Thread: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering? Reply to Thread

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26th June 2015 11:55 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

I am totally confused because students say electronics is not a good field but professors say it is the best field.If u wanna go in government sector then dont go in this sector.
1st July 2014 10:31 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Scope for telecomunication it good? What about jobs? Please give answer immediately
1st July 2014 10:10 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Scope for telecomunication engineering. Please tell me how is this branch in future
13th June 2014 03:28 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

hi friends, now am in pre final year how can i maintain my percentage and how will it help in jobs........plz tel about banking xams how its related to my ece dept.
7th October 2013 01:54 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

dear friend

The Scope is very wide open because the world is moving in the field of
technology and developments. being an electronics and telecommunication
engineer i am saying that its the field for become an technical knowledged
person about network, telecom, communication. so you can get good
oppurtunities if you get good knowledge...
6th October 2013 08:28 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

MY Son is now in 3 rd year in ECE . which is best choice whether he may study ME or joining in a job ? what is the job opportunity for M E ?
5th August 2013 05:41 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Originally Posted by Esha Sharma View Post
Scope of electronics and commnication engineering is very wide these days.
Lot of carrier opportunities are available for these engineers in market just need to be in touch with lot of placement agencies.
i dont know but some people says no scope these branch
27th June 2013 05:36 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

hi i completed my 12th... wich grp shall i take in engineering ece or cse? wich has more value?
27th June 2013 05:20 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

hi just now i completted my 12th... my aim is to become an engineer... which group shall i choose ece or cse.. give me a gud choice
26th June 2013 06:24 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Dear all ECE Student,

Dont worry about ECE Job.very wide opprtunity for ECE in Oil & Gas field at various country and providing good package better than other discipline.
If World want to build better Economy they must go through Oil & Gas and without ECE can not function any oil & gas plant.
21st June 2013 07:51 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

scope of electronics and communication engineering in America?
25th April 2013 11:46 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

sir telecommuication engineering is better electronics and communication engineering/
4th June 2012 11:14 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

I have completed 12th with 193.5 cutoff . which engg course should i take ? i am from coimbatore,tamil nadu. which course is the best ?
19th April 2012 07:50 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

dear friend

The Scope is very wide open because the world is moving in the field of
technology and developments. being an electronics and telecommunication
engineer i am saying that its the field for become an technical knowledged
person about network, telecom, communication. so you can get good
oppurtunities if you get good knowledge.
13th April 2012 11:53 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

there are lots job opportunities available for diploma graduates.
upon completion of your Diploma you can try for jobs in MNCs.
you can directly apply for the openings available and attend interview to get placed.
openings are available in companies like TCS,INFOSYS,TECH MAHINDRA,MPHASIS,L&T,BHEL,BEL etc
12th April 2012 11:11 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the core branches of Engineering studies started as Electrical Engineering. Most of the branches like Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Applied Electronics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Information Technology have been emerged as specialization from Electrical Engineering. However, with the wide applications of Electronics in controlling and protecting the Electrical equipments and systems, the course has been renamed as Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
15th March 2012 06:00 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

10th March 2012 02:32 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Dear friend,

Scope of B-tech degree are given below-

You have completed your B-TECH in COMPUTER SCIENCE. But your graduation marks is must be 60% above because below mention organization have criteria is above 60% in graduation . This percentage is vary from organization to organization.

So you have many options to go like govt sector ,private sector or higher study also.

The govt sector options are -DRDO , BARC , ONGC , ISRO , NIC , IGDR , UPSC EXAM , BSNL JTO etc.The age limit for those organization is maximum 30 years .Age relaxation provide only for SC/ST /OBC candidate.

Also you are eligible in private sector also . the private sector company are TCS ,CTS ,IBM,HP,L&T,ALUNUS ,WIPRO etc.

The higher study options are MS , MBA ,M-TECH ,JRF ,SRF ,PHD etc.

Also you must be qualify in GATE ,CAT,MAT exam.

