Thread: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence? Reply to Thread

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27th October 2013 10:17 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in hyderabad for M.Tech correspondence?is it need to go to classes daily?
4th June 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

when the gate exam starts?
how can i apply for it?
3rd March 2012 12:37 AM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

You should first apply for GATE exam, then after clearing exam you can take admission in MTECH.

Regular will be best than correspondence
1st March 2012 05:57 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi i want to do M.Tech(power electronics) i have 1 year experience in teaching field how much cost it will for completing course?
Evenn you have a one year experience in teaching, the fee will be remained same.
30th January 2012 04:53 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

Presently am working in an IT company.But i wish to study i complte M.Tech will i get Professor job in good colleges?

5th July 2011 11:06 AM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

after completed correspondance for can do in regular
10th June 2011 09:43 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

i want to do in satya bama engg clg in chenaai. so tell me proceture & any suggistion for me (how can) ?????
7th June 2011 12:12 AM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

I want to do GATE what is the procedure i need to follow.
I want to join in Chennai.and also suggest regular/Distnce course s best.
2nd June 2011 03:55 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

Hi i want to do M.Tech(power electronics) i have 1 year experience in teaching field how much cost it will for completing course?
27th May 2011 11:25 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

i want to do mtech in the stream of it or cse branches but can u give the details of fees through management quota otherwise how much rank should i get in tancet exam
26th May 2011 07:48 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

correspondence college are better then regular college
26th May 2011 12:51 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

for correspondence M tech,is necessory applay for GATE?
9th April 2011 12:19 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

i want to do M.E/M.Tech(Mechanical) through Correspondance,can u suggest me the colleges around Chennai
14th March 2011 05:57 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

I want to do M.Tech in IT thru correspondance , suggest me the best colleges & is this be valuable- sun
13th March 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?


Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course
procedure- must be a btech in IT/CSE/mech
if wanna study in india.give ur entrance for colleges u prefer......infact fill most of them!need to giv CAT
no definetely u need to attend t regular col ,cos mtech is all about practical n reaearch work and cannot be done in absence of it
colleges in /around chennai
institute of coimbatore
srm university
You should have a B Tech degree in any of the branches.
After that give GATE exam conducted by IIT to get admission into M Tech courses. After getting score card you can apply for any preffered college in Hyderabad.

good luck
26th February 2011 07:02 AM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

mtech in SRM University good or bad??????????
24th February 2011 09:13 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

You should have a B Tech degree in any of the branches.
After that give GATE exam conducted by IIT to get admission into M Tech courses. After getting score card you can apply for any preffered college in Hyderabad.
10th February 2011 10:14 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

i would like to know about procedure for doing as corespondence in jntu hyderabad
19th January 2011 06:57 PM
Re: Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

procedure- must be a btech in IT/CSE/mech
if wanna study in india.give ur entrance for colleges u prefer......infact fill most of them!need to giv CAT
no definetely u need to attend t regular col ,cos mtech is all about practical n reaearch work and cannot be done in absence of it
colleges in /around chennai
institute of coimbatore
srm university
17th January 2011 06:41 PM
Procedure to join M.Tech(IT) course? Is correspondence a good option for M.Tech than regular classes? Best colleges in Chennai for M.Tech correspondence?

what is the procedure to join MTECH(IT)?
Is correspondance a good way to do mtech than the regular classes?
what are the best colleges in chennai which offer MTECH in correspondance?

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