5th May 2013 12:13 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? yes you can apply for ias. |
4th May 2013 05:15 PM | ||
radha 2 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? well,I don't think that colour blind student eligible for IAS exam.so sorry but you can well treatment of your eyes. |
4th May 2013 03:56 PM | ||
vishal.attitude |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? hello Friend, @ My dear i think a colour blind candidate can't apply for IAS exam , @ there some limitations to apply for IAS exam some of them are given bellow:- ELIGIBILITY AREA:- i) You must be graduation from any recognized university ii) your age must be lie between 21 to 30 years iii) you can attempt three time for that exam .............. yours faith fully , |
4th May 2013 02:39 PM | ||
vkghanghas |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? surely u can apply for IAS:BEST OF LUCK |
4th May 2013 12:50 PM | ||
sherleytwain |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? There are no physical criteria for the Indian Administrative Service. Which means that even a colorblind student can also apply for the Civil Services Examination for IAS. The issue emerges is you apply for Indian Forest Service or the Indian Police Service. Here you will have to meet some physical criteria but not in case of Indian Administrative Service. Color blindness is a minor issue for IAS. Physically handicapped students are selected for the IAS since there is some quota for them. Although I am not sure whether color blind students are eligible for Physical handicapped quota. But the bottom line is that you can apply for the IAS entrance exam without any trouble. The forms will now made available only next year and therefore you will be only able to apply for the exam next year. Eligibility Criteria 1. Indian Passport holders can apply for the exam. 2. Any bachelor degree is considered as qualifying course. 3. There is no marks criteria. 4. As on August of exam year you should be at least 21 years old and less than 30 years old. 5. As per government guidelines 3 years relaxation in upper limit given to OBC. 6. UPSC allows SC/ST candidate to appear till 35 years. Selection Process 1. Preliminary Exam 2. Main Exam 3. Interview |
4th May 2013 12:49 PM | ||
TARA001 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Hello Friend , There is no such written notification in IAS rules about color blind , so it would be little difficult for me to pin point the exact answer , but as per my knowledge those with color blindness are not allowed to sit for an IAS entrance exam , long sight -6/6 is the best and 6/12 worst . And 6/9 is also allowed . All The Best ! ! |
4th May 2013 11:40 AM | ||
banacareer |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? hi, Yes you can appply for the IAS exam if you colour blindness too. Because no physical fitness required for the IAS exam. but yes you can not apply for the IPS is clear the civil services exam. |
4th May 2013 08:51 AM | ||
sandeepsaini.saini522 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? hi, Yes,you can apply IAS exam you have ful-fill the following Eligibility;- Exam Eligibility;- 1-You must be passed a graduate degree from a Indian recognized university 2-There is no percentage requirement 3-Appearing in final year candidates are also Eligible. Age limits;- General age limits is 21-30 years. Age relaxation is given reserved category students. Age relaxation;--- 3 years age relaxation for OBC category 5 years age relaxation for SC/ST category 10 years for PH candidates Physical Standard;- Height;- Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm Chest : Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm. Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm. Eye sight : 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye. The correction is by lenses only. High standard for the Colour-blind test. No inherent night blindness. Vision should stereoscopic. All the best............. |
4th May 2013 08:48 AM | ||
dhirajen18 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Yes, a Colour blind student can apply for IAS as there is no specific physical requirement which is specified for IPS. To become an IAS officer, one has to crack Civil Service Examconducted by UPSC once every year. The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate. For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
4th May 2013 07:24 AM | ||
bodasaidulugoud |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Quote:
why because they are conducting physical test so you are not eligible |
4th May 2013 12:25 AM | ||
goelgaurav29 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Hello Friend, The minimum eligibility required for IAS is graduation from any recognized university.No physical fitness is required for IAS.Only for IPS physical fitness is required .Every year UPSC will conduct exam for IAS and IPS .One need to qualify in that exam to become a IAS officer. The age should be between 21 t0 30 and number of attempts can give is 4 times for general and 7 times for OBC and infinity for Sc/St. All The Best... |
3rd May 2013 11:18 PM | ||
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? HELLO......... YES, Off course you're eligible for the Civil Service Exam as 'IAS exam'. There's nothing mentioned about the color blindness, so you're Eligible. |
3rd May 2013 06:49 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Too many contradictions in the answers some say that color blind can apply where as the last answer says they cannot. I can understand that a color blind will not be able to apply for IPS exam but for IAS he should be, can someone please confirm this.... |
