Thread: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions? Reply to Thread

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29th May 2014 07:51 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

Stands for "Random Access Memory," and is pronounced like the male sheep. RAM is made up of small memory chips that form a memory module. These modules are installed in the RAM slots on the motherboard of your computer.

Every time you open a program, it gets loaded from the hard drive into the RAM. This is because reading data from the RAM is much faster than reading data from the hard drive. Running programs from the RAM of the computer allows them to function without any lag time. The more RAM your computer has, the more data can be loaded from the hard drive into the RAM, which can effectively speed up your computer. In fact, adding RAM can be more beneficial to your computer's performance than upgrading the CPU.
6th August 2013 12:01 AM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?



RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
RAM is a form of computer data storage. A random access device allows stored data to be accessed directly in any random order.

There are three types of RAM:

1) SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)
2) DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
3) PRAM (Phase-Change Random Access Memory)

Uses :

RAM is used for serving as temporary storage and working space for the operating system and application.

Thank You..
5th August 2013 11:36 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?


Primary memory is two type:-

RAM (random access memory)

ROM (read only memory)

Every time you open a program, it gets loaded from the hard drive into the RAM.

This is because reading data from the RAM is much faster than reading data from the hard drive. Running programs from the RAM of the computer allows them to function without any lag time.

The more RAM your computer has, the more data can be loaded from the hard drive into the RAM, which can effectively speed up your computer.

In fact, adding RAM can be more beneficial to your computer's performance than upgrading the CPU.

All the best......................
5th August 2013 06:15 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

how to choose a good laptop or desk top?
6th June 2013 05:50 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

How muct power conjumed by RAM ?
10th November 2012 03:02 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

what is the difference between pendrive and usb flash drive
22nd September 2012 08:57 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

Briefly explain what is meant by RAM?
1st November 2011 06:22 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

different types of memories
12th August 2011 07:39 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

RAM refers to random access memory.
It is a kind of memory device which is volatile in nature.
As the RAM is increased the speed of the computer is increased.
Its main function is to temporarily store the data's and the functions related to the things on which the processor is working on.
It is like a small hard disk.The hard disk stores the data temporarily, but the RAM loses the things in the memory as soon as the computer is switched off.
11th August 2011 12:45 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

very much thanks to all our friends to give a nesscessary information about ram
12th July 2011 04:55 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

29th June 2011 03:37 PM
sanjay kumar saini
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

There are two types of memory in computer-


RAM is random excess memory this is also known as read or write memory because we can read or write this memory.

ROM in read only memory because we read only this memory we cant write this memory.

RAM is used to store data temporarily.when we required these data we can directly access these data without accesing main memory this is advantage of RAM.when we store data they are stored temporarily in the RAM.
28th June 2011 05:33 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is ram? provide me the different type of functions that a RAM do in a computer?
ram stands for random access is used to store the data and instructions. a ram constitutes the internal memory of the cpu for storing data program and program is read write memory. since access time in ram is independent of the address to the word that is, each storage location inside the memory is as easy to reach as other location & takes the same amount of time. we can reach into the memory at random & extremely fast but can also be quite expensive. ram is volatile. that is the data stored in it is lost when the power is switched off.
28th June 2011 02:16 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

hi dear
ram means it is a random access memory. ram is a memory which store temporary memory.
function of ram is to increase the speed of computer by increasing it , it means more storage can take place in the hard disk ....

good luck.........................
28th June 2011 02:14 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

hi dear
ram means it is a random access memory. ram is a memory which store temporary memory.
function of ram is to increase the speed of computer by increasing it , it means more storage can take place in the hard disk ....

good luck.........................
28th June 2011 08:29 AM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

RAM : Random Acess Memory

When processor has to execute a program, that mean, processor has to run a set of instructions, that mean, processor has to run a set of predermined digital codes.

Now, al these predetermined codes are stored in your hard disk, by a process called "soft ware installation".

Now, processor cannot directly copy and paste these instructions, and the produced results to hard disk directly, as this will be slow, and due to teh memory design of the hard disk.

so, now these instructions, and the results are temporarily stored in the RAM for using in processor.

if the power goes off, all the information gets erased from the RAM., it doesnt have the capacity to store permanently.

function of RAM:-Random Access Memory (RAM) is simply called "Memory". It's memory that is directly readable by the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer system. Every computer system has a Random Access Memory. It's installed into the motherboard slots of a computer system. For a better performance and fast execution of programs a computer system should have large RAM. The RAM sizes of 256MB, 512 MB and 1GB are normal these days.

