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4th January 2016 07:15 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Sir i am kundan kumar i wants to join in mining so how will i prepare in my study
29th July 2014 11:42 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

I have completed btech in computers but I want to join in mining is it possible, to join directly in 2 year, r els do I have to start from first again, I mean first year
18th July 2014 04:13 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

What are the present colleges offering mining engineering in separated andhra pradesh
14th June 2014 06:57 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Respected sir i passed diploma in mining engineering please guide me for admission degree in mining engineering for current year state andrapradesh . sir is it possible without entrance to admission degree in mining engineering.
29th May 2014 07:58 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

sir i had completed my intermediate education and now i would like to join in mining engeering.which college in ap in best for mining
16th February 2014 09:57 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

I want to do miming diploma now I have complted B.Sc electronics. What is the process to do mining diploma
20th September 2013 05:34 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh

Regional Engineering College
Andhra University, Vishakapatnam
NIT(National Institute of Technology), Warangal
Osmania university, Hyderabad
J.B institute of engineering & technology
Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology (G.I.E.T.), Rajahmundry

Good Luck...
20th September 2013 02:21 PM
kalo 4
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?


Mining Colleges in AP :

Osmania University , Hyderabad

National Institute of Technology , Warangal

Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology ,College , Rajahmundry

Andhra University of college of engineering , Visakhapatnam

JNTU , Hyderabad

Kakatiya Institute of management , Karimnagar

19th September 2013 10:33 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

please update the total list of mining engineering course offering colleges in andhrapradesh
16th September 2013 12:46 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

List of Mining Colleges in Andhra Pradesh :

MVC college Of Engineering,Hyderabad

Kakatiya university, Warangal

MG institute of technology , Gandipet

Regional engineering college, Warangal
15th September 2013 09:53 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

list of best mining college in India :
Bokaro Institute of Technology, Bokaro Steel City.

N.I.T Suratkal.

Orissa School of Mines, Keonjhar.

Regional Engineering College (REC) Rourkela

Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad

IIT Guwahati

Vinoba Bhave Institute of Technology, Dhanbad.

N.I.T Jamshedpur

MVS Engineering College, Hyderabad

N.I.T Surat

Kakatiya University, Warangal.
14th September 2013 10:42 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

dear friend

List of college offering mining cources in andra pradesh ...

*) Kakatiya University .

*) J.B Institute of Engineering &
Technology .

*) Government School of Mines.

*) Godavari Institute of Engineering
& Technology .

*) Shri Krishan Institute of
Engineering & Technology.

*) K.L.R. College of Engineering &
Technology .

*)Regional Engineering College.
13th September 2013 10:39 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Dear There,

List of colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh are as follows:

* J.B Institute of Engineering & Technology

* Government School of Mines

* Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology

* Shri Krishan Institute of Engineering & Technology

* K.L.R. College of Engineering & Technology

* Regional Engineering College

* Kakatiya University

You can get more details about courses on their official website.

13th September 2013 09:57 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?


Best mining college in India:-

1. Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad
2. IIT Guwahati
3. Vinoba Bhave Institute of Technology, Dhanbad.
4. N.I.T Jamshedpur
5. MVS Engineering College, Hyderabad
6. N.I.T Surat
7. Kakatiya University, Warangal.

All the best......................
13th September 2013 08:58 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Hai friend

The list of the colleges offering Mining Course in Andhra Pradesh are :-

Osmania university, Hyderabad

Kakatiya university, Warangal

Kothagudem School of Mines, Kothagudem

MVS Engineering college, Hyderabad

Bokaro Institute of Technology, Bokaro Steel City

Vinoba Bhave Institute of Technology, Dhanbad

MG Institute of Technology, Gandipet

Regional Engineering college, Warangal

Andhra University, Vishakapatnam

NIT(National Institute of Technology), Warangal

Mother Teresa Institute of Science and Technology, Khammam

JNTU(Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University), Hyderabad

Thank You
13th September 2013 03:09 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Originally Posted by sampaththota View Post
what are the colleges in andrapradesh in mining course
dear aspirant

colleges offering mining courses in andhrapradesh is :

1.kakatiya university

2.government school of mines,

3.regional engineering college

4.godavari institute of engineering & technology

5.J.B institute of engineering & technology

6.sri kishan institute of engineering & technology

7.k.l.r college of engineering & technology

8.mother Teresa institute of engineering & technology

hope this helps you to the extent you required

good luck
13th September 2013 01:52 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?


List of colleges offering Mining Courses in Andhra pradesh:-

Osmania university, Hyderabad,

Kakatiya university, Warangal,

Kothagudem School of Mines, Kothagudem,

MVS Engineering college, Hyderabad,

MG Institute of Technology, Gandipet,

Regional Engineering college, Warangal,

Andhra University, Vishakapatnam,

NIT(National Institute of Technology), Warangal,

Mother Teresa Institute of Science and Technology, Khammam,

JNTU(Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University), Hyderabad.

