28th March 2014 11:35 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? i am entering into class 12...my qn is:how to score centum in phy,chem,bio and maths?is this possible? as i am entering into the crucial period,please give some optimistic points to boost up my confidence,spirit,energy and fire to enter into medical college...im trying to get the highest total that was not achieved so far..and most importantly,i want to get centum in all the core subjects....please help me guys,,,by boosting my spirit and fire to achieve,,,by your inspiring and optimistic words....thank you... |
8th February 2013 08:15 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? how to score more marks 12th state board exam? how to make the paper attractive? |
21st September 2012 05:41 PM | ||
AshwinKumar S.Hallikar |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Here are some useful tips to help you score good in Board Exams : Preparing well for the subject in accordance with the prescribed CBSE syllabus can help you score high in CBSE Board exams. Practice Solving CBSE question papers given on the Learnhub Website. You can also refer to the sample papers given on the CBSE Board website in addition to NCERT textbooks. Evaluation in CBSE Board examination is done as per marking scheme developed for the question paper. Please understand the question well and answer accordingly in simple and precise manner. |
19th September 2012 06:00 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? how to score good marks in maths,physics,chemistry |
17th August 2012 02:54 PM | ||
sandhyarani srikanth |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? to score good marks in 12 th standard exam first we should prepare one time table according to the syllabus which was given by our government. on starting months of college we should concentrate on the subject, and we should try to understand the each and every topic. if we have any doughts in the lessons try to clear that as much as early so that we can attempt the questions without any doughtness if the question paper was twisted. before three months of the exam we should prepare one time table for the exam and we should strictly follow that. and before one day of exam we should check the previous years question papers and make sure whether you are able to solve each and every question properly or not. after competing all the syllabus u shold meditate for 1 or half -hour. u should take proper sleep before the exam. and stop reading the textbooks and all that when the exam is in half an hour. by following all these we can attempt the exam well and we score good marks. and also we will get the good knowledge. |
25th July 2012 01:46 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? i want to get 90% marks in 12th standard . then how many hours should i study per day? |
15th June 2012 09:24 AM | ||
tl.com |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? hi dear friend. At first go through the important concepts then study the according to the syllabus.you not mentioned which branch are you.but you chosen any stream understand the concepts.And select which subject you like.prepare the subject one by one you like the subjects.it is easy to prepare the exam and study the according to the blue print it is very useful to you.don't omit any topic.your not interest study the topic then understand concept only.it will useful in the exam and see the previous papers and don't prepare the last minute. thank you |
12th June 2012 08:48 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? i am vinu i advice the students to concentrate in studies only not in cinema or etc...and they should dedicate them fully in studies and they should have the prayer attitude!! |
20th May 2012 02:54 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? tell me how to manage the time i dont get time for my self study |
20th May 2012 02:51 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? can u please suggest me a time table so dat i can work according n score marks....... timing is my problem coachings schools doesnt let me get time for self study can u suggest d tym table or somethingh through which i can work accordingly |
17th December 2011 08:28 PM | ||
Sayyed Shahrukh |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Hello Friend, First of all do not think about the marks. Do study for get Knowledge .And if you get good Knowledge then the answer of any question you will write. For preparation use sample papers and solve it at a time. For writing good answer firstly think about the question if you know very well answer then write it in your own word .Do not follow any books language. So do work Hard.Best OF Luck. Sayyed Shahrukh |
17th December 2011 03:40 PM | ||
kiten |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? There are certain ways to score good marks in 12th exam << Pay proper attention to teacher in classroom << know the lessons that are to be taugtt.Go through it before teacher teaches. << go through the chapter after it has ben taught. >> make notes and keep it for last days of preparation. << Workon your weaker sections . >> enhance your strong points. << Go through previous year question papers before exam. << revise in mind whatever you have read during leisure. >> Make a proper time table and proceed in a professional manner towards the later stages of exam. Best of luck. |
16th December 2011 04:30 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? how to get good marks with minimum stydy in 12th? |
8th June 2011 03:23 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
The secret behind to score good marks lies in your hard work and the sincerity with which you put in that hard work. Make a routine consisting of separate subjects for a particular duration.Do revise your chapters frequently.Do indulge in your hobbies during leisure. And above all practice previous year papers. I would recommend you not to cut short your sleeping hours. With regards, Ravi |
8th June 2011 03:13 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
