Thread: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam? Reply to Thread

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4th May 2015 01:44 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

When will be concelling2015?
15th May 2014 12:38 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

Dear Sir,

I was fill up JCECE exam form, jharkhand for Polytechnic entrance competative exam 2014 as general catergory and i got exam results i.e CML rank 21045 and MCQ rank 1613. am i qualify to take addmission in any government collage of jharkhand. please reply for same.
24th June 2013 09:42 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

What is the second counseling data for Jharkhand polytechnic
19th June 2012 11:45 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?
please tell me.
my emil id is
16th June 2012 07:12 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

hello dear

the date for the counseling of the jharkhand polytechnic exam has not been declared yet
there is no such information on the official website of the JCECEB even
you can visit the official website to get the details of the counseling of the jharkhand polytechnic exam whenever it is declared

the official website is ::
good luck
thank you
16th June 2012 01:53 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

sir i got 12773 rank in jharkhand polytechnic 2012 ,any chance to get good college in jharkhand?
10th May 2012 09:51 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when will polytecnic result2012 publish?
22nd February 2012 03:30 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

Please send the last date of form apply
and send the
23rd August 2011 05:43 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

counseling date of jarkhand polytechnic 2011
3rd August 2011 05:44 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

what is the conseling date and place of conseling for 54 rank in female cml and 84 rank in female cat pls reply soon
15th July 2011 11:28 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

hi dear,
the date for the counseling of the jharkhand polytechnic exam has not been declared yet
there is no such information on the official website of the JCECEB even
you can visit the official website to get the details of the counseling of the jharkhand polytechnic exam whenever it is declared

the official website is ::

12th July 2011 07:53 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

my polytechnic rank is4853 in genral category can i selected in this year in any college please sir
12th July 2011 09:43 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

dear sir, when counseling date is publised than, please sir inform my no. 9955718129
10th July 2011 06:21 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

jcece councelling datesow pl
10th July 2011 06:16 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

jcece diploma level result 2011
10th July 2011 06:10 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

conceling for jcece2011
29th June 2011 06:06 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when counncling date come
28th June 2011 05:17 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

I got a CML Rank 26716 and MCQ Rank 2053 in D.L.C.E.E - 2011 Jharkhand.I want to take admission in Mechanical branch in any government Institute. If the admission is possible? Please mail me.My contact no,is 8092223818.
Thanking you.
Taufique Ahmad
28th June 2011 05:11 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

I got a CML Rank 26716 and MCQ Rank 2053 in D.L.C.E.E - 2011 Jharkhand.I want to take admission in Mechanical branch in any government Institute. If the admission is possible? Please mail me.My contact no,is 8092223818.
Thanking you.
Taufique Ahmad
26th June 2011 10:08 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

my rank is 7159 in poltecnic in genral and i am also genral can i select in any goverment college in any strem please sir
26th June 2011 10:01 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

my polytechnic rank is7159 in genral category can i selected in this year in any college please sir
24th June 2011 08:25 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

whem are the result of poly
technique results coming
21st June 2011 11:17 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

sir'pleas tell us the date of poltecnic2011results
19th June 2011 09:39 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

sir would you plese tell me counselling date of polytechnic exam of andhra pradesh.
satyanarayana 9949174905
18th June 2011 11:49 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
please tell me the counselling date for jharkhand polytechnic...can you tell me the date
it will be declared soon........
17th June 2011 06:38 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when will declare the polytechnic entrance result about one and half month gone.plz allownce the result.
17th June 2011 05:58 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

When will the polytechnic entrance examination 2011 result be declared. Please reply as I am waiting eagerly and am unable to take
further decision regarding study. Alok Kumar.
16th June 2011 04:10 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when jharkhand ploy result out reply me------
16th June 2011 02:27 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

When will be declare jharkhand polytechnic result 2011 ?
16th June 2011 10:27 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

i want to know abt the result of jharkhand polytechnic 2011 so plz give me information at or call me at 7808230837
16th June 2011 08:44 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

When result of jharkhand polytechnic exam 2011 comes
15th June 2011 10:57 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when will be polytecnic co
15th June 2011 08:05 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

How many times i will wait for RESULTS?
My HEART is beating for result......
15th June 2011 02:42 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

What is the result date of jharkhand polytechnic 2011
15th June 2011 11:42 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

polytecnic result 2011
14th June 2011 09:44 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

whatis the date for jharkhand polytechnic results?reply me at
13th June 2011 09:10 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

date of polytechnic result 2011
13th June 2011 06:18 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when will be the polytecnic result would be declared we students are waiting for your response....please reply it sooooon,....
13th June 2011 01:06 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

12th June 2011 08:51 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

what is the date of jharkhand polytechnic deploma engineering entrance exam result 2011
12th June 2011 10:03 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

12th June 2011 09:13 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when will the jharkhand poltechnic result will be announced held on 5may2011 please reply on
11th June 2011 11:41 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when will you give out polytecnic result
11th June 2011 06:02 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when the jharkhand polytechnic result will declare.
11th June 2011 06:01 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

when we got result of entrence exam polytechnic 2011
11th June 2011 03:54 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

When we get polytechnic 2011 result
11th June 2011 12:44 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

i want to know that when the polytechnic 2011 result is decleare please give details or somthing
from- Aakash
11th June 2011 12:20 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

What is the date of jharkhand polytechnic results 2011 which was organised by jceceb on 5th May,2011?
11th June 2011 09:05 AM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

When will be the result published on net....
10th June 2011 10:23 PM
Re: What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic exam?

When we get polytechnic 2011 result
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