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

i am rohit i want to join merchant navy but my streem is commerce without maths than how i can join merchant navy??
13th March 2012 06:54 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

can commerce student joint in navy?
Respected Sir/madam,
I am Harshada, i am commers student, i have given 'XII exam' this March 2012, (with Maths & English). Sir /Madam, I want to career in 'any field related "NAVY". So pls. may you send me rply/ suggetion/ advice on my email-id.
Thanking You!
Email-id:- [email protected]
4th March 2012 03:30 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Eligibility criteria for Merchant Navy after 12th standard:
Candidate should have completed 12th standard with PCM stream from recognized university.
Age should be between 16 to 19 years.

You can get admission below mentioned colleges to pursue Merchant Navy course.

By contacting below mentioned colleges,you will get admission directly.

Training Ship Chanakya, Navi Mumbai.
Marine Engineering & Research Institute (MERI), Kolkata.
Marine Engineering & Research Institute (MERI), Mumbai.
Lal Bahadur Shastri College of advanced Maritime Studies and Research, Mumbai.
1st March 2012 12:04 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Procedure and Eligibility criteria of Merchant Navy after 12th Interested in Joining Merchant Navy !!! Please read below and select your Qualifications :

i) 10+2 with equal or more than 40% marks in any stream.

ii) 10+2 with equal or more than 55% but less than 60% marks in PCM aggregate.

iii)10+2 with equal or more than 60% marks in PCM aggregate.

For further information you can visit on website
26th February 2012 11:48 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

hi i am rahul 17 year old and i want join Indian marchent navy but the problem is that i passed 12 with 63% through commerce stream in economic subject so will i be abel to join merchent navy....?
25th February 2012 04:18 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

for going for the merchant navy you must have a mathematics in the 12th as on of the compulsary subjects.

and also you should have english as one of the subjects in the 12th,

then after you can apply.
13th October 2011 05:52 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

why do you join merchant nevy
17th September 2011 01:08 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Is is not possible to join Merchant Navy after commerce in 12th because to join Merchant Navy you have to be a student of science with at least 60% marks .

But if you really want to join defense then there are various ways for you like -

For CDS ,SSC you have to complete at least graduation but after 12th you can write NDA exam .CDS and NDA exams are conducted UPSC.

So you can get full details of those exams from -

Thank you
14th September 2011 06:15 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

hii sir my name is prathamesh i am 19th year old & i am from commerce stream i just want to ask that is their any entance exam for G P Rating course in govt. colleges.......plz info me on 9664086001 or mail me on [email protected]
2nd September 2011 04:32 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

i am presently in my final year of gradution doing (hon) from st. xavier's college kolkata. i want to join merchant navy after my graduation for m better feature. in my 10 2 i opted maths as a 6th sub. n english was a compulsory subject so can u pls. help me in what type of scope do i have in merchant navy..
thank you.
my email id is [email protected].
20th August 2011 12:06 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

my hsc is pcb. ihave done my graduation with i eligible for merchant navy
15th August 2011 11:37 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

can i join merchant navy after 12th pass commerce or other any field related merchant navy and can after 10th pass of IIT
[email protected]
5th August 2011 03:54 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

helo, i want to join merchant navy bt i had passed clas 10th. Can u say how can i apply 2 this academy. My e-mail id [email protected]
25th July 2011 05:23 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

no ,commerce student not join merchant navy.
25th July 2011 05:21 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

no commerce student not join murchat navy.
10th July 2011 07:12 PM
sonam wangdi
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

hi friend...
sorry to inform u that u cant apply for merchant navy since u have taken commerce background...
because the basic requirement for these merchant navy is class 12 pass with physics and maths...with minimum of 60%..

but dont worry u can apply for indian army NDA...if u like it..
for these u just need to have 60% in class 12 result...
--age limit is between 16 to 19..
--most important u have to be physically fit..
so if u are going for these then start making urself fit..for it..

i hope this information helps..'
all the best..
thank you..
9th July 2011 11:03 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

you can not join navy with commerce as maths is compulsary
you can join army
27th May 2011 10:07 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

sir i just passed out my 2 in commmerce without maths i have 50% marks can i join navy??? Plz reply
24th May 2011 06:20 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

i want join to merchant navy my qualifications 10th pass ,iti refrigeration &airconditioning,wirman certificate for bangloore please how can join here?
23rd May 2011 12:24 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

[Hi My name vysakh and I am 18 years old and want to join merchant navy
but the problem is i have done hsc through commerce stream...
so will i be able to join merchant navy.....
if possible please contact me as soon as possible, my mob:9961371128
18th May 2011 12:02 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Can arts students join merchant navy?
16th May 2011 10:42 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

can a arts student join merchant navy an a navigation officer ?
14th May 2011 08:21 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Hello sir i'm Neha tiwari me merchant navy ki tayari karna chahta hu par kse kru muje thoda help kar dijiye ksa paper ata hai aap meri id par merchant navy entrance ke old paper's send kar dijiye plzzzzzzz. My id is [email protected]
8th May 2011 08:02 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

send me info how to join merchant navy with commerce stream without maths and with computer knowledge.
[email protected]
[email protected]
28th April 2011 08:41 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

sir im a commerce student i have given my 12 xam dis year but i didn't have maths subject in 2 so plz tel me can join merchant navy or army i belongs with CBSE board plz rply me as soon as possible my email id is [email protected]
20th February 2011 12:24 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

sir, i am commerce student with background of maths and english, so can i joint merchant navy as a deck officer......or any other department in merchant navy...... Please sir give me a positive answer...
24th January 2011 02:40 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

i am a commerce with computer students which course in navy is eligible for me degree course only 3 years
25th October 2010 01:37 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

minimum qualification is 10 pass with around 50% marks in english,maths and science but only as crew rating
20th October 2010 03:07 PM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

obviously, commerce guys can also join merchant navy as GPR ( Genral Purpose Rating) for which the minimum qualification is 10 pass with around 50% marks in english,maths and science
20th October 2010 11:51 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

In my knowledge you won't be able to join merchant navy as a deck cadet. You can try joining it as an offshore cadet in the management department. But that is not anybody want to. So the summary is that you can't join it.
Although there are other better options for you. Sorry for the negative reply!!
20th October 2010 12:04 AM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

Yes dear
One can join merchant navy from commerce background ar well science but the field are different u can go through the website oe for more detail
19th October 2010 11:56 PM
Re: Can commerce students join merchant navy?

The two major department in the merchant navy are the engineering department and the navigation department. Being a student from commerce background, you won't be eligible to join in any of these dapertments but Similar to any other industry, a ship also requires someone to handle money on board and for this job, in merchant navy, they appoint a Pursuer.A Purser is responsible for general administration and all money-related needs on board. To be eligible for this department, you must be a graduate in commerce or related field with a fair knowledge of accountancy and computer.
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