27th September 2011 01:56 AM | ||
peterpan10 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Color blind student are not eligible for IAS examination. Details of IAS examination : IAS Eligibility : Academic Qualification : The candidate must be graduate from any university. Age Limit : ForGeneral :21 to 30 years.[SC/ST will get 5 years age relaxation and OBC will get 3 year age relaxation] No Of Attempts : General : 4. SC/ST: Unlimited. OBC :7. |
26th September 2011 10:15 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? hoew ignorant are these people............ |
26th July 2011 08:55 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? can a color blind person apply for IES ? if yes is there a chance of getting railways? |
22nd July 2011 05:26 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Can a BCA would be eligible to apply for IAS???? |
2nd July 2011 09:23 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? colour can apply for indian engineering services but can only opt indian railways store services |
2nd July 2011 09:17 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? if you are colour blind dnt get dishartned you can apply for indian engineering services but you can only opt for indian railways store services grade A officer.... your engineering degree will not go in vain but you have to study very hard as there is only one choice for you in ies....since store service is a managerial job not pure technical job... it is related to invrntary control(operational research) |
15th June 2011 08:35 PM | ||
imira |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Graduates from a recognized University are eligible to appear for IAS Examination. The minimum age limit is 21 years of age. Physical fitness is an important criterion for IAS examination. Color blindness is not a problem for IAS examination. Physically challenged candidates are also permitted to appear in IAS examinations. |
14th June 2011 11:24 PM | ||
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Quote:
Those with colour blindness are not allowed. Long sight - 6/6 is the best and 6/12 worst. And 6/9 and 6/9 is also allowed. THANKS |
13th June 2011 02:21 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? is a colour blind person eligible for ies? |
19th May 2011 07:33 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Sir,I am an SLE patient....Doctors said that I want to take the medicine for life long....Is I am eligible for ias or ifs? |
15th May 2011 11:19 AM | ||
sivaraj448 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? A candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination. The upper age limit is relaxed upto a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, deaf-mute and orthopaedically handicapped candidates. note that even a blind student can appear in ias exam. and color blindness doesn't matter. |
22nd April 2011 06:07 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? sir , i have colour bliendness but i can read the isihahra plates 30 out of 38 plates. so i want to know that can i apply the exam of IAS and CPWD, please suggest me................................................ ..................................... |
14th April 2011 06:59 PM | ||
aditya436 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Quote:
I think is it is not that necessary for IAS because as per rule all the PD candidates are eligible and also some special benefits are there for PD candidates in the relaxation of upper age limit.. but the basic eligibility criteria for Civil's is The main basic eligibility criteria for Civils Service Examination ->Candidate must have 21 years of age ->Candidate must complete at least degree from a recognized Indian University this is all about the basic eligibility criteria of CSE As per your qualification if you have completed Degree then definitely you are eligible for the exam.. You can go through the examination code for Civil Service Examination in the official website of UPSC i.e. www.upsc.gov.in regards.. ~aditya~ |
4th April 2011 10:38 AM | ||
kapila Chaudhary |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Yes dear you can appear for IAS exam......... Physical fitness is important but color blindness is not restriction to appear in IAS exams which are conducted by UPSC. For more details,Please refer to the official website: www.upsc.gov.in Regards Kapila |
3rd April 2011 03:26 PM | ||
sureshcbe |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? PD candidates are eligible. so color blindness is not a problem. But i think it comes to matter, if one falls in second category that is IPS |
3rd April 2011 02:42 PM | ||
balathegreat |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? Hi friend, A candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination. The upper age limit is relaxed upto a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, deaf-mute and orthopaedically handicapped candidates. note that even a blind student can appear in ias exam. and color blindness doesn't matter. so face your exam with confidence. ALL THE BEST |
3rd April 2011 10:47 AM | ||
Niklesh92 |
Re: Can a color blind student apply for IAS? I dont think so but there might be a chance of appearing.. |
3rd April 2011 12:49 AM | ||
vroom69 |
Can a color blind student apply for IAS? physical eligibilities for ias sir...i am color blind....can i apply for ias |