It's the only memory that is directly accessible by the Central Processing Unit (CPU) for reading/ writing. The CPU can't access the hard drives or CD drives attached with it. In case the CPU needs to access data that is residing in a hard disk or CD drive it's first transferred to RAM. If the RAM has got a small size then it'll store only a small amount of data and will load/re-load data continuously from the Data Source (hard disk or CD drive) to RAM. That's why a large sized RAM is desirable for the efficient performance and working of a computer system. If the RAM is small sized then applications and software that require a large memory area may work slowly. Multiple RAM's can be installed in a computer if the motherboard has multiple slots for RAM's.

RAM:Random Access Memory: It is available in varies capacity size.
Faster the RAM more fast ur PC will responded.
RAM is non-volatile memeoy.Whch means that it store temporary memory and nt permanent which is hold by hard disk.
When we open any file or any program, it can be anything even small thing, that all is hold by the RAM.
I mean to say when we want to execute any program then it is open/taken from permanent disk(hard disk) n place on the RAM which will help CPU to process according to ur request.
If RAM is not their then ur system wouldn't execute any files/ programs.
RAM only hold programs just for certain time being, so that CPU is not full loaded with execution files.
If ur system has many s/w install and ur RAM is of less capacity, then ur system will responded late as a result ur CPU will take time to execute.
So faster the RAM less time it will take.
In short the main function of the RAM is to hold ur files on which u r currently working.
And it is one of the most important part of the system.

RAM is an electronic, or volatile, state. When the computer is off, RAM is empty; when it is on, RAM is capable of receiving and holding a copy of the software instructions and data necessary for processing. The Ram is used for the following purposes:
• Storage of a copy of the main systems program that controls the general operation of the computer. This copy is loaded into RAM when the computer is turn on; it stays there as long as the computer is on.
• Temporary storage of a copy of application program instructions to be retrieved by the central processing unit (CPU) for interpretation and execution.
• Temporary storage of data that has been input from the keyboard or other input device until instructions call for the data to be transferred into the CPU for processing.
• Temporary storage of data that has been produced as a result of processing until instructions call for the data to be used again in subsequent processing or to be transferred to an output device such as the screen, a printer, or a disk storage device.
• RAM chips are often called dynamic RAM (DRAM) chips, based on the style of the electric circuits.
28th June 2011 04:14 AM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

RAM is one of the Important Computer Hardware. RAM stands For Random

Access Memory is usually referred to as short-term memory i.e RAM is a

computer hardware that serves as the temporary storage.
28th June 2011 01:02 AM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is ram? provide me the different type of functions that a RAM do in a computer?

RAM stands for random access memory..used for storing data at the random instant of time..
it is of two types: DRAM and SRAM, SRAM being faster than dram... DRAM supports access times of about 60 nanoseconds, SRAM can give access times as low as 10 nanoseconds. Despite SRAM being faster, it's not as commonly used as DRAM because it's so much more expensive. Both types of RAM are volatile, meaning that they lose their contents when the power is turned off...
27th June 2011 11:58 PM
ajay kumar75
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

RAM means random access memory,it is used to store data temporarily.
27th June 2011 10:41 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

what is ram?
RAM is Random access memory. Its a Read and write only Memory.One more Memory is there ROM which is Read Only Memory.RAM is non-volatile memory which means that it store temporary memory and not permanent which is hold by hard disk.

provide me the different type of functions that a RAM do in a computer?
Basically RAM acts as a temporary storage and working space for the operating system and its applications, RAM is used in numerous way like Virtual RAM, RAM Disc , Shadow RAM.

Example :- In Laptop or in Computer if you increase the RAM size then your Computers speed will increase. means temporary storage space will get increase so that more number of date can be access parallely.
27th June 2011 06:50 PM
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

In computer term memory are two type 1. primary memory 2. secondry memory.

primary memory is two type:- RAM (ramdom access memory)
ROM (read only memory)

RAM:- RAM is temporary memory . this part is inside the CPU. it is small silicon
chip lodged inside the computer. the data, information or program that present in the memory either gets overwritten by new data or information or gets erased when the computer is switched off. the data gets stored in the
cells in a very random manner, no purticular sequence is followed. thats why it
is called random access memory.

Typical sizes of RAM are - 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB.
27th June 2011 06:12 PM
raja badam
Re: What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?


Random Access Memory is a abbreviation of RAM.
=> It is an memory device.
=> It have an volatile memory
It allows store data to be accessed in any order with a worst performance of constant time

It takes the form of integrated circuits.
27th June 2011 12:52 AM
What is meant by RAM? What are its functions?

what is ram? provide me the different type of functions that a RAM do in a computer?

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