Of all the subjects that you have mentioned MATHS seems to be easier to score the most.But this depends upon the amount of hard work you put into it. To score 200 follow the basic rules,as: *Do practice your previous year questions papers. *Do clear all your doubts well before your exams. *Do work on your weaker sections. *Enhance you strength. Thank you. |
8th June 2011 03:02 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Dear student, This is the question which every students likes find an answer. Well to make your answer script attractive,you have to be proficient in that subject.You have to burn your night oil and practice by writing all the lessons. Also you have give importance to previous year questions paper,beside clearing all your doubts. With regards, Ravi |
8th June 2011 02:55 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
To get a good government engineering college you have to perform well in entrance exam and your boards result hardly holds water. The entrance like that of IIT-JEE,AIEEE are very useful in order to get such low fared governmental colleges. With regards, Ravi |
8th June 2011 02:51 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Dear friend, It is totally not recommend to cut short your sleeping time to increase your study time as it will not be effective. Friend you have to be sincere during your studying hours which will curtail the need to cut short of sleeping hours. Sleeping is very necessary.It helps you to rejuvenate yourself.Don't try to cut short your sleeping hours. Thank you |
8th June 2011 02:40 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
It requested to all of you to score upto your capacity.Neither it is needed nor you will be able beyond your capacity. So my dear friend do your labour marks will linger along. With regards, Ravi |
8th June 2011 02:31 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
For this a real sincere hard work has to be undertaken. Practice your lessons by writing and follow last year questions in order to obtain the pattern and the way of presentation. Thank you |
8th June 2011 02:25 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Dear student, The most appropriate answer of this question would be 'practice'. Practice as much as you can,and work on your weaknesses and then see the magic going by your way. Thank you. |
8th June 2011 02:22 PM | ||
pongapandit |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
To score good marks one has to be 1)Totally dedicated towards his studies. 2)Clear all your doubts well before exams 3)Do work on your weaknesses 4)Enhance your strength 5)Practice previous year question papers within the given time frame 6)Do indulge in your hobbies during leisure With regards, Ravi |
25th May 2011 06:19 PM | ||
Ankur agrawal |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
No one can say which one is best .. Both are good or both are bed .. choose your self what do you want to study in near future choose your branch as par your knowledge not for the sattlement .. Good luck i hope you choose a best one.. Thanks, Ankur |
25th May 2011 01:33 AM | ||
eshan5 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? hi iswinder....here are some few steps by which u can prepare n score above average marks....first of all prepare your mindset that u want to scare good marks and you will work hard....now select those topics which are 1. Easy for you 2. Medium for you 3. Tough for you.....now make a time table for 1 week(days or weeks depend on your speed) ..and try to complete the easy topics...by making 1 weeks timetable you will come to know your flaws so that you can remove them in the next week...now similary after finishing easy topic go for the medium ones...now at this point you can be sure that you are prepared for getting 60 to 70% marks..now start preparing for hard part that is 30% marks by doing tough part...and i am sure you will get good marks.....some quick tips...eat less oily food...drink plenty of water..eat lot of fruits...dont drink tea or coffe more..and do yoga for atleast 10 min...try and follow these you will get superb marks. |
24th May 2011 05:35 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? How to reduce sleeping time and increase studying time |
12th May 2011 06:08 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? how to make answer paper attractive?????? |
8th May 2011 05:52 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? please tell me how can i score 200 marks in phyics, chemisty,computer science and maths? |
7th May 2011 10:56 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? How to reduce sleeping time and increase studying time |
1st April 2011 03:25 PM | ||
krupadesai |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? For scoring good marks in 12th standard exams: - Make a chart listing tentative marks you wish to achieve & total percentage. Stick it on the wall of your room. Everyday focus on working hard to achieve your goal target. - Writing Practice: Develop a writing practice & after learning atleast once you can write down. This will help you increase your writing speed, bring confidence & learn perfectly. - Practice Makes Men Perfect: You need to have a daily habit of reading atleast for 4 hours other than coaching classes/ school. Revise everything you studied in school/ coaching classes in that particular day, that will help you memorise in a better way. - Join a coaching class: That will help you in working with your subjects in a better way & solving your questions. - Solve papers & thorough your topics: Even though you might not be able to finish your syllabus, you must be well good at the topics you have studied. Anything asked from any where in the topic you studied you must know. Such type of work is essential & try to solve last year papers of the same. Hard work, determination & efforts will surely bring success in your 12th exams. |
1st April 2011 01:33 PM | ||
