Thread: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)? Reply to Thread

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14th June 2014 07:13 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Originally Posted by rrmohantysmile View Post
look dear scope of anything and everything in this world is tremendous and as i should quote embedded systems are used in every office and has a wide scope in future but i will be more glad to inform you about more projects and companies which are the major players in this field . so do write to me for further detais and plz be specific in what ever you ask. for better guidance. wish you all the best and a bright future...
Hello I am going to pursue MS in Embedded systems in US. I want to know that are there good jobs for this field in India?
28th August 2013 01:39 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Hi frnd
Doing ME Embedded system technologies is best for future?!
Applied in Saveetha chennai?!
is this the right choice?!
Also guide for paper presentations,projects and job career...
pls help me to sort out my confusion..
27th July 2013 10:09 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

what is the different between embedded system and embedded system technology
22nd January 2013 08:46 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi.... as i'm currently dng my M.E.,Embedded system...and i got internship in embedded based company...i felt this is my right career....and welcome for u alsooooooo...
can u please tell me which companies offer internships for embedded systems....iam doing my 2nd SEM in embedded sys. and i need to to urgently please help me...........
29th November 2012 03:12 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

dear sir, Good Day! i need to apply for university , should i depend on others for application filling and visa and pay a huge sum for agents who do this? or advise should i do myself everything untill admission is got.
25th September 2012 10:44 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Hi I m doing 3rd year b.e Medical electronics engineering.can I join the M.E embedded systems...
27th August 2012 12:30 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

i want embedded based project for me.please give me guidence where i will get the projects
29th June 2012 06:50 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

what is the package in embedded system?
25th June 2012 11:20 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

hello sir... i am planning to join ME Embedded systems.. To get good career what all are i have to do from beggining and for what topics i have to give more importance? Shall i get any scholarship to do ME Embedded systems? What all r companies providing internship while studying and how i have to approach them?
24th June 2012 09:41 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

hello friend

look dear scope of anything and everything in this world is tremendous and as i should quote embedded systems are used in every office and has a wide scope in future but i will be more glad to inform you about more projects and companies which are the major players in this field . so do write to me for further detais and plz be specific in what ever you ask. for better guidance. wish you all the best and a bright future...
thank you
24th June 2012 01:34 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

where i can i get best univs offering M.s embedded system?
29th April 2012 08:13 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

hi am in my final year ME(VLSI) am interested to work in a vlsi based company.. if anyone know any vacancy plss inform to my mail id "[email protected]"
29th April 2012 01:07 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Now a days embedded and nano technology are rapidly growing at a speed of light. These two domains are very hot in the market because of the wide usage in different applications like robotics, automation, intelligent systems etc.
Automobiles industry also depends much on the embedded technology, so don't let second thought come in your mind and go ahead.
But one thing matters here is your interest and passion towards the field. There is a lot of research scope in these domains, so use this opportunity.
8th December 2011 10:01 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Originally Posted by Aarthiammu View Post
HI... am doing final year B.E(ECE).. am thinking to do M.E(embedded systems).. can anyone tell me the scope of doing embedded systems... plsss help me in the way as you can

Scope of embedded system is excellent. In each and every electronics Item embedded system has implemented in it.

Through embedded system you can go in:-

Chip designing
Physical designing
Front end designing
Clock tree designing
Layout Designing

so, It has very huge range of options available.

Here in embedded system , pay package is also very good. It will give you promising future.

So, don't worry . go ahead.

best of luck

21st November 2011 05:05 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

1st September 2011 09:30 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

how to apply for job in foreign countries after completing m.e embedded system technologies?what is scope of embedded system technologies at foreign countries?what will be the pay scale?please let me explain anyone?
18th August 2011 03:31 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

i am IT branch ..but i wrote EC exam embeded system i got 231 rank can i do it..
13th July 2011 01:19 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

HI... am doing final year B.E(ECE).. am thinking to do M.E.. can anyone tell me the scope of doing ME is only for teaching?? other areas also?.. plsss help me in the way as you can
13th July 2011 01:14 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

HI... am doing final year B.E(ECE).. am thinking to do M.E(embedded systems or communication ).. can anyone tell me is the scope of doing ME is only for teaching?? or other areas? ... plsss help me in the way as you can
6th July 2011 12:51 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

can anyone tell the company name which offer jobs for embedded systems . please reply me at[[email protected]]
30th June 2011 02:55 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

sir i have passed M. E embedded system in second class and B.Tech also in second class. may i have any chance to get a good job?
14th June 2011 12:21 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

after doing mtech in embedded systems i want to apply for any other country which has more demand for embedded systems..can u plz share the countries which have demand for embedded systems
14th June 2011 09:53 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

where to study ME embedded systems
14th June 2011 09:51 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

where to study ME embedded systems
6th June 2011 07:02 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

wht are the companies offering internship for final year Embedded Systems students?pls reply its urgent
18th May 2011 02:04 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

an oppurtunity is waiting for me as embedded C programme developer? is it having better oppurtunities in future?
1st January 2011 01:07 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Which iits are offer M.E. in embedded system ? I can not find from its websites. Plz give me a detail of these iits with its "special" name of embedded system.
22nd December 2010 09:10 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

