Thread: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU? Reply to Thread

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26th May 2015 03:36 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

I have compartment in maths but my aggregate is more than 50%. Can I appear for counselling of IPU in BBA or BCA. Compartment results are declared by 15 August. How long does counselling lasts for bba/bca in IPU.
30th May 2013 02:11 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

i have 151 rank in cet exam for bca please send me information about first counselling and will my rank fall under it please
31st July 2012 10:25 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

councelling will be in first week of july
22nd June 2012 08:02 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

when is councelling date of bhmct???
9th June 2012 10:53 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

SIR I Have got 14174 in bba plz where is 1 councling start in delhi
3rd June 2012 09:53 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

i got 290 rank in bse nursing....will i get my no in my 1st cousling ...when is the cousling.....what colllege should i sellect
17th August 2011 09:28 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

please tell me when will be the 2nd counsling would be conducted for M.B.A. program code-24...... i got 4232 rank can i get admtn in any clg of GGSIPU ?????
10th August 2011 06:23 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Anybody present over here who is waiting for the counsellin g of MBBS for the academic year 2011 ... Pls pls do commnt this.. Or pls do reply this
10th August 2011 06:14 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Some1 please please tell me the counselling date for mbbs 2011 in IP University.. Its getting on my nerves. Is thr nybdy else over here like me who is waiting for the counselling to start..?? please do respond...
10th August 2011 06:07 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Some1 please please please inform me the counselling dates for mbbs. Now its getting on my nerves...
10th August 2011 03:45 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

when will ipu mbbs counssling take place.
please reply.....
8th August 2011 01:00 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

ipu mbbs counssling date plzzz tell me......
5th August 2011 03:32 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

please tell me ipu mbbs counsling... Date... Plzzz.?
5th August 2011 10:17 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what is the counseling date of rank 13770 for btech
5th August 2011 10:11 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what are the counseling date of ranke 13770 for btech.
4th August 2011 11:43 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have scored 17000 rank in cet of ip ...
is der any scope of gettin admisn?
plzzzzzzzzzz reply fast...urgent
by d way from which catogary u belongs 2 ?
2nd August 2011 01:36 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what are the counselling dates of mtech regular program????????
2nd August 2011 12:07 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what are the dates of ipu mbbs counselling ? now it is out of control !!!!!!!!!! can pls anyone tell me ? pls help !!!!!!!!!!
29th July 2011 12:15 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

NO DONATION :- IP University / Ghaziabad / Greater Noida ( Any Course) NO DONATION contact immediately: 9350475929 or [email protected]
28th July 2011 10:06 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Respected Sir
I have got 1321 rank in IPU Stage II MBBS 2011 CET IN OUT SIDE DELHI DEFENCE QUOTA .Plz let me know the possibility of admission to MBBS pgme and councelling there in for ACMS under GGSIPU. What are the latest decission of Supreme court/HIgh Court Delhi on ACMS admission and seat matrix for defence and civilians.
23rd July 2011 06:30 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

sir,I have got 1337 rank in mba cet {DELHI OBC} .which college I can get through this rank? plz rply on [email protected]
21st July 2011 12:39 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

sir, when will be the counselling of ip mbbs
21st July 2011 12:06 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what are the counselling dates of mbbs program code 25 in ip university 2011?plz tell me its urgent.
21st July 2011 11:56 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what are the councelling dates of mbbs program(code 25) in ip university?plz tell me its urgent.
18th July 2011 09:20 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

when will be ipu counselling for mba code 24 is going to be held......???
18th July 2011 09:12 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

when will be mba counselling going to be held.........i got 2072 rank in ip cet exam..are dere any chances to get admission into any of d coleges of ip.???
18th July 2011 04:20 PM
sita stuti
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?mba code 24i

[please send it mail our email id the date of MBA couselling code 24 our email id is nrana @
18th July 2011 02:26 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

sir i have got 1366 rnk in mbbs 2011 program code 25.can i got mbbs with this rank in ip?
17th July 2011 10:12 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Please sms to this no.9835837872 what is the date of counceling for program
16th July 2011 11:51 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

sir i got 18905 rank in programe code 27 means in btech....i hav the quate of
ex serviceman in defence and death attributle to army...wil i get the admsn??????????
and wt wil b the counselling date for students belong to defence ?????plzzzz do rply ....its very importent for me
13th July 2011 07:08 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Sir i have got 1024 air in mbbs code 25. Can i get admsn with this rank. What is the new schedule of counselling
12th July 2011 12:23 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

hi i got 1795 rank in ipu mba xm......can i get good clz in ip.
9th July 2011 08:50 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what is the date of mbbs counselling 2011
9th July 2011 05:49 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

sir i have got 16778 rank in ipu cet 2011.what r my chances of gett ing admission in ggsipu for ec branch
9th July 2011 02:25 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

when is the counseling of B.Tech programme going to be held? Plz tell me
8th July 2011 10:29 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

what are the counselling dates for mbbs?

email : [email protected]
8th July 2011 02:03 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

i got 1716 rank in mba ip cet exam any one please tell me that when will be the counselling of mba.
8th July 2011 01:40 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

sir,I have got 6434 rank in programe. which college I can get through this rank? is their any chance of getting ece in niec?please answer this on [email protected]
7th July 2011 07:48 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

counseling dates for ggsipu for btech
7th July 2011 09:28 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Sir; I have qualified the MBBS 2011 Stage II Entrance Exam (outside Delhi). According to the Notice issued by IPU, all the qualified candidates were supposed to know the conselling status (date, category wise ranking list) on June 05, 2011, but unfortunately, we have not seen anything on the IPU website. As per the initial schedule of the IPU the counselling date is June 11, 2011. Therefore, we are in a dilemma. Would you please let us know the date of counselling, the category wise ranking list immediately?

BORNA DAS, E-mail: [email protected], M: 08961015340, 08961125085
6th July 2011 11:28 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have scored 17000 rank in cet of ip ...
is der any scope of gettin admisn?
plzzzzzzzzzz reply fast...urgent
bba yes
mba no
6th July 2011 11:14 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

I got 291 rank in ipu cet mba. Can i get USMS with this rank?
6th July 2011 06:54 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?
Sir i got 4108 rankin cet mba i want to know i wiilget addm through counseling or not?
5th July 2011 11:33 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

hi my air for ipu mbbs phase 2 2011 is 184. i m from delhi gen. category. counselling has been postponed. what is the new counselling scedule for mbbs? m anxious 2 knw... plz reply?
5th July 2011 08:30 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Sir i m obc my rank is 12300 can u tel me whats my counsling date
4th July 2011 07:56 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
when will counelling for MBA test code 24 going to start igot 848 rank
which colleges can i get
mind it
4th July 2011 05:19 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

i got 3523 rank in mba tell me the chances to admission in any ip college
4th July 2011 12:02 PM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

Sir, i have got 928 rank in bhmct .plz sir mujhe counselling ki dates btaye? plzzz. Madhusudan sharma
3rd July 2011 01:12 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

i got 2500 rank in cet mba i will get addm through counseling or nt..??
2nd July 2011 09:14 AM
Re: What are the counseling dates of GGSIPU?

when will counelling for MBA test code 24 going to start igot 848 rank
which colleges can i get
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