Thread: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer? Reply to Thread

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5th February 2017 02:58 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

6th April 2016 11:37 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Which subject we have to choose after 10 for income tax officer commerce with maths or commerce with IP
30th November 2015 10:49 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Originally Posted by Omprakash5127 View Post
This year i have gave cbse 10th exmam .And i want to become a succesful INCOME TAX OFFICES please tell me that in 11th what should i choose SCIENCE or COMMERCE and when its exam is cunduct and what are eligibility to appear in income tax department .
Sir I completed my B.Tech next what I have to do to get job in income tax offices?Please give me information sir . email ID:[email protected]
3rd November 2015 07:49 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

What we have to do after passing 12th to become income tax officer?ttj
30th June 2015 01:29 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Sir i want to know what is right time for appearing the job of income tax officer and which books should i choose for preparation of this respected job
Plz give me information sir
Email:[email protected]
27th April 2015 09:33 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

I have science maths student of 12 standard what I should do to be an income tax officer
21st April 2015 08:49 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

i want to be an income tax am completed 10exam.which subject is more perfect to choose in11 and12?
17th March 2015 11:00 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

I have just giving the exams of 10 class and I want to know that which stream I choose to become income tax officer and if commerce so tell me with maths or without?????
24th September 2014 12:13 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Different different answer given by every users. can anyone tell is this state wise requirement?
23rd September 2014 09:26 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Sir,I will complete my graduation this year and I am CA student at ipcc level. I want any officer post in tax department.suggest what I'm doing
22nd June 2014 10:59 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

I want to become income tax officer after graduation but i take art in 11th class. Its right or wrong.pls tell me now
30th May 2014 01:16 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

when entrance exam for income tax officer are conducted and from where we can pick the forms for this
3rd May 2014 06:33 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

can one become an income tax officer with bio stream in 11th and 12th standard?
19th April 2014 01:54 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

I am Raghav Arora and I just passed my 10 th exams . I want to know that if I take commerce with physical stream then, I am able to become Income tax officer?
27th March 2014 10:11 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

can i apply income tax officer after btech mechanical engineering if it possible then tell me how i crack the exam
2nd March 2014 12:25 AM
Re: what are test i need to undergo to become an Income tax officer?

i am student of class 12 i want to become incometax officer so i want to enquire about the test which i need to undergo
28th February 2014 08:04 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

hellow sir good evening ....first am informing my self my name is giri am completed 10 and 12 standard in tamil nadu it self 75.5%in 10 and 77.77% in 12 standard now am doing B.E.(computer science engineering first year) i want to work in income tax this is my ultimate target and that is my ultimate aim. i want to achive but i dont no how to do pls contect my number and tell me some tips because ur exprenced person pls help me

my personal details
mailid:[email protected]
pls help me
7th December 2013 08:56 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

i am joint incometax offecer. So your sagetion become incometax officer can be.
22nd September 2013 01:55 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Sushma Debnath, I have secured 62% in 12th passed in commerce & now i am study in B.COM.2nd yr.I am interested in Income tax department.I am 21 years old.So, please send your answer, I am eagerly waiting for your answer. My contact no.8486236062. Email ID:SUSHMA12345678910& reply me....
4th June 2013 04:51 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

I gave my ssc dis year... what do i do to become a successful income tax officer in future..??????
2nd May 2013 05:52 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

i have completed graduation with i want to how to join income tax department.
3rd April 2013 11:52 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

can any I.T.O. be posted in his/her home town..or not..? i mean can I.T.O. choose his discretion to be posted in his home town..or not..? if yes , till how long..? plz reply at [email protected] thanx.. secondly can anyone choose to be an I.T.O. after clearing his 2 examinations in commerce facality....? or any C.A. can also apply for it?
1st March 2013 12:38 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Hi.iam studying 3rd year and i want become an incometax offficer to do that what i must do ..
28th December 2012 12:42 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

how to become get income tax officer after degree how start my carrier in income tax department
26th October 2012 12:23 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Can i get a job in income tax depart. after 12th stream com.
Plz give information my email [email protected]
8th October 2012 04:55 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Dear aspirant,
You can have a graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.

It is good and at the same time recommended to have a Commerce stream so that you can have a better understanding of the facts and at the same time your work will be more efficient and easy than others.

In order to fulfill your dream you need to have a good understanding of the subject matter too.

Believe you can and you will on the half way.
Please do visit this website for your queries related to any entrance exam.
Best of luck
7th July 2012 01:17 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

i want to join it but i dont know how to apply in it .i just pass 12th in sci. stream .and i aggregate 63% in it .so please tell me how i can do it.and wt is qwalification
24th June 2012 06:43 PM
pooja chauhan(mishti)
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Originally Posted by kartikayan View Post
Hi dear,




a)you should have any degree of a recognized University, or equivalent.
as you have done graduation in B.Com ,so you are positively eligible.


a:Your age should not be not less than 18 yers and not greater than 27 years on the first July of the year of examination

b) The age limit for the posts of Inspector of Income Tax, is 18-27 years as on March 2011

so that mean any graduation can appear for exam and is eligible for it..
exam is generally conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Its a great opportunity for you..
is baf considered as a degree..?? 4 income tax exam..??
18th June 2012 07:20 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Dear Friend ,

If you want to be an Income Tax Officer , then i just want to tell you that there is no certain restrictions in the choice of stream for students pursuing 12th , i.e., you can choose whatever stream you think you are best in that.

