Thread: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET Reply to Thread

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31st May 2017 06:15 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

Sir I got 60000 rank in jee main and 109 marks what college can I get into Maharashtra
12th May 2017 06:50 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I have got 90 Marks in CET and zero marks in JEE .Which is best college for Computer engineering in Mumbai that can i get/
6th July 2016 06:26 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I got 52 marks in jee marks & 128 mark in pcm class 12th. So can I got admission in BE in computer engineering in Mumbai or pune
6th June 2016 01:02 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I scored 60 marks in cet 60% in board & 40 in JEE main so which clg will I get from pune?
26th May 2016 10:29 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I got 79 %in 12th and 100 marks in mh cet, does i get good government college in pune
25th May 2014 12:21 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i hav got 88% in Karnataka board exams n my kcet score is 106 ...s0 which r d best clges I cn get in bnglre..plz
suggest me
19th February 2014 11:43 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i m in gujarat board studying in surat,i will score between 75%-82% in gujarat board only in cpm, and can score maximum 90 in jee mains out of 360 ,could i will get admissions in pune Btech of IT eng colleges paying less donations??????? i m 11th sci n next year in 2015 i want to go to pune for eng studies could i can able to go????
15th September 2013 09:01 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

Dear user

By far the placement goes colleges in pune fair better than colleges in mumbai in engineering stream.
you have a low score in both mhcet and aieee so there less chances of you getting into good college
but you can still opt for a college which accepts you with that score and work hard in engineering
you will surely get rewards for that hard work irrespective of college.
Its never late if you start from right now then you will get descent placement.

Good luck
20th July 2013 08:41 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

for tourists how many marks have to get for studing in a college at sweden?
16th June 2013 11:47 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I have got 33 in jee and 82 in mtcet will i get adm for mac-engg inmumbai
10th June 2013 06:22 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

helloooo everyone i really need serious suggestions...
i have scored 45% in HSC n scored 81/200 in MHCET which colleges shall i apply for engeeneering?????
i cant waste my year.....
10th June 2013 12:29 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I have 52% in hsc pcm and 57 marks in cet can i get addmission in mumbai for engineering?
6th June 2013 11:32 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I got 39 in MHT C.E.T and 57.67 in H.S.C. Can i get enginnering
5th June 2013 03:26 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I I have 74 marks in vet and 63%marks in hsc tell me the names of collages in which I can admit
3rd June 2013 09:43 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my pcm score is 143. & cet score is 84
i am from backward caste.
i have caste certificate but i have not caste validity.
can i get admision?????????
,bro m also havin same prob. . . Plz txt me if u get d soln
3rd June 2013 03:08 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i scored 71% in board exam and 35430 ranking in cet can u suggest colleges
31st May 2013 08:33 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

What is the cut off for admission through Mht-cet for engineering (civil) college in mumbai 2013
1st May 2013 12:03 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i got 105 marks in pcm group then which college i will get for engineering
12th April 2013 10:56 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

hey guys please tell ! ...
if i get 115 in PCM ..then CET marks wil not be counted ,i'm in OBC ....what should i do next
9th April 2013 10:28 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I have got 46 marks in aieee....plz tell me which college could I get...please do reply..

And also I'm a girl...
1st September 2012 08:22 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i did'nt give mht cet but get 82% in 10 and 72% in 12. i got 39 marks in AIEEE. i didnt go the for the counslling. and now the last date has gone. so can i get admission now if i try. pls do reply
6th July 2012 02:26 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

my aieee rank is 75000 can i get good colg if yes ..........
which it is .......
3rd July 2012 10:14 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I have 71 marks in cet or 61% in board or 167 marks in pcm. please suggest me collages in pune university or nasik..
27th June 2012 11:44 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i have score 96 in MHTCETand 41 in AIEEE in 2012 so could i get admision in mumbai or not?
20th June 2012 12:14 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i have got 69 in aieee and 87 cet ,i want engineering college in pune reputed.
19th June 2012 05:38 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i got 74 marks in aieee...can i get admission in engineering college in mumbai????
18th June 2012 08:29 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i have got 84 in mhtcet n 66 in aieee can i get admission in any engineering college in maharastra or in cg
16th June 2012 06:44 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i got 114 in aieee and didnt gave exam of mhtcet would i be able to get govt college
16th June 2012 01:07 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

its me ashutosh sanjay ningot (my cast is OBC) i have got 59% in hsc(maharashtra pune board) 87 in mht-cet and 31 in aieee so i am aspecting to get admission in government engg college in mumbai
16th June 2012 12:27 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