Best of luck.
12th September 2013 08:47 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh

Osmania University
Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh - 500007
Email : [email protected]
Website :

Vishwakarma Maritime Institute
Add: Survey No. 2, Laxmi Nagar,
Kondhawa Budruk, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411 048
Email:[email protected]

Shri Krishan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra (SKIET)
Add: Rattan Dera Road , Kurukshetra, Haryana, India - 136 118
Email:[email protected]

Kakatiya Institute of Management Studies, Karimnagar
Email:[email protected]
Add: Kothapally(H), Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, India - 505 002

Mother Teresa Institute of Science and Technology
Add: Sanketika Nagar, Sathupally , Khammam,
Andhra Pradesh, India - 507303
Email:[email protected]

Andhra University
Add: Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh - 530 003
Email : [email protected],registrar@and
Website :
12th September 2013 06:18 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Dear Friend,

The Colleges offering Mining Courses in Andhra Pradesh are :

** Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology

** Kakatiya University

** K.L.R. College of Engineering & Technology

** Government School of Mines

** J.B Institute of Engineering & Technology

** Regional Engineering College

** Shri Krishan Institute of Engineering & Technology

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
12th September 2013 12:59 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Mining Colleges in Andhra Pradesh:

**Indian School of Mines University

**Kothagudem School of Mines

**Integrated Institute of Education & Technology Hyderabad

**J N T U-Hyderabad

**Government School of Mines

All the best........
12th September 2013 12:46 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Dear friend,

Top Colleges which offered Minning Engineering in Andhra Pradesh:

>>J.B Institute of Engineering & Technology

>>Mother Teresa Institute of Science & Technology

>>Kakatiya University

>>Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology

>>P.M College of Engineering

>>Shri Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology

>>Vishwakarma Martime Institute

Good Luck
12th September 2013 12:40 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Originally Posted by sampaththota View Post
what are the colleges in andrapradesh in mining course
Dear friend
List of colleges in andra pradesh in mining course

1.JB Institute of Engineering & Technology

2.KLR College of Engineering & Technology

3.Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology
11th September 2013 09:11 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Originally Posted by sampaththota View Post
what are the colleges in andrapradesh in mining course

These are the institutes offering Mining Engineering courses in Andhra Pradesh ~~

Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology
Velgubanda, Rajaanagaram,
Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh

Dynamic Institutes of aeronautical engineering and Technology
16-11-1/2, Srinavasa Towers, Saleem Nagar,
Malakpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Kakatiya University
Warangal, Andhra Pradesh

K.L.R. College of engineering and technology
Khammam, Andhra Pradesh
11th September 2013 06:23 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

List of Colleges offering Mining Courses in Andhra Pradesh:-

-Andhra University
-Kakatiya University - Warangal
-MVS Engineering College - Hyderabad
-Osmania University - Hyderabad
-Regional Engineering College - Warangal
-Kothagudem School of Mines - Kothagudem
-MG Institute of Technology - Gandipet
11th September 2013 03:07 PM
Home 4
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?


Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh

Bokaro Institute of Technology, Bokaro Steel City.

Vinoba Bhave Institute of Technology, Dhanbad.

N.I.T Suratkal.

N.I.T Jamshedpur

MVS Engineering College, Hyderabad

IIT Guwahati

N.I.T Surat

Kakatiya University, Warangal.

ALL THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!
11th September 2013 02:44 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Hi friend,

some of the colleges offering mining courses in andhra pradesh:
************************************************** ******

--->national institute of technology (nit), warangal

--->kakatiya university, warangal

--->mvs engineering college, hyderabad

--->mg institute of technology, gandipet

--->regional engineering college , warangal

--->kothagudem school of mines, kothagudem

so choose the best college according to your requirement...
All the best for your carrer....
11th September 2013 01:31 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

List fo College Offering Mining Course in Andhra Pradesh.

1. Kothagudem School on Mines, Kakatiya University.

2. JB Institute of Engineering & Technology.

3. KLR College of Engineering & Technology.

4. Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology.

5. Kakatiya Institute of Management Studies.

6. Shri Krishan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra.

7. Vishwakarma maritime Institute.

8. P.M College of engineering..
11th September 2013 10:03 AM
A.prashanth yadav
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?