pg45775 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? hello frnd first u should be calm and practise ur ncert book...bcoz from that only the whole paper has to cme.one more thing try cbse sample papers and when u get question paper first solve that quest which r easy for u and then difficult one...one mpre thing dont left out the paper...solve each and every questin...ok if there are any queries mail to me |
1st April 2011 01:28 PM | ||
[email protected] |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? For a good score,you should plan everything. 1.firstly cover your whole sylabus. 2.make a time table for reading,for sport,rest. then with in this time table,you make a sub time table like how much time is given for this subject and for that subject. 3.If time is less,then not do any one new. 4.practice is main thing. 5.do some model test paper. |
1st April 2011 11:40 AM | ||
Revathy GM |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Dear Friend To score higher marks in 12th std, I can get you some tips... Learn all objective type questions Learn all equations in chemistry Learn all formulae in maths Learn procedure in physics learn programming in computer Write your answers neat. Presentation is very important. Dont use RED, GREEN, ORANGE markers in your paper. Write and mark all the side headings. Write answers for what is asked. Dont leave any questions. All the best |
1st April 2011 12:19 AM | ||
professor.singh |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? you just need to study on aregular basis to score good marks in 12th. here are some pointers.. 1.complete topics from NCERT books as all questions are asked from these only. 2. solve previous year papers and newly released sample papers with appropriate time as most of the students face the problem of time management. 3.revise the topics which you had already completed. 4.Practice as much as you can. all the best |
31st March 2011 10:33 PM | ||
surendergora |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? YOur marks in exam depends not on quantity of time , but quality of time, so study systematically, follow a regular schedule, and take self test. |
31st March 2011 10:10 PM | ||
ravik1214 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
You have provided little information about yourself. You should have told about your board exam that is whether it is CBSE ,ICSE or STATE Board.But i think you are going to appear in CBSE board exam. If i am right then follow these instructions: (1)Stick to the NCERT books as these books are best and questions are asked from this book. (2)Try to solve previous year papers and newly released sample papers with appropriate time as most of the students face the problem of time management. (3)Questions asked in CBSE board are not hard so ,you can secure better marks .so, don't take tension and think positive. (4)Don't try to cover up whole syllabus now as you have very little time left now.Try to revise the topics which you had already completed. (5)Practice as much as you can as practice makes a person perfect. With Regards ravik1214 |
31st March 2011 10:00 PM | ||
priyo06 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Dear friend, See friend for any good work at first you need full dedication and concentration. So for your 12 th standard you have to do the following thing very carefully.... 1.Read the text book very carefully and throughly. 2.read timely 3.how much you read doesn't matter how much you write matter 4.follow the correct book. 5.practice regularly whatever you read or whatever you write 6.choose good school 7.choose good private tution etc. good luck. |
31st March 2011 09:51 PM | ||
priyo06 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Dear friend, See friend for any good work at first you need full dedication and concentration. So for your 12 th standard you have to do the following thing very carefully.... 1.Read the text book very carefully and throughly. 2.read timely 3.how much you read doesn't matter how much you write matter 4.follow the correct book. 5.practice regularly whatever you read or whatever you write 6.choose good school 7.choose good private tution etc. good luck. |
31st March 2011 09:29 PM | ||
SimSim1 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Listen Ishwinder!Don't get upset. You will definitely do well. According to me, practice numericals a great deal, but at the same time try to go to the depths of different concepts and study hard. Fotr science subjects, go through your syllabus and try to understand what the author has intended to say. Think, reflect and question yourself. Jot down the key points and go through them well. For arts subjects, try to imagine and innovate in case of literature Presenting your paper well is also very important. A well presented answer attracts attention of the examiner and can gather a good number of marks in your bag. Furthermore, you should keep in mind not to eat fast food, have a balanced diet and a good night sleep. This will enhance your concentration and your power to remember. So, your milestone is straight ahead. Focus more on your objective and be positive. I wish you luck such that at the end of the day you find yourself abvove all. |
31st March 2011 09:14 PM | ||
ashok880 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? steps to score good marks:
31st March 2011 09:03 PM | ||
lvnareshsunrise |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? The only way to get good score in 12th standard is by attempting the exam well. In order to attempt the exam well, you need to have good preparation. Good preparation and completion of the syllabus in time is possible if you have finished the preparation with a proper planning. To get good score the presentation of the information in the exam is so much important. The way you write and your handwriting will have lot of impact to get good marks. If that is good, there is a chance to get good marks. And at the same time the content you write will be of related to the question. Draw the diagrams neatly which will come by practice. Attempt first the questions which you know well and answer the questions at last which you have less content |
