Thread: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university? Reply to Thread

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1st June 2015 03:59 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

50% aggregate of third year or 50% aggregate of all 6 semester or on CGPA basis??
30th July 2014 07:45 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

respected sir, my name is srikanth Reddy tiyyagura.i completed my M.B.A(H.R.M) IN FIRST CLASS.i have three & half years experience as administration clerk cum cashier in small franchise shop.i want to do MMS course through distance education.i got any exemptions from subjects of MMS COURSE.plz send the details to my email id.
[email protected]
28th March 2012 06:33 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Currently i have got a cross atkt and i faild in sybcom and after my bcom from mumbai university want to do a mms through mumbai university i will be eligible or not
2nd January 2012 01:42 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Am i eligible for mpsc after completing graduation from BMS
21st October 2011 08:59 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i am completed Bsc(IT). i got 62% with pass class..can i eligible for maharashtra mba cet????
i am so confuse between pass class

21st October 2011 08:56 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i am completed Bsc(IT). i got 62% with pass class..can i eligible for maharashtra mba cet????
i am so confuse between pass class

18th October 2011 08:51 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i am completed Bsc(IT). i got 62% with pass class..can i eligible for maharashtra mba cet????
i am so confuse between pass class
18th October 2011 08:39 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i m completed Bsc(IT) with 60% with pass class...can i eligible for maharashtra mba cet?
19th August 2011 08:22 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

ive done my B.E in EXTC in 2010 with 56% the 7th sem i got a kt which i cleared in the 8th sem but because of that i got a pass class in my passing certificate,
am i eligible for mba-mms
19th August 2011 07:50 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

ive done my b.e in extc in 2010 and have 56% aggregate.the problem is i had a kt in the 7th semister which i cleared in the 8th sem but my passing certificate has a pass class on it.will this create any problem.
am i eligible for mba-mms
23rd July 2011 09:08 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Is there jobs for MMS IT in mumbai and what will be the job profile?
20th June 2011 11:08 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i have given my bcom..this year..and am planning to do is it compulsory to give CET or i can give AMMI
3rd May 2011 08:55 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Eligibility Criteria for mms for mumbai university
(i) The Candidate should have passed Bachelor’s Degree with 50% (45% for SC/ST) from any recognized university
(ii) Appeared Common Entrance Test (CET).
17th April 2011 08:14 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

what is the diffrence between MMS and MBA
12th April 2011 12:55 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

how does a canditate appear for his CET to get admission to MMS. Also does he have to apply to the college directly or to mumbai university

[email protected]
18th February 2011 02:32 AM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Eligibility Criteria for mms for mumbai university
(i) The Candidate should have passed Bachelor’s Degree with 50% (45% for SC/ST) from any recognized university
(ii) Appeared Common Entrance Test (CET).
5th February 2011 05:34 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

I have completed my by scoring 1st class,i just want to know that which college directly admit without CET and that too recognised by MU?
10th January 2011 11:31 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i am completed my b-pharm from amravati university, but has a year down in second year, and having my degree 59 percent am i eligible for jbims i am having work
experience of two years ABHIJEET
24th December 2010 09:59 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

hii this is immi i am also in confusion. i did my engineering in 2009 with 58.6%....and i have completed my engineering in 5 i eligible for mms???i joined be in 2004 and completed in 2009...
8th October 2010 09:20 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

my frends have done bcom and have 1 kt in subject but he cleared can he appear for mca entrance exam pls msg me.................... to my email id [email protected] and when to appear the cet for mca
1st October 2010 09:19 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Originally Posted by saima View Post
my frnd has done his tybcom in 2006-07 but cudnt clear one subject i.e. economics.....but this year oct 2009 he has cleared his score is 60 in eco.....and overall he eligible to do MMS from mumbai university???????
yes you are eligible because the eligibility criteria for the mms from mumbai univercity is not so high it it about 50% so can apply for this best of luck
30th September 2010 11:04 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Yes, you are eligible for it... the minimum eligibility will be 50% overall.
So you can appear for it.
for more assistance you can consult the mumbai university.
Good luck!!
30th September 2010 11:03 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Dear friend,
Eligibility Criteria for mms for mumbai university
(i) The Candidate should have passed Bachelor’s Degree with 50% (45% for SC/ST) from any recognized university
(ii) Appeared Common Entrance Test (CET).
I hope that above information will also be helpful to u. Wish u all the best
30th September 2010 04:59 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Hi I am Abhishek I passed B.Sc(IT) BUT i GOT passed class so tell me I am elgible for Mumbai University mms course please replay me on E-mail : [email protected]
27th September 2010 01:45 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Originally Posted by saima View Post
my frnd has done his tybcom in 2006-07 but cudnt clear one subject i.e. economics.....but this year oct 2009 he has cleared his score is 60 in eco.....and overall he eligible to do MMS from mumbai university???????
HI Saima
I am in the same situation as your friend I wanted to know if your friend proved to be eligible to do MMS and has secured admission
Or in that case any one with the same case of getting a KT and then doing MMS
Email ID
[email protected]
16th September 2010 02:42 AM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

