Thread: How can I get admission in Thapar University? Reply to Thread

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25th April 2014 01:51 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

if I secure 78% in 12 nd 60 marks in jee,will I get admission in thapar university??
25th April 2012 05:36 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

admission in thapar university is only through AIEEE rank or thapar university will organise any entrance test for course B.TECH?
21st March 2012 10:02 AM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

What is the last date to apply online for B.Tech course in thappar university 2012?
20th March 2012 12:21 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

I want take a test for mca .plese tell me test producre
8th February 2012 02:02 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

Where are the forms for B.Tech available for admission in 2012. Do we need too apply after AIEEE result
25th July 2011 03:11 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

I have submitted rs 10000/- as probable candidate. I asked for the refund of my money on 15th July 2011 and there is no rssponse from university Pl confirm when do i get my money back

21st June 2011 07:22 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

my rank in AIEEE is 73230. can i get admission in thapar in btech? if yes then in which stream?
19th June 2011 09:53 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

what is considered for geno overall rank or general category rank for all institutions . pl reply
8th June 2011 01:02 AM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

Sir. I checked the Minimum and Maximum Rank list that the site of Thapar University has declared for last years batch.
I wanted to ask that For the "GENO" category the Minimum and Maximum ranks that are given for each stream, should I check my All-India OVERALL RANK or All-India GENERAL CATEGORY RANK ?
3rd June 2011 02:24 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

date of exams
29th May 2011 01:34 AM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

i want to take admission in TU for mca. i not gave entrence exam. so plz tell me how we take admission.
25th May 2011 02:41 PM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

As you have not mentioned it clearly that in which course you are going to get the admission in this university as this university provides a no: of UG,PG & phd programmes & offers MBA through regular as well as through distance mode .In each programme the eligibility criteria is different one & some of the seats are reserved for the Sports Persons from Punjab,Outside Punjab State Seats etc.So you can get admission either through the reserved category or through the general one & for that you have to appear for an entrance exam too.So for details of the course its better to be visit at -
25th May 2011 11:57 AM
Re: How can I get admission in Thapar University?

Here is how the procedure works:

9.1 Candidates seeking admission in TU shall fill up the Application form(OMR) appended to this
Prospectus and send/submit the completed form to IN-CHARGE, ADMISSION CELL, Thapar
University, Patiala-147 004 only and not to any other Officer of the University.
Modes of submission of application:
a. By filling the form (OMR) appended with Prospectus purchased from the
University Counter.
b. By filling the form down-loaded from the website ( or photocopy
of the downloaded form.
c. By applying ONLINE.

Amount to be deposited

BE/BTech/PhD LEET/ MCA/ MSc/ ME/MTech/ MPhil
a) with the Application
form obtained from
University Counter/by
Nil 1000

b) with downloaded
Application forms or
applied ONLINE
1250 2250

9.2 Application for admission must be on the prescribed application form.

9.3 All the particulars required in the form must be filled and no column be left blank.

9.4 The original certificates and set of attested copies of the certificates are required to be produced at
the time of document checking.

The candidates seeking admission in the first year of UG programme under sports category
must attach an attested copy of the sports gradation certificate and other relevant sports
participation certificates with the application form.

9.5 Every candidate must indicate in his/her application the category of seat for which he/she wants to
apply. If no mention is made about the category, the candidate will be considered only for the
general category. No candidate will be considered for admission against a reserved category for
which he/she has not applied.

9.6 Application completed in all respects should reach the INCHARGE ADMISSION CELL, TU, Patiala-
147004, by 5 P.M. on or before the last prescribed date of the respective programmes, as given
BE/BTech For all other
except PhD
Last date for receipt of
completed application
(up to 5.00 PM)
(up to 5.00 PM)
25.6.2010 (for odd semester)
7.12.2010(for even semester)

9.7 Incomplete application in any manner and received after the due date/time will be rejected. The
University does not take any responsibility for postal delay or loss in transit of the application form.

9.8 The specimen of the format of the required certificates are appended in this Prospectus for the
guidance of candidates. Each certificate must be submitted on the prescribed format and must be
issued by the competent authority as mentioned, under proper seal/stamp of their office on a date
prior to or on the last date for submission of application form.

If in the application form it is found that a candidate has concealed, suppressed or distorted any
informaton/fact which would have rendered him/her ineligible to take the Entrance Test, his/her
result of the test and also admission to the University, if granted, shall stand cancelled, and he/she
will have no claim, whatsoever, against the University.

9.10 The provisions in this Prospectus may be changed by the competent authority without any notice.

9.11 In case of any dispute, the decision of the Director, TU, Patiala shall be final and binding on the

9.12 Candidates due to appear in the qualifying examination are also eligible to apply. Such
candidates will be placed provisionally in the merit list. They will not be considered for admission
if they fail to submit proof of passing the qualifying examination at the time of document checking.


