Thread: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score? Reply to Thread

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16th June 2015 08:00 PM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

sir i am ganeral categary qualified GATE 2015 with 28 marks and around 13000 rank, please give the list of government college in UP, MP, PANJAB, HARIYANA, UTTARAKHAND, which i can get addmition in M.Tech in Electronices and communication branch, also give rispective college cuttoff in last year, and theit last date for appleaction.
7th April 2015 02:22 AM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

Some of the college in which you can get any seat on the basis of your GATE rank as your rank is in between 26.11 with 29.67 marks are as below:--->>

Birla Institute of Technology and science,Pilani
Thapar University,Punjab
Indian Institute of technology,Kharagpur
Banaras hindu university,Banaras
Indian School of mines,Dhanbad
Birla Institute of technology Mesra,Ranchi
Ramireddy Subbarami Reddy Engineering College, Nellore
Parul Group of Institutes,Vadodara
Government Engineering College, Surat
SRM University,Chennai
24th June 2014 09:28 AM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

my gate score is 398. i am a gen category girl. can i get admission in any good govt mtech college in ece providing scholarship.
21st March 2013 11:27 PM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
i am a student of EC branch 6th semester i have qualified GATE exam cut off was 26.11 and i have got 29.67 marks score is suggest me the name of the government colleges where i can get admission after completion of my tell the procedure to apply..

As you know, even though the cutoff is 26.11, you got a low score of 29.67 but you can apply to some colleges, you also didnt mention your category, if you are from SC/ST then you get little chance too.

See, if you want good NITs, you should score some what around 30-40 range, dont think about IITs with this score.

You can apply to some though like,

NIT Silchar

NIT Agartala

NIT Rourkela

PSG College of tech.

Note that, if you are qualified for this, then you may apply to some private universities also like

Bits Pilani


VIT University

They have their own entrance exam, despite giving Stipend also for mtech. Also try for Some Spot counselling also, whenever possible, it will be good if you are lucky.

Hope for the best!!
24th August 2012 02:15 PM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

can anyone provide me the gate cut-off scores for different private colleges ????
email [email protected]

thank you..
16th March 2012 08:26 PM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

i have got 23.67 marks in ece branch(gate 2012) which college should i apply for mtech admission??
18th October 2011 04:49 PM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

Is mininum 60 percent mark in btech examinations is compulsory for gate admission in kerala
17th June 2011 05:03 PM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

can i get admission in atnomous college in maharashtra after scoring 46 marks in aieee exam for st catagory?
17th June 2011 04:59 PM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

can i get admission in engineering atonomous college in maharashtra after scoring in aieee 55 marks (st catagory)?
17th June 2011 04:51 PM
Re: Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

when and how our marksheet of aieee exam2011 get?
4th June 2011 11:16 PM
[email protected]
Names of government colleges where I can get admission after scoring a GATE cutoff of 26.11 with 29.67 marks and 359 score?

i am a student of EC branch 6th semester i have qualified GATE exam cut off was 26.11 and i have got 29.67 marks score is suggest me the name of the government colleges where i can get admission after completion of my tell the procedure to apply..

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