But at the same time , you must have to consider the eligibility criteria for students who want to be an Income Tax Officer.

I have Penned down the eligibility criteria for Income Tax Officer Exam.

Note : The Exam For Income Tax Officer is conducted by the Staff Selectio Commission every year.

Here are the eligibility criteria :

* You must have completed your graduation in any discipline from any recognized college / university.

* Your age must lie in between 19-27 years.

* You must own Indian Nationality.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query , hope the information will help you.

If You Want More Details regarding the same , you can visit
16th June 2012 11:06 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

To become an income tax officer you just need to be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized university.
Age limit:- 18-27 years.

exam pattern:- paper i- general awareness, general intelligence and numerical ability
paper ii- hindi and english

height should not be less than 157.5 cms.

selection procedure includes written exam followed by the personal interview.

To know more about the admission procedure visit this site:-
16th June 2012 09:30 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Income tax officer's exam possible if i passed with 12th science with biology
19th April 2012 01:41 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

i have done 1 nd 2 with science non medical. now what should i do to become income tax officer.
14th April 2012 02:27 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

For income tax officer there is no any particular stream requirements, So you can select subjects in 11th, 12th and also in your graduation.

Income tax officer exam is conducted by the SSC.

Eligibility criteria:

You must have graduation in any stream from any recognised university of india.

The age limits is 18years to 27years.

Candidate should be a citizen of india.

For more details visit

All the best.
29th March 2012 02:31 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Qualification required for income tax officer exam, conducted by SSC-
*graduation from affiliated university with min.aggregate 60%,(general category) in any stream.
*age limit-18-27yr. On 1st july of exam year.
For more information on exam you can visit the official site of
29th February 2012 01:17 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

what is the last date to apply in the income tax department of india in this year?????????????
17th February 2012 02:37 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

i hv not aggrigate marks 60% in graduation
can i try for this
10th February 2012 08:12 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

my self ishant taneja.i have done b.b.a. but i have no any job. i wants get job in income text contect no is 9896112866. my email id is [email protected]
4th February 2012 05:10 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

have any job in income tax department at kolkata
31st January 2012 01:36 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Qualification required for income tax officer exam, conducted by SSC-
*graduation from affiliated university with min.aggregate 60%,(general category) in any stream.
*age limit-18-27yr. On 1st july of exam year.
For more information on exam you can visit the official site of
ok, best of luck.
20th January 2012 12:22 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

This is whole percentage,see that in which subjects you are interested and in which subjects you got a good marks.

Because this is the fact that carrier option in science stream is quite strong than cmmerce.

You can choose any of them,but if you are good in science and if you have interest in science then only please choose science otherwise not.
15th January 2012 11:48 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

what the procedure of incom tax department?
31st December 2011 11:41 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

To become an Income Tax officer i would suggest you to take commerce as your stream in 11th and 12th std.
31st December 2011 04:49 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

m doing btech in computer science engineering ...m i eligible for income tax inspector???
is there any requirement of physical fitness?????
13th December 2011 11:05 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

5th December 2011 10:22 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

min % in 12th for appling ?
2nd December 2011 09:05 PM
nida shakeel
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Eligibility :

I. Inspector Of Income Tax :

Educational Qualification :

You must have completed your Degree from any recognized University or its affiliated colleges in any government recognized course.

Age Criteria :

You must have minimum of 20 years and maximum of 27 years of age.

II. Tax Assistant :

Educational Qualification :

You must have completed your Graduation in any Discipline from any recognized University or its affiliated colleges and you must have Data entry speed of 8000key depressions per hour in computer.

Age Criteria :

You must have minimum of 18 years and maximum of 27 years of age.

III. Peon :

Educational Qualification :

You must have passed 8th standard.

Age Criteria :

You must have minimum of 18 years and maximum of 25 years of age.

Age Relaxation for Special categories for the above posts like

- General / OBC - 5 years
- SC / ST - 10 years
- Departmental Candidates - 35 years.
- SC / ST Departmental candidates - 40 years.

So dude if you want to join as an Income Tax officer you have to complete your Degree first after your 12th Standard , so that you will be eligible for applying the required post.

You have to follow some Physical standards also for the Income tax post.

For Men :

Height : 157 cm
Chest : 81 cm

For Women :

Height : 152 cm.
Weight : 48 kg.
2nd December 2011 09:02 PM
nida shakeel
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

Qualification required for income tax officer exam, conducted by SSC-
*graduation from affiliated university with min.aggregate 60%,(general category) in any stream.
*age limit-18-27yr. On 1st july of exam year.
For more information on exam you can visit the official site of
ok, best of luck.
1st December 2011 11:04 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

how much % is requird for ST class to become a income tax officer
28th September 2011 09:19 AM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

I am am art graduate & working with MNC , I want to apply for Income Tax Officer but i am confused. As per the criteria i am not commerce graduate. I am above 27 years on 1st july 2012 i will be completing 30 years but i am in OBC. Please help me to suggest that how come i can be eligible ?
20th September 2011 07:12 PM
Re: Stream required in 11th and 12th standard for becoming an Income tax officer?

this exam is conducted by SSC.for appearing in this exam you must have to complete your graduation in any stream.
so you can choose any stream in 11th class as per your interest.
the age limit exist for this 18-27 . also some years of relaxation are given to the sc\st & obc CANDIDATES.
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