10.1 In addition to application form fee of Rs 1250/-, candidates must deposit an amount of Rs
1000 as mentioned below for various programmes as examination fee.
MCA/LEET/MSc (Biotechnology) Rs 1000/-
MSc (Phy/Chem/Mathematics & Computing)/ME/MTech/MPhil

10.2 Candidates seeking admission in more than one discipline (whether in same or other
department) of ME/MTech/MSc/MPhil programmes are required to fill separate
application form for each discipline.
10.3 In case of a tie among candidates securing equal marks in the merit list, the same will be
broken in accordance with the following criteria:
(a) Candidate senior in age shall rank higher in order of merit.
(b) In the case of a tie in age also, a candidate getting higher percentage of marks in the
qualifying examination shall be ranked higher in order of merit.
(c) In the case of a tie in percentage of marks in the qualifying examination also, a
candidate securing higher percentage of marks in matriculation/secondary or equivalent
examination shall rank higher in order of merit.
The admit card must be retained by the candidates for its subsequent use at the time of
checking of documents.
6419164, 6419165.

10.5 Electronic gadgets such as Mobile Phones, Pagers, etc. are not permitted in the
Examination Centre.


11.1 Admission shall be made on the basis of the merit of prescribed Entrance Test of respective
programmes and fulfillment of other conditions as per procedure detailed in the Prospectus.

11.2 ADMISSION PROCESS: The procedure to be followed for the admissions is as under:

11.2.1 The first list of selected candidates as per merit in Entrance Test for various categories
shall be displayed on the university website These selected candidates
shall be required to deposit the total fee by the prescribed last date of the respective
programmes failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled and shall not be
considered for the subsequent lists under any circumstances. Such candidates shall be
left with no right on any count whatsoever.

11.2.2 For UG Programmes: Along with list of selected candidates at 11.2.1, another list of
Probable Candidates (PCs) shall be published. These PCs shall express the intent of
joining the programme by depositing the earnest money of Rs 10,000/- by the
prescribed last date of the respective programmes. Only those PCs, who deposit the
Earnest Money (CEM), shall be considered merit-wise and subject to availability of seats,
in the 2nd
list of selected candidates and applications of remaining candidates in PCs
list shall be treated as rejected. If admitted, earnest money will be adjusted against
total fee otherwise entire earnest money will be refunded to the respective

For PG Programmes: Candidates other than who have been offered admission in first
list at 11.2.1 are not required to deposit earnest money of Rs 10,000. All of them shall be
considered as CEM for publishing of subsequent lists of admission.

11.2.3 In case, the CEM, once offered admissions do not deposit the full fee by the prescribed
date, their candidature will stand cancelled and they will not be considered for admission
in the subsequent list(s).

11.2.4 On Roll Candidates (ORC) are those who have deposited the full fee and have not
withdrawn their seats. Candidates Not On Roll (CNOR) are those who have withdrawn
their seats after depositing full fee. While allotting branch/discipline in the 2nd
and 3rd
only ORC and CEM shall be considered in all the subsequent lists. CNOR will not be
considered in the subsequent lists. The allotment of discipline will be made on the basis
of the seats available in a particular discipline and category, the order of preference for
various disciplines given by the candidate, and his/her merit according to rank in the
Entrance Test.
FREEZING OF BRANCH: ORC candidates, if satisfied with the discipline allotted, can
opt for freezing of discipline. Their candidature shall not be considered in the subsequent
lists for upgradation.

11.2.5 The admission given shall be Provisional only. The admission will be made regular
subject to the satisfaction of all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the Prospectus. In
case, a selected candidate fails to deposit the fee as per his allotted time period or fails to
satisfy the eligibility criteria on the day of document checking, his/her admission shall
stand cancelled.
11.2.6 In case, the seats remain vacant at the expiry of the prescribed last date for deposit of
fee by candidates of the third list, the university may publish further list(s) for admission.
In eventuality of seats remaining vacant even after the publication of these lists on web,
the University may conduct ‘in person’ counseling to close the admission process. The
process, as followed in publishing lists on the web, shall be followed for admission during
‘in person’ counseling. No candidate shall be admitted after 09 August 2010.
11.2.7 In case, seats remain vacant after offering admission to all PCs. The University may
extend the list of PCs by allowing more candidates to deposit the earnest money.
11.2.8 In case, a selected candidate or PC submits false information about fee, eligibility, rank of
entrance test
a candidate who is not offered any seat, deposits the full fee or
a candidate other than the PCs, deposit the earnest money,

then she/he shall be liable to a penalty of Rs 5000/.


