16th April 2014 08:21 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Dear sir Which branch i have to choose aerospace engg.or aeronautical engg.plz reply me which one is better...??? |
18th May 2013 09:49 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? sir i completed 12.Now i decided to go for engineering.But now i am in a confusion.which branch i would take for engineering degree?will u please give a solution. |
17th May 2013 07:05 PM | ||
aksksasikumar |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? i have completed 12 with 93%.i have opted to take aerospace engineering.is that a right option. |
21st June 2012 10:47 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Is amity good for aerospace engineering? |
29th December 2011 01:04 AM | ||
joblesswork |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Yeah, you are absolutely right that aeronautical branch is evegreen branch. you have good scope with this branch in future. But research point of view you have to take mastery of this branch. good luck |
24th November 2011 10:16 PM | ||
mahi 16 |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? yes this is evergreen industry. it has very bright in future in every term. as manufacturing and maintaining the air craft is something never ending thing. as we are now a days very depend on the air transport. Graduate in aerospace engineering can seek employment in the aviation industy. 1.Employment Indian airforce Commercial airlines Hindustan aeronautics limited Airport authory of india NAL NASA AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURER |
19th August 2011 02:21 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? what should i do after completing my class 12........... I WANT TO STUDY ROBOTICS ENGINEERING..........may i should join a ECE collage or go to USA(i want study abroad)...................plzzzzzzzzzz help me i want to study in USA ...do i join my ECE collage or directly go to the collage in USA fo doing MTECH in robotics<<>>>>>.... |
3rd July 2011 02:32 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? i am studing in class 12 and want to study aerospace engineering and robotics.what should i do for it .it is my desire to become an astronaut or a scientist or to make career in aerospace engineering in NASA.please give me the details for it on facebook.my name is kumar gaurav |
14th June 2011 03:09 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? hey wanted to ask what decision did u take with respect to IGNOU and IIAEIT?? |
14th June 2011 03:08 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? sir, which is the best engineering line between aeronautical and aerospace? can guindeance me? |
14th June 2011 02:57 PM | ||
aditi v |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Quote:
14th June 2011 02:45 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? hey... a post made on 26th may 2011, since ur name is not mentioned i approachd u dis way...i have da same query as u have n would like to know what decision u made with respect to IGNOU and IIAEIT...plz reply to my post as soon as possible m facing da same dilemma and thinkin 2 apply there...pls let me know or mail me on my id [email protected] |
1st June 2011 04:29 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? sir now i know that aero enggn has a good scope..but is it only good through nits ?? may be i can get aeronautical in Feroz Gandhi Inst. of Enggn & Tech. (a semi govt. institute) affilated to uptu.it is running from year 2004 and gives good placement to ME students,here aeronautical engg started in year 2009....should i took admission here?? |
1st June 2011 04:28 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? sir now i know that aero enggn has a good scope..but is it only good through nits ?? may be i can get aeronautical in Feroz Gandhi Inst. of Enggn & Tech. (a semi govt. institute) affilated to uptu.it is running from year 2004 and gives good placement to ME students,here aeronautical engg started in year 2009....should i took admission her |
29th May 2011 02:30 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Hi,i am doing my 12th.I am intrested in doing aerospace engineering.Does it have a bright future and good pay scale?If so, what are the competitive exams i have to complete in order to get admission in a leading engineering college of india? |
28th May 2011 10:06 AM | ||
mailmeshekhar2011 |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Hi dear, Let me answer your questions one by one. Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and, of course, Aeronautical Engineering are some career-oriented, EVERGREEN branches of Engineering. If you give your best shot while pursuing these courses, you will surely be awarded with promising careers. Now, coming to your area of interest, i.e., Aeronautics and your dream of joining space research organisations as scientists or astronauts, you seem to be progressing in the right path. Aeronautical Engineering is one of the most challenging and rewarding fields of engineering. It is not just about fat pay packets, you may also land high-flying jobs with NASA, ISRO and other such organizations. As an academic discipline, Aeronautical Engineering is offered by premier institutes like IIT Chennai, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Mumbai. Follow this link for more information on aeronautical engineering as well as for the list of colleges in India offering aeronautical engineering courses http://www.webindia123.com/career/options/eng/aero/intro.htm Thanks |
26th May 2011 08:38 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? hello...i've completed my 12 grade and scored 90% PCM marks. I'm very much interested in doing my b.tech in aeronautical/aerospace engineering frm a good college. I've recently heard that IGNOU wid the help of AERO( Aeronautical engineering and research organisation, pune) have collaborated to in 2009 to provide full time face to face on campus b.tech aerospace engineering course which will give better job prospects in this very demanding field. does any1 have some views about the course? is it better to do this course than other regular b.tech AE courses provided by other institutions, coz mostly people think that IGNOU provides correspondence courses only? actually its a myth...coz IGNOU has started many full time courses over the past years in various fields. Also for the course IGNOU has approved certain instituted that hav the required infrastructure and facilities, like IIAEIT (Indian Institute of Aeronautical Engineering & IT) pune and VSM institute of aviation technology. Even the fee structure of the course is reasonable. Shud i go for it?? PLz help guys!! |
13th May 2011 11:10 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? How good it is 'Aerospace Engineering' in SRM University |
25th April 2011 10:26 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? sir, i have completed 12th and i have a great interest in aeronautics. how can i get addmition in govt collage for B.TECH in aeronautical engi? |
13th April 2011 09:49 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? hi..im malaysian and interested to do aeronautical engineering(mechanical)...after i finis my graduation will i have the oppurtinity to get a job in this field in coming future?? this field will still in demand??plz...any1 help me..... |
24th November 2010 09:41 PM | ||
Unregistered |
5th October 2010 06:48 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? details about space related courses in india? |