7th March 2012 08:23 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

List of govt. Secotor for E.c.E. Student
3rd March 2012 08:29 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

what are the knowledge need to understand and study ece
1st March 2012 04:47 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is electronics better or civil
of course civil
5th February 2012 03:08 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Electronics and Communication is a very good branch and it has a lot of scope in future....Many companies like the TCS,Accenture,L&T,Microsoft,Wipro,etc.. come for campus recruitment for this branch...
Aishwarya Mehrotra
2nd February 2012 08:51 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

can u plz reply me on my [email protected]
2nd February 2012 08:50 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

and one more question how how can i make my resume very impressive...can u forward me a format..????
2nd February 2012 08:48 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Mam i just want to ask that what kind of questions me have to prepare....on which sub. i have to make my hand strong to face an interview in comm. field or in electronic field...
31st January 2012 11:07 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Wt shud i take telecom or electronics ?
30th January 2012 04:58 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Its really good that you have set a goal for yourself.To become a Software engineer ,after 12th you can go IT or Computer Science Engineering which will pave your path for your aim.In the meantime try to be in touch with some computer subjects.While in the Engineering you can take up some short term courses related to the software which can make your basics right.Once you complete your engineering you can get chance in your campus interview or you can try in software giants like Infosys,Wipro,CTS,etc......Other than Engineering you can also go for BCA after 12th as this will also lead you into software companies.But Engineering would be much better.
Good Luc
30th January 2012 02:29 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Hi karthiksivaram,
As you are a ECE student you already have some c and c++ knowledge then you will feel compatible completely with this language .My advice is that before joining in company you join near by institute OR you go through reputed books of Java and NET. java is quite interesting not hard you need atmost 1 month to recover knowledge of it.
For basic knowledge of java go through E Balaguruswami or Steve Heller(This book is for better concept).
For basic knowledge of .net go through Andrew Troelsen or scott hanselman
30th January 2012 01:45 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

its good that u r not goin in bhedchal.
bsc too has good scope, as u r interestd in doin Bsc from c.s. u have an option to work in IT companies after that.
n during ur Bsc u can prepare well for other competetive exams like CAT, IAS SSC,CDS,and other UPSCs
but if u do u will have more options..................u can take mechanical or civil branch in and than prepare for PSUs like NTPC,BHEL,DRDO,JTO these govt companies takes only enng. and at very good starting salary around 6-8 lakhs p.a. and once u crack these and then also u feel unsatisfied u can prepare very easily for other good competition like ias or cat or GATE or GRE based on ur interest in engg.
29th January 2012 06:24 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Dear friend,
You are form ECE background

So there are so many opportunities for you

1.Private sector :


2.Govt. sector :


3.Others :


ALL THE VERY BEST...........
29th January 2012 04:59 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

dear friend,
As you are from electronics and communication stream then you will have lots of job opportunities..

You can apply for both software sector as well as govt sector jobs..

Software sector jobs like-


Govt core sector jobs like-


Now you decide you want to go for which field.

All the best.
29th January 2012 01:10 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the scope for ECE students in India. which has wider scopes whether computer engg or ECE.
Electronics and Communication Engineering graduates has lot of job opportunities....

It represents two of the fastest growing Technology Areas. one is electronics and other is communication. Because it has a combination of both.

Fresh Graduates of ECE can find good jobs in Electronics and Communication sectors...
They also get employed in Central Government, State Governments and their Sponsored Corporations in Public Enterprises like All India Radio, Indian Telephone Industries, MTNL, National Physical Laboratories, Civil Aviation Department; Post and Telegraph Department, Co-ordination Department, Bharat Electronics Limited and few other government undertakings.

They are also equally demanding in private sectors... private companies require large number of Electronics and Communication professionals for their functioning.

The areas where an ECE graduate can find jobs are:

*Internet Service Providers,
*Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturers,
*Electronics and Communication Tools Manufacturers,
*Educational Institutes,
*Research and Development Department,
*Mobile Service Providers,
*Telephone Department,
*Computer Industry,
*Electronic Data Processing Systems,
*Defence Services.

Computer science graduates are also demanding.They are demanding in IT / software fields. Companies like:
TCS, HCL, Accenture, WIPRO, IBM, CTS, HP, Syntel, Tech Mahindra, INFOSYS, etc.
Recruit large no. of CSE students.

But you have to choose one. I have given you the list of companies of both the streams. Now you decide in which direction you want to go. Its your decision.
29th January 2012 11:48 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

dear friend

The Scope is very wide open because the world is moving in the field of
technology and developments. being an electronics and telecommunication
engineer i am saying that its the field for become an technical knowledged
person about network, telecom, communication. so you can get good
oppurtunities if you get good knowledge................
29th January 2012 11:32 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

I had did my VLSI & Embedded hardware system design post graduate diploma from National Institute of Electronics & information technolgy Calicut aftr finishing ma B.E(ECE) but i din get any job wat 2 do????
29th January 2012 02:12 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