Hello Friend
According to your marks you are not eligible for taking admission in any of the engineering colleges of Maharashtra.....

So better to try it for the private colleges in the Maharashtra as because there are lots of private colleges in Maharashtra....

i think you will be called for the counselling and there you will get some ood private college on the basis of your core..

Best Wishes..
15th June 2012 09:34 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i hv got 73% in board & 66 in cet & 62 marks in aieee can i get addmissions to the govt collges?
13th June 2012 12:47 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

Sir! i have got 68(PCM) and 80(PCB) marks in mht-cet. Can i get admission for MBBS(I belong to SC category). and if not can i get admisssion in nice college for engineering. Also i secured 33(B.E./ and 155(B.Arch)marks in aieee, so can i get admission on basis of aieee in any nice architecture college... please reply soon!
12th June 2012 10:12 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

its possible that after scoring 27 marks in AIEEE and 67 in MHT-CET and in board 46.5% can i get Admission in engineering colleges of mumbai
12th June 2012 12:40 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

I have scored 53 marks in aieee and 85 marks in mhtcet...Can you plz suggest me some good colleges in pune accepting such marks?
11th June 2012 07:44 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

11th June 2012 04:53 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i hv 56 marks in aieee can i get any good college in jaipur
11th June 2012 02:45 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i got 40 marks in aieee and i have 65 percent in 12 th is there any chances to get admission in any good engg college?
10th June 2012 03:41 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

sir i have got 83 in pcm in cet and only 5 marks in aieee please suggest something to me suggest some colleges in mumbai & pune
10th June 2012 12:31 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i got 81 marks in pcm in cet and 76% in hsc. can i get admission for engineering?
9th June 2012 04:28 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i got 62.17% marks in 12th n 95 marks in seee but aieee result i dont know, please tell me what collges i prefered for the admission n can i get admission in pune or mumbai
9th June 2012 11:58 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i got 40% marks in pcm in hsc and 93(pcm) in cet can i get admission in engineering college in mumbai or any other side........plzz suggest
6th June 2012 01:08 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

how i will get admission in vit pune....
6th June 2012 11:11 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

Please tell me minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through MHT-CET.
28th May 2012 12:04 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

26th May 2012 01:18 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i hve scored 77% in hsc. aiee score expected is 183 in mhcet expected score is 160 can i get admission in goods engineering colleges in Mumbai.
26th May 2012 12:19 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i have got 122 mrks in pcm group so can i get admission in any engineering college all over idia. pls rply if there is some university providing admission.
rply me at [email protected]
30th April 2012 10:49 AM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

which good colleges in mumbai or pune can i get on scoring 150 marks in aieee
1st April 2012 09:25 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

maks in MH-CET and AIEEE, it is very tough, that you will get admission in engineering college of mumbai.

if you will not get admission in Mumbai colleges, than you will definately
get admission in other good private colleges of AIEEE.

So, i will suggest you just, appear in councelling, may be you will get admission in
some goos AIEEE colleges.
6th February 2012 08:05 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

As per your given maks in MH-CET and AIEEE, it is very tough, that you will get admission in engineering college of mumbai.

But dont worry, if you will not get admission in Mumbai colleges, than you will definitely
get admission in other good private colleges of AIEEE.

Aishwarya Mehrotra
26th October 2011 02:36 PM
Re: Minimum marks for getting admission in engineering college in mumbai through AIEEE and MHT-CET

i am now in class 10th cbsc board in the gulf. can i appear for MHCET and AIEEE after completing my 12th in Saudi Arabia. Please reply. Arnold.
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