15th August 2010 07:05 PM | ||
Sathishkannan |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? If you are talented and skilled then you can confidently choose aerospace engineering. |
15th August 2010 06:59 PM | ||
Sathishkannan |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Since aerospace is one of the quick developing field so there are more job opportunity. |
31st July 2010 03:24 PM | ||
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? hii friend its all known question obviously its a evergreen field you can get good pay though this field .........its very useful you do it...its always a advance moving field... so you can sure join and make you career good......... regards azhar |
31st July 2010 03:16 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? I completed my BCA with above 60%. I want to work with NASA. So, which course can help me to this? |
17th July 2010 05:39 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? how much salary a scientist in nasa gets? |
29th June 2010 06:11 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Respected GEM and friends I have passed my 12th examination with 88%marks and (170.25)cutoff.Actually i decided to study the b.tech in aeronautic and m.tech in engineering .but i heared that that i could not get the seat for my marks. Can i get the seat in good colleges... |
27th June 2010 06:20 PM | ||
compaq123 |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? dear friend this industry is Good For Career and its everygreen also in india and aboard. your percentage is good so you can easily apply and also various scope for you. |
20th June 2010 11:22 PM | ||
imira |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Quote:
20th June 2010 10:53 PM | ||
sparkle |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Dear friend, You have got a good score in 12th. So definitely,you can go for as according to your interest which is aeronautical engineering. It is been always one of the evergreen and prestigious careers. There are lots of chances to shine in govt or private aircraft companies after doing B.Tech. Also you can go for higher studies after B.Tech. Best of luck! |
20th June 2010 10:05 PM | ||
Amritansu subh |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Yes this branch is evergreen because science is growing rapidly and demands for new and advanced concepts on spaces.After B.tech you can join ISRO,NASA,HAL and many other reputed sectors. |
20th June 2010 04:17 PM | ||
sandy B |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? hello friends,according to my views aerospace industry have a very good opportuinity for carrier for a fresher..... |
20th June 2010 03:32 PM | ||
bholag |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Quote:
first of all congrats for your result engineering is good course and you can go for it because it has wide scope and it is demanding sector and it is evergreen all the time. according to me mechanical engineering is the evergreen branch but others are also good.as per your interest in aerospace you can get admission for it as in aeronautical engineering .yes dear it is demanding and evergreen and has wide scope all over the world. |
20th June 2010 12:56 PM | ||
sherleytwain |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? EC is the best branch according to me but if you are interested in aerospace then do not think about any other branch as it also has good scope. You can get a good job in the field of aviation, space exploration, space and satellite research, manufacturing and defence systems very advanced brach of engineering. Just work hard. Go for it !!! |
20th June 2010 06:09 AM | ||
SANDEEP891985 |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Hello friend, As you have mentioned that you want to be a scientist or astronaut in space research organisation, then you must know that the research work in such field is ever growing. The process of designing, developing and maintaining aircrafts, spacecrafts etc. is not a few years venture. Developement in this field is obvious. The job prospect is very high and will grow in the coming future. So, if you have already made up your mind to move towards this particular direction, you must work hard and must not think of any other option. |
19th June 2010 10:48 PM | ||
Kesava |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? I first appreciate you for your Zeal. Aerospace field is as risky as evergreen. it is fastest growing sector and there is demand for aircraft engineers right from pilots to maintenance engineers. after 12th you must have written ISAT which gives you everything you asked an education in IIST sponsered by ISRO upto Phd. even then you can now pursue Aerospace engineering in M Tech by opting Mechanical /electrical/electronics and communication/aircraft maintenance engineering in B Tech . further you can write GATE in Aerospace Engineering paper to pursue M Tech. So, now you can join Mechanical Engineering which is core subject for aeronautical. Never give up. you are future of India.Work Hard and make your dreams come true. |
19th June 2010 06:02 PM | ||
SJ.18 |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Quote:
Yeah, you are absolutely right that aeronautical branch is evegreen branch. you have good scope with this branch in future. But research point of view you have to take mastery of this branch. good luck |
19th June 2010 05:34 PM | ||
swati123 |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Let me answer your questions one by one. Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and, of course, Aeronautical Engineering are some career-oriented, EVERGREEN branches of Engineering. If you give your best shot while pursuing these courses, you will surely be awarded with promising careers. Now, coming to your area of interest, i.e., Aeronautics and your dream of joining space research organisations as scientists or astronauts, you seem to be progressing in the right path. Aeronautical Engineering is one of the most challenging and rewarding fields of engineering. It is not just about fat pay packets, you may also land high-flying jobs with NASA, ISRO and other such organizations. As an academic discipline, Aeronautical Engineering is offered by premier institutes like IIT Chennai, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Mumbai. Follow this link for more information on aeronautical engineering as well as for the list of colleges in India offering aeronautical engineering courses http://www.webindia123.com/career/options/eng/aero/intro.htm |
19th June 2010 04:51 PM | ||
Pathfinder |
Re: Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? Yes you may consider aeronatical engineering as evergreen. Since designing of aircrafts would never stop and its the most important thing. There is lots of scope in aeronatical engineering. After you do your BTech you can even get a job in ISRO,NASA,HAL and many other aircraft companies. So go for it and other courses like civil engineering,mechanical engineering are considered to be evergreen |
19th June 2010 02:36 AM | ||
[email protected] |
Is Aerospace Industry Good For Career and Evergreen? I completed class 12th with above 75%.I want to study engineering .Could you tell me which branch of engineering is of high demand as well as evergreen. I am interested in aerospace actually.So I want to persue btech in aeronautical and mtech in aerospace engineering so as to enter as a scientist or astronaut in space research organisation.Is it good and demanding as well as evergreen career |