A vast scope is there after completing in physics from a reputed university.Pursuing in physics is good option,but remmember before joining this course let know its future aspects in various fields.The name physics suggests that this is a technical subject related to machines and measurement of any frequency.This is a science branch so dont have to worry much about future aspects.Lets see what are the opportunities are there for you after completing physics- You can become a lecturer after cracking net exam,you can go in the field of research and development,job opportunities in networking and many other companies are there.
28th January 2012 08:54 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

what is the scope for ECE students in India. which has wider scopes whether computer engg or ECE.
17th December 2011 08:18 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

im doing electronics final year i wish to do pg in abroad if do courses like embedded system , vlsi.. what kind of job i can get? and what will be my initial salary?
7th December 2011 08:46 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

what are the important courses after the completion of in ECE branch.
3rd December 2011 06:31 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

I am completed diploma in electronics & communication engineering i hav need job ? i need to do any additional cource so what cource is suitable for this?.
29th November 2011 09:16 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the core branches of Engineering studies started as Electrical Engineering. Most of the branches like Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Applied Electronics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Information Technology have been emerged as specialization from Electrical Engineering.
20th November 2011 06:01 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

what kind of exams we have to write for entering the govt sector.
can u give any idea about the exam pattern ?
15th November 2011 10:54 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

there is much more scope to get ajob in elecronics and communication engineering as comapared to other branches
1 one can apply for jobs in telecom sector, like bsnl, airtel aircell etc
2 there are lots of vacancies in ntpc and nhpc
3 eligible to sit for IES exam
4 also eligible to start his carrier as software engineer
14th November 2011 11:40 AM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Originally Posted by uday sen View Post
whats the scope for a electronics ands communication engineering ,what are the different fields .whats the scope of vlsi or embeded system for placement
i also want to know about the scope for optical fiber in ec
25th October 2011 12:22 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Plzz friends tell me, what is the scope of Electrical communication engineering worid wide????
18th October 2011 12:00 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

As now the present days are the base communication technologies along with the basic electronic components, design of circuits and systems,for this you are a student of bright stream ECE.

through this stream you can get job in Govt as well as private sector.

Its future is really very very bright,through this stream you can go various sectors in higher study such as :


2:Mobile Communication,

3:Microwave Communication

4:Robotics, defense,

5:Radio Communication,

6:TV broadcasting,

7:Telegraphy & Telephony,

8:VLSI design,

9:Nuclear Science,

10:Wireless Communication

One of the best options below:

Bharat Sarkar Nigam Limited(BSNL) Telecom Technical Assistants (TTA) exam is one of the best tele-communication company's exam all over India.


1:Only Indian can apply.

2:you have to pass in following disciplines from a recognized Institute / University
Three Years Engineering Diploma in

i)Telecommunications Engineering
ii)Electronics Engineering
iii)Electrical Engineering
iv)Radio Engineering
v)Computer Engineering
vi)Instruments Technology
vii)Information Technology

M.Sc. (Electronics) from a recognized institution / University.

3:Your age should be in between 18 – 27 years

Subjects will approximately be that of Diploma level of an Indian Polytechnic.
There Shall be three written (objective type) papers:

Paper I: General ability test of 2 hours
Paper II: Basic Engineering of 3 hours
Paper III: Specialization of 3 hours

another important examination is Bharat Sarkar Nigam Limited(BSNL) Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) exam.

Eligibility :

a) Nationality : Only Indian Nationals would be eligible to apply.

b) Educational Qualifications:

Applicant must possess as Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in one of the
i. Telecommunication,
ii. Electronics,
iii. Radio,
iv. Computer,
v. Electrical.

for more

Beside this examination,there are s many telecom companies like:





Tata Indicom etc
18th October 2011 10:39 AM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

dear friend

The Scope is very wide open because the world is moving in the field of
technology and developments. being an electronics and telecommunication
engineer i am saying that its the field for become an technical knowledged
person about network, telecom, communication. so you can get good
oppurtunities if you get good knowledge................
best wishes...
thank you
17th October 2011 10:57 PM
g m bhagya
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

Originally Posted by uday sen View Post
whats the scope for a electronics ands communication engineering ,what are the different fields .whats the scope of vlsi or embeded system for placement
Electronics and communication is good field .you can have job opportunities in government sector and also in software can also get jobs in telephone electrical department.
17th October 2011 09:43 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

salery of ece in nepal government
15th October 2011 09:41 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

HI dear,
The Scope is very wide open because the world is moving in the field of
technology and developments. being an electronics and telecommunication
engineer i am saying that its the field for become an technical knowledged
person about network, telecom, communication. so you can get good
oppurtunities if you get good knowledge..

15th October 2011 04:24 PM
Re: Scope for a electronics and communication engineering?

hey after completed my BE in E&C branch i would like developed some industry .....plz tell me which base is important in these.....plz .....
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