Thread: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE? Reply to Thread

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5th September 2019 05:40 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

2019 ncte certificate college list of chhattisgarh
26th July 2019 01:18 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

I have been attached the pdf file so kindly download the file and watch.
25th July 2019 08:36 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Is smt. S.A.M.D college of education for women approved by ncte of the session 2013-14
20th July 2019 12:10 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Is Laxmibai kamathane bed college NCTE APROVED?
17th July 2019 06:57 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Is Krishna university of andhra Pradesh approved by ugc and note?
3rd September 2017 12:04 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

sir, I am Baijayanti mala sahoo,my [email protected],want to know "Jenila versani college of acharya nagarjun university(B.Ed) is approved by NCTE,UGC or not
18th July 2017 06:18 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Sai nath university ormanjhi approved by NCTE and UGC.yes ya no please information to me. My mobile number- 7352577877. My name is Supriya Gorai.
28th July 2016 09:33 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Manav Bharti bed Urdu ncte approved hai or Rajasthan gov. And central gov.job approval hai
26th February 2016 08:35 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Sir I want to know that , is Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University affiliated to NCTE and UGC.
24th January 2016 04:21 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Is hindi saahitya sammelan siksha visharad b.ed. is approved by UGC and NCTE. Please tell me.
Reply me to my mail id [email protected]
28th November 2015 01:55 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Please give me some information adout Bed in distance and regular under Calcutta Univercity in Commerce. It's better to send contact numer of the organisation.
21st August 2015 10:27 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

is nims university jaypur rajasthan approved by ugc and ncte or not?please send reply email is [email protected]
12th May 2015 08:10 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

is Dr C .V. Raman university chhatisgarh approved by ugc and ncte or not? please send reply soon. my email is sudarshan Hota [email protected]
5th April 2015 03:50 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE

1)Anna University
2)JawaharLal Nehru University
3)Jadavpur University
4)Mumbai University
5)Goa University
6)Vidyasagar University
7)Bangalore University
8)Tami Nadu Open University
9)calcutta University
10)Hyderabad University
11)Kakatiya University
12)Dr.B. R Ambedkar Open University
13)delhi university
14)Annamalai University
15)Mumbai University
21st March 2015 12:39 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

sir i want to know Nirmala college of education(yogi vemena university)andhra pradesh
session 2013-14 approved by ncte & ugc
my email id [email protected]
21st March 2015 12:06 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

sir i want to know Nirmala college of education(yogi vemena university)andhra pradesh
session 2013-14 approved by ncte & ugc
my email id [email protected]
19th March 2015 06:36 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Originally Posted by Ravi Andana View Post
list of college and university approved by ugc and ncte Ravindra Singh Gurjar
Here are the List of colleges which are approved by UGC and NCTE :

** Andhra University

** Hyderabad University

** Dr.B. R Ambedkar Open University

** Kakatiya University

** calcutta University

** Goa University

** Bangalore University

** Mumbai University

** Anna University

** Annamalai University

** Tami Nadu Open University

** JawaharLal Nehru University

** DElhi University

** Vidyasagar University

** Jadavpur University
18th March 2015 10:23 PM
violent viper
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?


The following are the official link of NCTE and UGC. Please log on to it to know the required details.

NCTE: (National Council For Teacher Education)

UGC: (University Grants Commission)

Happy to help you.
15th March 2015 05:48 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

i want to know about singhania bed collage
this collage are approved by ugc and ncte or not plese help me now
13th February 2015 05:20 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

I want to know about jodhpur national university.this university approved by ugc and ncert or not
28th December 2014 02:35 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

sir, I want to know whether from jammu university valid for state and central govt. job or not ?
19th December 2014 06:22 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

sir . my name is vishan Singh ,
singhania unversity is reconised from ugc and ncert for m.ed cources
16th July 2014 06:42 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

sir,my name is suman paul my email Id is [email protected]. sir will you please let me know if swami vivekananda university ugc and ncte affiliated or not. l want to make my b.ed degree from there. I live in west bengal.
26th May 2014 09:30 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Sir can u please tell me know that Bed collage of Himachal pradesh uni and Tripura uni. are affiliated byUGC & NCTE
20th April 2014 01:29 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Sir my name is Arindam chakraborty my email id is [email protected]. Sir will you please let me know if maghad university is ugc and ncte affiliated or not. I want to make my master degree on English from there. I live in west bengal.
20th April 2014 01:16 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Sir can u please let me know that is the maghad university affiliated by ugc and ncte
11th March 2014 01:06 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Sir, my name is Chandan samanta my email id is [email protected] i just want to know that SINGHANIYA UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN is approved by UGC/NCTE or not?
4th February 2014 06:59 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

what is the vishav bharti educational college jammu certified by ncte for bed
7th January 2014 04:31 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

i sir my name shravan kumar kamat my email id is [email protected] i just want to know that SINGHANIYA UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN is approved by UGC/NCTE or not? please give me anshwer inmy id or my mb no-9717907866
10th December 2013 03:52 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

i want to know,is magadh university ncte approved and its bed course is granted to all overindia.
3rd December 2013 06:27 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

i just want to know jodhpur uoiversity of rajasthan is approved by ugc and ncte or not.
9th November 2013 07:20 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

I just want to know that SINGHANIYA UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN is approved by UGC/NCTE or not?
4th November 2013 10:32 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

are all med colleges of bubophal ncert apporived.
4th November 2013 04:36 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

mawar bad college approvdd the Ncte date and year
4th November 2013 04:33 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

mawar bad college approvdd the Ncte date and year
2nd November 2013 04:15 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

jodhpur university ugc and ncte approved ?
21st October 2013 10:06 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Is nsou odl bed approved by ncte?
18th October 2013 10:41 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

is shridhar univershty apprnved by ugc and ncte?
17th October 2013 08:45 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Computer Science and Engineering Pass out from Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers are eligible or not for West Bengal School Service Commotion Exam.
14th October 2013 09:33 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Nalanda university dehradun is approved by ncte in bed collage.
5th October 2013 11:54 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

is svn sagar univ.affliated by ncte for b.ed course &what no.of seat alloted for session2013_14
28th September 2013 08:02 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

List of universities that are UGC and NCTE approved in karnataka?
27th September 2013 09:23 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

i want to get admission to ncte approved d ed course 2013-2015 in wb there any advertiaement about d ed?
26th September 2013 11:13 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Amaravathi university
18th September 2013 06:03 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Is brabu muz.approved by dec
9th September 2013 01:41 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

is magadh university ncte affiliated?
23rd August 2013 11:53 AM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

is sv university ncte approved?
5th August 2013 02:23 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

Is singhania univercity is apporved by ugc and ncrt
27th July 2013 02:40 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

vinayaka mission univercity selem tamilnadu is aproved by nacc,ugc and dec ?
16th July 2013 05:00 PM
Re: List of the colleges and universities approved by UGC and NCTE?

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