I am doing BE(EEE) final year, i am interested to join ME(embedded technology) pls clarify my questions??
1. is this course has scope in other countries also??
2. which are some good colleges in tamil nadu for this course
3. what we want to learn something as input before joining to this course??
4. is it more tough to join that course by doing be in EEE
thank u********
24th November 2010 01:05 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

I have completed 3rd Sem in M.E Embedded Systems with GPA 8.1. I have completed B TECH in ECE with 74%. I would like to join for internship in any Company based on Embedded System from Jan 2011. Could you please suggest the companies? My email id is [email protected]
15th November 2010 09:13 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Originally Posted by Aarthiammu View Post
HI... am doing final year B.E(ECE).. am thinking to do M.E(embedded systems).. can anyone tell me the scope of doing embedded systems... plsss help me in the way as you can
You can go for ME in embedded system as this is very good field in electronics and communication.
After ME you can join either manufacturing company, design, software (firmware), communication industry.
13th November 2010 03:32 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

You can have very bright future in this field as this the current technology and it will upgrade with time and provide lots of opportunity.
Many companies are available in this field .
11th November 2010 02:58 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)? a 3rd year ce student and want to pursue M.E in embedded systems.can some one help me out with name of reputed colleges in this field in india.
7th November 2010 04:54 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Embedded is the most booming field of electronics and have very bright future.As we can see number of thing around us are embedded system.
If you are going for ME in embedded you made a right choice.
7th October 2010 04:30 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Hi i am studying ME embedded system,whether i have scope in this dept, i need a companies name based on embedded system My id is [email protected]
1st October 2010 12:22 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

IN modern world it has great scope company like st microelectronics in gurgaon, cdac mohali provides great package ....n it has great future in india
30th September 2010 03:11 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

hi i am new to this..i am doing M.E in embedded and real-time systems.i am in need of internship.can u say me list of companies offering internship?
16th September 2010 12:07 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

dear friend,
obviously there is a good scope through embedded system to get good reputed jobs.
actually embedded system means microprocessor bassed system.the main application of it is plc( programming logic control)which is mainly used in power plant/generating for ur varios jobs r
etc r govt sector jobs.
and for ur private sector jobs r
or u can joint in research sector likes
so take decission & make ur bright future.
good luck.
11th September 2010 05:27 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

hi.... as i'm currently dng my M.E.,Embedded system...and i got internship in embedded based company...i felt this is my right career....and welcome for u alsooooooo...
7th September 2010 02:51 PM
nuzhat fathima
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

I think embedded system has nice scope as now a days we are using it.its the necessity of people in every field,let it be in aircraft ,railway ,roads ,factory etc
7th September 2010 12:18 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Hai bro!

Nice to hear that you are willing to join M.E. and that to in Embedded system.

Most of the B.E/B.Tech students of electronics branch opts for Embedded systems as their specialisation in M.E/M.Tech. It has the best oppurtunities than any other electronics specialisation. Moreover you need to work hard as the others do and the depth in the subjects are quite intresting. There are several colleges that offers M.E electronics and with best equipments that you need to work.

Good luck!
6th September 2010 11:15 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

embedded system or Nano technology??...which is better, has future
4th September 2010 04:34 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Dear friend
Market is so good for embedded designing. the demand of embeded system have in India as well as in abroad.
Since in India the market has still not caught up with electronics. Some chip manufacturing industries are seeking india, hence this technology is going to be a serious trade.
after it i hope you get a good job.
best of luck
2nd September 2010 11:05 PM
tina toms
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

embedded system has a very good scope can get into a reputed electronics company with a good percentage.if you are inerested in teaching,you can also go for it.Siemens,Bosch,Caterpiller,etc give a great carrer growth in embedded systems
16th August 2010 12:14 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

hello dear

see, the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS) is very good.

the demand of embeded system have in India as well as in abroad.

you can get job easily after doing ME.

all the best.....
20th May 2010 04:32 AM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Market is hot for embedded designing. Since in India the market has still not caught up with electronics. Some chip manufacturing industries are seeking india, hence this technology is going to be a serious trend.vlsi designing is something in want with market nests a me is tight good.
Best of luck.
30th March 2010 03:20 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

These two domains are very hot in the market because of the wide usage in different applications like robotics, automation, intelligent systems etc.
Automobiles industry also depends much on the embedded technology, so don't let second thought come in your mind and go ahead.
But one thing matters here is your interest and passion towards the field. There is a lot of research scope in these domains, so use this opportunity.
30th March 2010 02:11 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

Yes, friend there are good career prospects in this field. You just do your B.E from a reputed institute and this will lead you to study and you can also have job offers.
So best of luck
29th March 2010 11:37 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

hi friend,
if you will do this course from the reputed institute or college then it will be better carrier option,
and it will be helping for getting good job,'
o k
good luck
7th February 2010 04:47 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

U made a right choice.... Embedded system is booming nw... U can shine well if u choose this as a major area of ur career
4th February 2010 09:43 PM
Re: whats the scope for doing M.E (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)?

embedded system has a great scope ahead and in future embedded system will be at the peak ..being an ece student its your pleasure to do me in embedded system
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