These are the list of Mining engineering colleges in Andhra pradesh:-

Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology ,
NH - 5, Chaitanya Knowledge City ,
Rajahmundry (East Godavari Dist.) - 533296

University Centre for Earth and Space Sciences - University Hyderabad,
rof. C.R Rao Road, Gachibowli,
P.O. Central University ,
Hyderabad (Hyderabad Dist.) - 500046

MVS Engineering College,
Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh

Kakatiya University,
Warangal,Andhra Pradesh

MG Institute of Technology,
Gandipet,Andhra Pradesh

Regional Engineering College,
Warangal,Andhra Pradesh

all the best!!!!!!!
11th September 2013 09:59 AM
A.prashanth yadav
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?


The list of colleges offering mining engineering in Andhra pradesh are:-
************************************************** **

1. Kothagudem School of Mines,
Kothagudem-507101, Khammam
Andhra Pradesh
2. Osmania University
Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh - 500007
Phone : 91-40-27098048, 91-40- 27682364
Fax : 91-40-27090020
Email : [email protected]
Website :
3. Andhra University
Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh - 530 003
Phone : 91-891-2575464, 91-891-2844222
Fax : 91-891-2525611
Email : [email protected],registrar@and
Website :

best of luck!!!!!!
11th September 2013 08:56 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Dear friend these are some best Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh:-

- Bokaro Institute of Technology, Bokaro Steel City.

- Vinoba Bhave Institute of Technology, Dhanbad.

- Regional Engineering College (REC) Rourkela.
- Kakatiya University, Warangal.

- MVS Engineering College, Hyderabad

- Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad

- MG Institute of Technology, Gandipet.

- N.I.T Suratkal.

Good luck.......
19th July 2013 01:53 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Hi friend….
You have to join in MINING you must be a student of MATHS,PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY in your 12th standard.This course contain 4years Bachelor Degree. So,if we come to mining colleges in Andra Pradesh,there are 4 colleges offering mining they are..

1.MVC college Of Engineering,Hyd.

2.Kakatiya university, Warangal.

3.MG institute of technology , Gandipet.

4.regional engineering college, Warangal.

All the best……….
18th July 2013 01:52 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i wont to do diplama in mining means like 3 or 6 months
i am mining engg
28th June 2013 09:20 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

I got eamcet rank 121218 my dream mining which college is best
22nd May 2013 11:42 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

what are the colleges offering mining through poly tech. and upto which rank in AP?
14th May 2013 10:49 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

EAMCET? Being a scheduled caste candidate.
27th March 2013 04:10 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

hai friendz this is sanjeev from gdk am having mpc get kothagudem college in mining. Whether the rank shouldn't exceed me on 9989814711
28th January 2013 07:50 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

i want to do diploma in mining engineering please tell the details and procedure to do...
16th October 2012 11:45 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

how many mining colleges are there in andhra pradesh
8th September 2012 01:14 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

6th September 2012 10:00 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

can u please tell us the list of govt & private mining engineering colleges ?
2nd September 2012 03:03 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

if u hav any dout about eamcet or any other cets contact me 9000958795. thirumal ravla. M.A., M.Lit., M.C.J. B.Ed.,LL.B.,educational adviser.
31st August 2012 10:57 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to know, about private mining engineering college in hyderabad and its surrounding .
hi Friend

Following is the list of colleges in Andhra Pradesh that offer
mining engineering courses and/or allied courses.

Kothagudem School of Mines, Kothagudem
MVS Engineering College, Hyderabad
Kakatiya University, Warangal.
NIT Warangal
MG Institute of Technology, Gandipet

Visit the respective college's website for information about admission details.

Thank You
31st August 2012 07:42 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

I got 909 marks in inter&eamcet rank74000 so want mining course (for free)in hyd
ph no.9959532438&9866236438
30th July 2012 10:25 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

[SIZE=3]Following is the list of colleges in Andhra Pradesh that offer
mining engineering courses

*Kakatiya University, Warangal.

*Bokaro Institute of Technology, Bokaro Steel City.

*N.I.T Suratkal.

*Orissa School of Mines, Keonjhar.

*Regional Engineering College (REC) Rourkela.
*Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad

*IIT Guwahati
*Vinoba Bhave Institute of Technology, Dhanbad.
30th July 2012 05:59 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

sir i am diploma in mining passing 2nd and 1st class manager from dgms want crosspondence course in b.tec mining
17th July 2012 05:35 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

i want know B.Tech mining engineering distance education in Andhrapradesh
11th July 2012 11:01 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

i got 1,50,00 rank in which college will get in mining engineering course
11th July 2012 10:59 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

i got 1,50,000rank in eamcet in which college will get in minining engineering course
24th June 2012 12:00 AM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

actually i want to know in ap how many colleges have the mining course nd i want the details of that colleges
5th June 2012 12:29 PM
Re: Colleges offering Mining courses in Andhra Pradesh?

how many seats available for diploma holders to join in b .tech minining in ap
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