BE/BTech For all other
except PhD
Display of first list of selected candidates 17.6.2010 23.6.2010
Deposit of fee by the candidates of first list & entry
in the ‘Fee Confirmation Slip’
18.6.2010 to
24.6.2010 to
Deposit of earnest money by Probable Candidates
(PCs) & entry in the ‘Fee Confirmation Slip’
18.6.2010 to
Not required
Display of Second list of selected candidates 28.6.2010 3.7.2010
Deposit of fee by the candidates of Second list &
entry in the ‘Fee Confirmation Slip’
29.6.2010 to
5.7.2010 to
Display of third list of selected candidates 8.7.2010 12.7.2010
Deposit of fee by the candidates of third list & entry
in the ‘Fee Confirmation Slip’
9.7.2010 to
13.7.2010 to

11.3 The procedure for deposit of fee and earnest money will be available on the university website.
Selected candidates shall deposit room rent & other dues for hostel accomodation at the time of
document checking only. The allotment of Hostel Rooms will also be done on the day of
document checking. Allotment of room in hostel shall be subject to availability and on merit

IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates depositing earnest money, total fee through SBOP must enter
complete details in ‘Fee Confirmation Slip’ (FCS) available at the University website on or before
the respective prescribed last date. In case, a candidate fails to enter the details, his/her candidature
will be cancelled.
11.4 Candidates must bring with them following original certificates and a set of attested copies of all
the certificates at the dates specified hereunder for various programmes.

Documents Checking of Admitted Candidates:
BE/BTech LEET, MCA, MSc,MPhil,
Checking of Original Documents 18.7.2010 17.7.2010

• 10+2 /diploma/graduation/post graduation DMC
• Matriculation/Higher Secondary Certificate showing Date of Birth
• Result Card of Entrance Exam
• Admit Card of Entrance Exam
• Character Certificate
• Medical Fitness Certificate
• Reserved Category Certificate on the prescribed proforma and signed from the competent
authority (if applicable)
• Affidavit required in case of discontinuity of studies
• Migration Certificate
• Income Certificate
• Experience certificate & No objection certificate from employer. (For PhD candidates)
• Check list proforma 11.5 Candidates must be medically fit and must bring along with them a medical fitness certificate
signed by a Gazetted Medical Officer at the time of admission on the prescribed proforma as per


If a candidate wishes to withdraw the seat, she/he must submit the application to IN-CHARGE,
ADMISSION CELL, Thapar University. In case the application is received at least one day before
the last round of counseling and the seat so vacated gets filled in the subsequent round(s) of
admission, the balance amount after deduction of Rs. 1000/- from the total fee deposited will be
refunded. In case the application does not reach IN-CHARGE, ADMISSION CELL, Thapar
University a day before the date of last counseling, only university security, caution money and
alumni fee will be refunded after adjusting all the outstanding dues, if any.

11.7 If sufficient number of candidates belonging to SC/ST or Physically Handicapped or Backward
class or sports category are not available, the unutilized seats will be filled up by candidates
belonging to General category as per entrance examination merit.

11.8 Candidates from physically handicapped category are required to produce the Medical
Certificate from the Chief Medical Officer of the District concerned, which should indicate
the extent of permanent disability in support of their claim. Minimum 40% permanent
disability is required to be eligible under this category. Further, the above provisions will be
subject to the decision of the Admission Committee of the University whether such a candidate
would be able to pursue the studies at the University with the specific disability. The decision of
the Admission Committee in this regard shall be final. Although the University has taken care for
the facilitation of the physically handicapped but the University will not be liable for providing any
special facility that is not available at present. Such candidates may seek admission after
satisfying themselves with regard to the existing facilities suitable to them. Should such a
candidates feels any difficulty in sitting/teaching arrangements made by the University, she/he
should request in writing to DoAA.

11.9 No separate letters for counseling/document checking/deposit of fee shall be issued for any

11.10 Admitted candidates will have to submit the migration certificate from the earlier
University/Board within a month of their admission.


12.1 BY CASH

Prospectus along with an application form can be purchased by paying Rs 1250/- in cash
at the University Counter.


12.2.1 Receipts in Any of State Bank of Patiala Branch (Cash/Account-to-account
transfer): It is available in all the branches of State Bank of Patiala. A sample payment
pay-in-slip is enclosed at Annexure-IX. The system generates Journal Number which
is to be used for linking the payment. The students are instructed to get the 6-10 digit journal number from the branch where they have made the payment and feed the
same in the web site where the details are captured along with date of payment.

For depositing money through SBOP, a candidate can deposit money in favour of the following
State Bank of Patiala
Name of Account: Thapar University
Account Number: 65051004116
Account Type: Savings

For depositing money through Demand Draft (DD), the DD of requisite amount should be made in favour
of the Registrar, Thapar University, Patiala and payable at Patiala.

A candidate must write the Journal Number in the downloaded/ONLINE application form .

IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates depositing Earnest money, total fee through SBOP must enter
complete details in ‘ Fee Confirmation Slip’ (FCS) available at on or before the
respective last prescribed date. In case, a candidate fails to enter the details, his/her candidature
will not be processed further.
14th July 2010 12:19 AM
Rahul kumar chaurasiya
How can I get admission in Thapar University?

how can i get admission in thapar universitie...sir plz i have to get admission is any possile way to get admission in thapr universities

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