Thread: Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58% Reply to Thread

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21st June 2023 07:23 AM
Re: Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58%

Scoring 58% in your academic qualification is a good starting point for UGC NET preparation. To enhance your chances of success in the exam, it is essential to refer to subject-specific books and study materials. Here are some recommended books that can be useful for UGC NET exam preparation:

"Trueman's UGC NET/SET General Paper I" by M. Gagan and Sajit Kumar
"UGC NET/JRF/SLET General Paper-1 Teaching & Research Aptitude" by Arihant Experts
"CBSE UGC NET/SET/JRF - Paper 1: Teaching and Research Aptitude" by KVS Madaan
For the subject-specific paper, you can refer to books that cover the syllabus of your chosen subject. Here are a few popular ones for different subjects:

"UGC-NET: Commerce" by Sushil Kumar and Abha Malik
"UGC-NET: Management" by M. Shivani and A.P. Mathur
"UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) - Political Science" by Kamal Garg and Sunita Singh
"UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) - English Literature" by Arihant Experts
"UGC-NET: Psychology" by J.P. Sharma and Puja Arora
"UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) - Computer Science & Applications" by Sunil Kushwaha and Amit Rastogi
29th July 2016 12:59 PM
Re: Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58%

Looking for the best books for UGC NET is the first step towards the preparation of UGC NET Exam.

Here I am Mentioning some of the experts written books:
1. UGC NET/SET Exam Guide
by Kr Sanjay, S.D. Tiwary
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House

Some preparation Tips for Upcoming UGC NET Exam:

1. Complete Knowledge of UGC NET Exam syllabus
2. Note down the syllabus and study each and every topic
3. Try to teach some one
4. make small notes in your own language so that during exam you can understand it well.
5. Take proper sleep and eat good food.
7th July 2016 09:37 PM
Re: Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58%

Sir please tell me which books are important to clear UGC NET geography subject by Hindi medium
24th April 2016 03:26 PM
Re: Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58%

Sir please tell me which books are important to clear UGC NET history subject by Hindi medium
26th February 2015 10:03 AM
Re: Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58%

Best books for UGC NET exam for Management subject

UGC NET/SET Management
Seema Kumari
Publisher: R.Gupta

UGC NET Management Previous Years' Papers Solved
R. Gupta
Publisher: Ramesh Publication

UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) Management
Mohit Agarwal
Publisher: Arihant Publications

Trueman's UGC NET Management
by M. Shivani
Publisher: Danika/ Trueman Publishing Company

UGC NET Management Previous Years' Papers Solved (Paper I, II & III)
by R. Gupta
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House
25th February 2015 12:31 PM
Re: Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58%

Hi i scored 66% in ugcnet psychology and i belong to gen category, usually cutoff for psychology ranges from 60 to 64, will i get lecturership? as i heard only top 15% are eligible for lecturership
22nd August 2013 02:01 PM
Books to be referred for UGC NET? I have scored 58%

i m an ugc net aspirant in management subject from obc .i have attempt ugc net exam 4 times and prepared hard ,every time i scored around 58% ,in every attempt i loss marks in diffrent subject.i studied by some books of ugc net like trueman,arihant,upkar and some reference books of diffrenet subjects and past year question paper .now what should i do?

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