Thread: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering? Reply to Thread

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20th August 2012 11:35 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

Hey i complete diploma of office management and computer application.what cn i do after it?
28th May 2012 12:43 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

Dear friend,

After completing Diploma in computer science you will go to MNC like,













All the best......................
28th May 2012 12:42 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

Dear friend,

After completing Diploma in computer science you will go to MNC like,













All the best......................
14th November 2011 10:41 AM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

I was completed computer engg. diploma in 2011, after i will not completed next education According to some finantial problem. I want to do graduation. Is it nice to Choose Bsc computers After Diploma(polytechnic).......

Sir please help me sir.... I want urgent reply...........
23rd August 2011 12:03 AM
amaan khan ak
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What further studies can we do after completing diploma in computer engineering ?
You have so many options for your further studies. is the best option for can see so much scope for computer engineer.So its the best option.You can also learn programming lanuguages along with your degree.Many languages you can learn in btech course.So you have to command on a perticular language.You can see so much competation in computer field so you have to aware for your future.This suggestion helps you.Do programming regularly so you get command on a perticular language.
You also have option as

BSC(computer application)

so All the best
22nd August 2011 11:54 PM
amaan khan ak
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

Originally Posted by ashwini chavhan View Post
hi! i am ashwini
i was completed computer engg. diploma in 2007, after i will not completed next education some reason. so next what i will do?
You can apply for Job.There are lot of vacancies in computer field.Yoy can apple for both govt and private jobs.
You can also continue your further studies.
You can also do prepertation for competation papers.There are so much scope and requirment for computer programmmer.So you also learn programming language along with your further studies.
Java,.net are the good options good options for learning programming language.

All the best
25th July 2011 07:52 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

hi i am swapnil neharkar
i am compled diploma and continue in computer engg. so please tell me what can i do after comp engg?
30th June 2011 12:15 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

i hav completed my diploma now itself(2011)...what shud i do now b.e or
29th June 2011 02:20 PM
raja badam
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

B.Sc computers is better depending on of the Better university is Andhra university for B.Sc computers.

My better suggestion you write E-CET and you enter into B.Tech 2nd year .that procedure is very good for you .now a days here is no value for B.Sc student.
29th June 2011 02:19 PM
raja badam
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

B.Sc computers is better depending on of the Better university is Andhra university for B.Sc computers.

My better suggestion you write E-CET and you enter into B.Tech 2nd year .that procedure is very good for you .now a days here is no value for B.Sc student.
24th June 2011 04:14 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

hi! i am Ravi H B
I was completed computer engg. diploma in 2011, after i will not completed next education According to some finantial problem. I want to do graduation. Is it nice to Choose Bsc computers After Diploma(polytechnic).......

Sir please help me sir.... I want urgent reply...........

Thanking u sir
Ravi H B
15th June 2011 08:15 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

hi i am hemani !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to know how much seats are available in each collage for BE? & also tell what are the oppatunities after complete diploma in computer engineering?
10th June 2011 11:28 AM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

i want to information about cdac.
and we can do it after diploma in computer engineering?
1st June 2011 01:30 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

What further studies can we do after completing diploma in computer engineering ?
27th May 2011 01:43 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

Hi.. I am looking for courses in computer science for my brother whose 10th results are awaited in a few days. What will a diploma in computer science offer? Will it be add-on to a ideal graduate course in computer science or a difficulty? He intends to continue a graduate course immediately after diploma.

Please share your opinions.
27th May 2011 12:13 PM
What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

hi! i am Rajesh.T
I was completed computer engg. diploma in 2010, after i will not completed next education According to some finantial problem. I want to do graduation . Is it nice to Choose Bsc computers After Diploma(polytechnic).......

Sir please help me sir.... I want urgent reply...........

Thanking u sir
22nd May 2011 09:11 PM
Re: What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

Now you can apply for the Jobs there are lot of vacancies are available for the computer engineer in the government and private sector. You can also prepare for the IAS, IPS, and any other post as you like.
If it possible then also apply for the higher education for the regular and distance depend on you. If you have also interest then also go for the certification course, you can also do the networking course. But if you want to do further study then please don’t waste more time and take admission as soon as possible because you already have 3 year gap in your study.
21st May 2011 10:56 PM
ashwini chavhan
What can I do after diploma in Computer Engineering?

hi! i am ashwini
i was completed computer engg. diploma in 2007, after i will not completed next education some reason. so next what i will do?

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