To be eligible for MMS from mumbai university you should get minimum 50% in bachelors degree. So he is eligible.
15th September 2010 11:49 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

I am sending you the full details on the below attached file

All the best
15th September 2010 06:02 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i have done my fybsc from regular college , but taken admission to yashwantrao chavan university from second year directly and scored 64% in ty am i eligible for mumbai university full time mms programme
12th September 2010 01:33 AM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Dear Friend,

Mumbai University (in earlier University of Bombay) is one of the oldest and premier Universities in India

The course Master of Management Studies (MMS) is a course of University of Mumbai ,which is Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India.

To get admitted for this MMS course in Mumbai University you should have some Eligibility Criteria:

1:You have to sit in a entrance test named Central Assessment Program (CAP) or Common Entrance Test (CET)

2:You should pass Bachelor degree in any discipline with minimum 50% in aggregate,5% relaxation for backward classes only in Maharastra.

3:You can also apply if you are in final year examination of any Bachelor's degree of minimum three years duration in any discipline

4:After the exam you will be called for GD & PI which is conducted by the competent authority .

5:If you have appeared for MAT or ATMA or CAT etc,you may also be considered for GD & also PI for management seats.

for more details subjects as we as syllabus:

one of the best institute for MMS under Mumbai University is Lala Rajput Institute of Management(LRIM)
for details about the institute's course click:

For details you can

Good luck.
11th September 2010 04:22 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

i am from yashvantrao chavan open university
& I passed 2007 & hsc in 2005
I mentioned my home u niversity is mumbai as per the dte suggestion
so am I eligible for admission for mms in mumbai university
14th May 2010 11:31 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

the Eligibility Criteria for mms for mumbai university is :-
1) you should have passed Bachelor’s Degree with 50% fom any recognized university
2) Appeared Common Entrance Test (CET).
13th May 2010 06:31 PM
[email protected]
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

eligibility to do mms is that
candidiate should pass graduation with 45% of marks
should pass the entrance
31st March 2010 04:24 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

don't worry you are eligible for it
if you have graduate with minimum of 50% marks then you are eligible
and also
Candidate should have passed with minimum of 45% marks in aggregate ( 40% marks in aggregate in case of candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only) in any Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.


Appeared for the final year examination of any Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.


best of luck
31st March 2010 02:17 PM
mike shinoda back
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

hey friend,
as per my knowledge-The candidate should either be a graduate with minimum 45% marks and also more details you just download the pdf file from below link- .

all the best.
31st March 2010 05:48 AM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

dear friend,
you get the information regarding eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university
from the website
Best of luck.
27th March 2010 11:53 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

do not worry friend,
you are eligible and you can apply,
also you can see the details on the websites
o k
All the best.
25th March 2010 07:47 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

eligibility criteria for the mumbai university is
you should be a graduate with 50 %
and should apperar for the common admission test
23rd February 2010 04:20 AM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Surely your friend is elligible to apply for MMS from Mumbai university as the elligibility criteria is 50% only.
So good luck for your friend.
15th February 2010 11:28 AM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

your friend have overall 51% in its bachelor degree,so he can apply for it,because it require only 50% in graduation.
3rd February 2010 12:20 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

The Candidates must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree examination in any Faculty of this University or any examination recognized by this University as, equivalent
Acquired a minimum two years work experience after Graduation (Supervisory / Executive) the experience being counted from the day subsequent to the last day of the qualifying examination passed by the candidate.

Candidates who are graduates of the University of Mumbai will be required to produce a Transfer Certificate from constituent colleges of the University last attended by them, at the time of admission, if selected.
26th December 2009 02:16 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

yes you are elligible to do MMS from mumbai university..............but you have to pass cet exam.....
best of luck
26th December 2009 01:51 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

The details can be obtained from the following site:

All the best.
25th December 2009 06:54 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Yes he is eligible for it,he have to crack for CET for admission to MMS at mumbai university
24th December 2009 04:54 PM
Re: Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

Eligibility Criteria for mms for mumbai university
(i) The Candidate should have passed Bachelor’s Degree with 50% (45% for SC/ST) from any recognized university
(ii) Appeared Common Entrance Test (CET).
10th December 2009 12:26 AM
Eligibility to do MMS from mumbai university?

my frnd has done his tybcom in 2006-07 but cudnt clear one subject i.e. economics.....but this year oct 2009 he has cleared his score is 60 in eco.....and overall he eligible to do MMS from mumbai university???????

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