Thread: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE? Reply to Thread

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25th October 2011 05:42 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

Here is the official release of the procedure for IITJEE 2012:

Rank Lists

Rank lists, as given below, will be prepared based on the aggregate marks obtained in IIT-JEE 2012.
1. A common rank list made up of candidates who score at least 10% in each subject and 35% in aggregate will be prepared.
2. Separate rank lists will be prepared corresponding to OBC (NCL), SC and ST categories.
3. Candidates of OBC (NCL) category must score at least 9% in each subject and 31.5% in aggregate in order to be in the OBC rank list.
4. Candidates of SC and ST categories must score at least 5% in each subject and 17.5% in aggregate in order to be in their respective rank lists.

PD Rank Lists

1. A common rank list will be prepared for PD candidates. To be in the PD rank list, candidates must score at least 5% in each subject and 17.5% in aggregate.
2. Separate PD rank lists will be prepared corresponding to the OBC (NCL), SC and ST categories. To be in these rank lists, candidates must score at least 5% in each subject and 17.5% in aggregate.

Preparatory Course Rank Lists

Separate rank lists will be prepared for preparatory course if the number of SC/ST/PD candidates in the respective rank lists is less than 1.4 times the number of seats available in the respective categories. To be in these rank lists, candidate must score at least 2.5% in each subject and 8.75% in aggregate.
For the purpose of ranking, a candidate shall be considered in all the appropriate categories.
There will be no separate waiting list of candidates.


The tie-break criterion, in the various rank lists, adopted for awarding ranks to the candidates who have scored the same aggregate marks is as follows:
Subject-wise average marks will be calculated for each rank list. Among the candidates having the same aggregate marks, a candidate will be ranked higher, if he/she has scored higher marks in the subject with the lowest average marks calculated as above. If there is a tie after this procedure, then the marks obtained by the tied candidates in the subject with the second-lowest average marks will be considered, and the above procedure will be repeated. Candidates tied even after this procedure will be given the same rank.

All The Best
11th October 2011 12:29 AM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

Did IIT calculate 2 mark for ranking and any procedures.?
6th October 2011 07:28 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

There is Unique procedure and rules that are followed by JEE to rank a candidate

first Know doubt they will concentrate on the marks obtained by the candidate in the entrance exam

if two or more students get tie in their marks then the panel will decide the ranks based upon the marks achieved in Mathematics
then Physics.I will suggest you to strengthen Chemistry totally and get average marks in other two....
16th September 2011 09:58 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what about the reservation in itt jee????
Reservation in IIT is as per govt. criteria. That is 15% seats are reserved for SC, 7.5% for ST, 22.5% for OBC and rest are for general.
9th September 2011 12:29 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

what about the reservation in itt jee????
7th July 2011 10:26 AM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

do eml candidates get admission in iits?
21st June 2011 12:35 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

how can i get my subject wise marks in iit jee 2011??
10th June 2011 12:50 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

i want to know the iit marks in every subject
6th June 2011 05:30 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

4th June 2011 09:13 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

What is the marks secured by the candidate with registration No. 3018151 in IIT JEE 2011
4th June 2011 08:18 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

4th June 2011 08:16 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

4th May 2011 06:19 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by R.D.RAO View Post
What is the Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

Please reply
Hello Friend,

First of all a candidate has to qualify IIT-JEE to get rank. IIT authorities calculate the cutoff by taking an average of the marks secured by every candidate. If you are able to get marks above that average then your are qualified.

The qualified candidates are then ranked according to their total marks.
If there is a tie in total marks then candidate with higher marks in mathematics will be ranked higher.
If there's still a tie then candidate with higher marks in physics will be ranked higher.
If still there's a tie then candidate older in age will be ranked higher....
4th May 2011 04:23 PM
Re: Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

There is Unique procedure and rules that are followed by JEE to rank a candidate

first Know doubt they will concentrate on the marks obtained by the candidate in the entrance exam

if two or more students get tie in their marks then the panel will decide the ranks based upon the marks achieved in Mathematics

then Physics

Even after this also if more than one student get tie then they will decide the rank based upon the Date of birth of the student the student with more age will be given highest priority

by this they will decide ranks

this is all about the critical method of ranking the students who appeared for JEE


31st March 2011 05:53 PM
Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

What is the Procedure for ranking a candidate in IIT JEE?

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