Thread: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form? Reply to Thread

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22nd March 2011 01:48 AM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

You have not taken the care in dispatching the form,result you have to face this problem.

However,you have to send a pdf or jpeg file of your photograph through mail,but you have send it through post.

I think your photo is reached and your form is accepted,visit the below given link of official website of iitk,I am sure your problem will be solved after visitting it.

Best of luck
8th February 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

I have applied for IIt-jee Madras zone. I did not mention the councelling centre as they are suggested but in the column of counselling centre, they mentioned it as at"it-BHU varanasi'. Now is it possible to change couselling centre or not?
1st January 2011 12:20 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?


the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form
You have not taken the care in dispatching the form,result you have to face this problem.

However,you have to send a pdf or jpeg file of your photograph through mail,but you have send it through post.

I think your photo is reached and your form is accepted,visit the below given link of official website of iitk,I am sure your problem will be solved after visitting it.

good luck.
1st January 2011 12:01 AM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

Originally Posted by View Post
I applied for gate 2010. I received a mail from IIT Kanpur stating that my uploaded photo was not acceptable..I was asked to make the corrections on or before 3rd dec..but i could'nt do it on time..For furthur corrections we are asked to contact the zonal gate office.I have send my photo through mail to zonal gate office on 15th of dec..will it be accepted? how to know whether it is accepted or not?.
dear friend.....

sorry for late reply.........

now the exam of gate 2010 is already over......

so i can not help regarding this
o k
better luck next time
31st December 2010 07:55 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

If this is not accepted by the GATE officers then they will inform you again for the photoraph.
31st December 2010 05:36 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

This is too old a post, but for general information, acceptance of the form depends greatly on your photograph, but since the time is over, it is better to check whatever has been done. Now, I do not think that calling the head office will make any improvement. Finally, you must not get demoralized as you can appear GATE next year
31st December 2010 04:33 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

if you have done the mistake in the iitjee form then you should also bring in the attention of the iitjee members otherwise your form can also be rejected.......
you should contact the iit zonal office as soon as possible
31st December 2010 02:12 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

Dear Friend
As i know for this type of problem you have to submit your problem directly to the Zonal office as soon as possible.
you can submit your problem also on their website:-
good luck...........
31st December 2010 02:02 PM
mini rani
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?


When you were asked to make the corrections on or before 3rd december you should have done the correction at that time only. But you failed to do so, now it depends on their discretion whether they will accept your form or reject it.

To confirm your application status check it on GATE website.
31st December 2010 01:55 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

Asked them twice,whether it is received of not.There is no other way left to known.
31st December 2010 01:52 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

Hi friend

1)What the date they given,you should Submit with in that date, otherwise it will be rejected ,it is not the Exam you take the Rule ,you should obey the Rule, Don't Repeat this Next time

2)Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Exam it is one of the Best Engineering Exam in India, you should not take that Easily

Best of luck for your Further
31st December 2010 01:20 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

This condition has arrived due to your laziness .now we can't predict right that it had reached and your application is accepted or not. so it would be better for you to contact the IIT officials.
31st December 2010 12:24 PM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

Helllo dear,

this is very big mistake for this type of mistake you must contact to IIT zonal office immidiatly.

then on ly you can correct your mistake and must be eligible for the exam

For further information you must visit to its offical website

GOOD LUCK........
31st December 2010 12:12 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

i am too late to give you the reply. but for this type of problem for this year i will suggest them to contact with IIT zonal office directly. they will suggest you the best way.

always try to not do any mistake. if unfortunately you have done any mistake correct it according to the guideline given by the zonal office within the time. otherwise your form may be rejected.

best of luck to all student those appearing in IIT JEE 2011.
21st December 2010 11:19 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

regarding this matter you may contact to iit kanpur because last decision is applicable by iit kanpur only so you contact to
16th May 2010 12:32 AM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

hope you mentioned your application number while sending the second photograoh
if you want to check your application form you can chek the status of your form it will tell you wether it got accepted or rejected
7th March 2010 12:38 AM
mike shinoda back
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

do not take pressure you go to the official website and there are some procedure what to do if your wrong infomation........and also send an email the zone officer..........with your photo...

all the best.
6th March 2010 06:38 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?


don't worry they will accept your form just prepare well for the exam
best of luck
6th March 2010 02:39 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

dear friend.....

sorry for late reply.........

now the exam of gate 2010 is already over......

so i can not help regarding this
o k
good luck
5th March 2010 09:52 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

dear friend
to check the status of your form visit
if it is cancelled or something contact the officials immediately the contacts can be found on the website
good luck
4th March 2010 01:30 PM
rahul k
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

i think you dont send application form corrctly, so you can send your photo again or you may directly contact to headquater immediately. they will help you better.
17th February 2010 02:52 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

as on the 14 feb,2010,the gate exam is being over so now i want to know will you get your admid card or not,
14th January 2010 03:44 PM
Esha Sharma
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

Hello Vinu
I must say you have acted very carelessly here in not sending your photograph in time and possibility of acceptance of your application have been low due to your this default but i would like to suggest you to make a reuest at iit students corner or contact the iit head office may be they will help you out.
13th January 2010 11:14 AM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

now as you want to know if your form has been accepted or first check the status of your application form....
then write an application regarding the delay of submission of your photograph na dmail it to the address from where you received the first e-mail......
contact the authority by calling them and confirm if your application is accepted or not.....

best of luck
12th January 2010 09:50 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

you must contact the iit headquaters for it....they will help you the best in this
4th January 2010 11:46 AM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

it is the decision of iit,which only they will know,so please contact them again and inquire
3rd January 2010 09:02 PM
Re: Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in ITT application form?

You have not taken the care in dispatching the form,result you have to face this problem.

However,you have to send a pdf or jpeg file of your photograph through mail,but you have send it through post.

I think your photo is reached and your form is accepted,visit the below given link of official website of iitk,I am sure your problem will be solved after visitting it.

Best of luck
19th December 2009 09:03 PM
Can the corrections regarding the photo be made now in IIT JEE application form?

I applied for gate 2010. I received a mail from IIT Kanpur stating that my uploaded photo was not acceptable..I was asked to make the corrections on or before 3rd dec..but i could'nt do it on time..For furthur corrections we are asked to contact the zonal gate office.I have send my photo through mail to zonal gate office on 15th of dec..will it be accepted? how to know whether it is accepted or not?.

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