27th March 2011 10:26 PM | ||
asishkumar |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
Accordingly prepare yourself with selected subjects and get good concepts about all the topics covered. study hard. |
26th March 2011 11:05 AM | ||
vijaypatel54 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Hi, Just follow tips: 1:read in time by making time table as you want. 2:read deeply when you read. 3:taking test of what you read in a day or a week in yourself regularly. 4:when you feel that you do not want to read,do something that you want to do for a little time like playing,etc. Thanks |
26th March 2011 10:53 AM | ||
Mayank Shekhar |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Dear, According to me - At first,you should go through the syllabus very well. According to that prepare yourself with selected subjects and get good concepts about all the topics covered. You can leave one or two chapters from every subject if you can cover up well from the rest of the chapters. After getting good concept over the syllabus you have to practice a lot with the previous year question papers and also with the model papers. Practice can give you a lot of confidence. Thanks. |
26th March 2011 10:46 AM | ||
melwynjensen |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
TIPS TO PRESENT EXAM PAPER WELL The first and foremost thing which you have to keep in mind while writing any exams like your 10th, 12th or college exams is to have a good presentation. The reasons to have good presentation are... -> The external who is correcting the paper will be of less pressure to correct your papers if you present it well. -> There wont be any chance for the external to decrease your marks for any reason because you have presented the paper well with correct answers. -> For sure you will get good marks ![]() -> HOW TO PRESENT THE PAPER WELL : There are few things which you have to follow to present the paper well in the exam, they are as follow... -> JOT DOWN THE POINTS AS SYNOPSIS : Before going to answer a big questions for eg. 10 marks, just jot down the important points as synopsis and then start answering each points in a paragraph. -> USE HIGHLIGHTER FOR IMPORTANT POINTS : You must use only black pen for doing this, just highlight the important points with black pen which makes the external to read out the points easily which you have answered. -> KNOW THE TIME : Before entering into the exam, analyse the paper pattern a day before, to sort out how many one marks, 2 or 3 marks, 5 and 10 marks questions and set a time limit to answer those questions, so that you wont run out of time to answer all the questions, which ultimately helps you to present all the answers well. -> WRITE CLEARLY : All the externals who are correcting the papers knows that its tough for a student to write some 8-10 papers in 3 hrs time ![]() |
26th March 2011 10:46 AM | ||
rks@estate |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Hello, How to score good marks in 12th standard examination are as shown: - 1. Work Hard & Practice solved & unsolved questions daily. 2. Prepare whole topics according to the syllabus. 3. Prepare according to the previous year exam paper. 4. Practice more & more questions. 5. Take guidence from the faculty. 6. Study according to the syllabus 7. Join any good coaching institute (If required) etc. Best of Luck |
26th March 2011 09:59 AM | ||
sumitkumarsharma |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
but you should make a routine and you will do that routine obey daily surely you will good marks in 12th.......... but for this you should serious everytime then any-one can't stop to you........... you make notes for all subjects and go through that subject daily........... for exam time only important part cover .............. and go through previous 10 years question paper................ good luck............. |
26th March 2011 09:58 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? ek number. Thank u baba |
26th March 2011 02:01 AM | ||
satty sharma 011 |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? 12th standard always decide how will we go further in our career.so it is very important .to score good marks in 12th standard the most effective method is practice your answers more than one time.take a chapter learn it and write it atleast two times. |
26th March 2011 01:16 AM | ||
arvind_singh |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? if you want to score good then you will have to do practice a lot only then you can get good marks you can not get good marks without practice and smart work things you should do to get good marks : 1.try to memorize all formula if you have maths 2.do not go for short cut .short cut has many limitation so you may be in trouble . 3.solve previous year papers and also sample papers . 4.make proper schedule or timetable . 5.do not take pressure sleep well and hear songs to get refresh 6.one important thing you should know your week points and work hard on them |
26th March 2011 01:09 AM | ||
rahul k |
Re: How to score good marks in 12th standard exam? Quote:
To Scored Good Marks In Board Exams, You Need To Lots Of Work hard And Basic Knowledge About The Subject. So, Please Work Hard And try To Complete Your Syllabus Only Then You Will Be Able To Scored Good Marks In 12thExamination. Without Any Stusy In 12th Exams, You Will Not Acheive Good Marks, So Please Study Hard To Scored Good Marks In Intermediate. So, To Score Good Marks In Your Exams it Ss Essential That You Study Hard. So, please Complete Your Syllabus On Time And Try To Find Sample Question Paper Or Old Question Papers. That Will Help You Prepare For The Exams In A More Practical Way And You Wll Know For Certain Where You Stand With Your Preperation. So, Work hard Is Only The Way To Scored Good Marks In 12th Examination. Try To Study Study Accordi ng To The Syllabus Only Then You Will Scored Well Marks In Intermediate Exams. |
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