Thread: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer? Reply to Thread

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24th September 2015 10:47 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Dear si iam completed my secod year i have interested to join in police accadamy please give me the detailes that what to do forther
26th August 2014 12:43 PM
Sir. Iam vineesh

Iam vineesh. Kerala. Palakkad district. Iam studing 10th. When subject i.p.s in plus one cource
24th July 2014 08:46 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

My age 36 and I m the force personal then what is the age limit of ips exam
13th November 2013 10:33 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
m miti yadav.i want to knw exam date of 2011 .and what is the minmum age and maximum age m for ias nd ips ?????
open edcutation can be eglible for ips exam
4th November 2013 06:15 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

I CADET SUMIT KR. SINGH ,STUDYING IN SAINIK SCHOOL NALANDA ,want to know age to become IAS and IPS officer
22nd October 2013 03:29 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

sir i am umesh kumar yadav , n 32 year old , and a national player , i want defence job , spesly ips please give me giude line
30th December 2012 08:24 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

To become IAS, IPS officer you have to apply for Civil Services Examination.
Civil Services Examination is conducted by UPSC every year for the recruitment of candidates for the post of IAS, IRS, IPS.

The basic eligibility criteria for Civil Services Exam are as follows:
Educational Qualification
The candidate must hold any degree in any discipline from any recognized university
Final year degree students are also eligible
Degree obtained by distance education/open university is also eligible if the university is a recognized university

Age limit
General 21-30 yrs
SC/ST 21-35 yrs
PH 21-40 yrs

Number of attempts permitted
General 4
PH 7
SC/ST No Limit

Nationality should be Indian.

For further details refer the pdf attached below and for Previous Years Question Papers you can refer
You can fill the online application form from the official website

28th June 2012 10:53 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

sir,i want to join for ips coaching institute.i am student B.Sc.Ag.(hons) from rajasthan.
1st June 2012 09:58 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Im a mechanical diploma holder... so am i eligible for IPS Exam??

Thnx and regs,
7th May 2012 10:14 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Yes i wnt 2 ask about this that what is the exam date of 2012 ips and ias and upsc for to fill my form. I want to give this eqam. Sir can u plz send a mail in my email id in . Please give me all the details of this exam sir. Its my request to u. Priyanka mahilange,7828678734.
6th May 2012 09:30 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

is there any advantage of 'bee' and 'cee' certifacte for a person who want to appear in these examinations??
25th April 2012 09:33 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

i want to become an ias but i m confused which stream would help most in 11
21st April 2012 11:36 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

IAS and IPS exams are conducted under the UPSC once in a year.

Age criteria:

The candidate should be complete graduation from a recognised university.

Candidate should be a citizen of india.

Final year graduate students are also eligible.

Age criteria:

Those candidates age between 21years to 30years, 3years age relaxation for the OBC candidates and 5years age relaxation SC/ST candidates.

Selection procedure:

Preliminary exam,
Main exam,

For more details regarding the IAS and IPS please visit the official website of UPSC

All the best.
13th April 2012 10:14 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

sir i can pass my 11th with non medical can i make an ips officer
3rd April 2012 04:19 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

* qualification
- graduation from a recognized university
* age limit
- 21 to 30 years for general
- 33 years for OBC
- 35 years for ST/Sc
* no of attempts
- 4[/QUOTE]
30th March 2012 12:09 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

IAs exam is conducted by the upsc once in a year.
Eligibility criteria:
you should be a citizen of india.
The candidate should be complete grduation from any recognized university
the candidate age limit should be 21 to 30 years,the age relaxation for obc candidates is 3years, and the sc/st candidates is 5years.
Examination pattern:
written exam
main exam
for more details visit the website
All the best.
29th March 2012 08:01 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Minimum age for IAS and IES exam is 21 years.
Maximum age for IAS and IES exam is 30 years...on August 1 of the year of examination.
There are some relaxation for OBC and SC/ST category:
a. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.
b. upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes.
27th March 2012 06:12 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Hi friend

Yes you are eligible.
Most of the medical entrance exams specify the minimum age as 17 to apply.
But you also need to satisfy other eligibility criteria.

1.You should have passed class 12 with a minimum 60%.

2.The percentage is relaxed by 5% i.e a minimum 55% for SC/ST

3.You should have physics ,chemistry ,biology as main subjects.

4.You can appear for the exams only twice.


1. AIPMT- All India Pre Medical / Pre Dental Entrance Exam

2.AFMC- Armed Forces Medical College Exam

3.JIPMER -Jawaharlal Institute of Post-graduate Medical Education and Research

4.DUMET -Delhi University Medical-Dental Entrance Test

5.COMEDK -Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka

6.DUPGMET - Delhi University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test

25th March 2012 12:59 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm Love Bajwa of 16years. I want to know that at what age IAS & IPS exams were held. What are the minimum and maximum requirement to become the same and at what age a person will got his target to become an IPS or IAS officer.At what age this responsibility starts and at what age a person will retired? Please guide me at this regards by everything in detail. I shall be very thankful to u for this kind act.
I.A.S exam is conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year.
I.A.S exam is also known as Civil services exam:-
Qualification:- Pass graduation with any stream from recognized university.

Age limit:-
For Open category:- 21-30 year
For OBC category:- 21-33 YEAR
For ST/SC category:- 21-37 year

For more detail log on to

24th March 2012 06:44 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Dear Sir, My date of birth is 2nd July 1983.
pl. suggest am I Eligible for IAS 2013 Exam.
I did my Btech in 2007.
16th March 2012 12:42 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Minimum age for IAS and IES exam is 21 years.
Maximum age for IAS and IES exam is 30 years...on August 1 of the year of examination.
There are some relaxation for OBC and SC/ST category:
a. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.
b. upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes.
20th February 2012 12:08 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?



21 years to 30 years for Gen category.

21 years to 33 years for OBC category.

21 years to 35 years for SC/ST category.

10th February 2012 11:16 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

i am handicap..but i had not can i become ips officer? how?
10th February 2012 11:14 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

i am handicap.... i had not operation..... then can i become ips officer? how?
9th February 2012 09:10 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

I am avijit nanda from poschim mednipur in west bangal,
I haved passed in 10+2(H.S) in 2007,(vocational strim) in 2010,73.78% mark.but I haved stoped my study line,now I am verry itersted to study in computer scince,so sir i ma confused that my study line 1 year gap,so sir plz tell me now i am applycable for this my age is 23

plz help me sir.
28th January 2012 02:09 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Dear sir ,
I am working in postal department . My age is 45. I was finished 14 years of service. I want to know whether i am eligible for IPS exam or not. please reply me. I am awaiting for your reply. After your reply only i have decide for apply.
6th January 2012 12:46 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

1st January 2012 08:04 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Sir , I am 21 yrs old and I am secondary passed from CBSE board with marks of 60% and also appearing in final year diploma (chemical Engg.) .
How can I apply for IPS and IAS officer...?
and please reply me fast
16th December 2011 12:00 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

IAS AND IPS Eligibility :

Academic Qualification :
The candidate must be graduate from any university.

Age Limit :
General :21 to 30 years.[SC/ST will get 5 years age relaxation and OBC will get 3 year age relaxation]

No Of Attempts :
General : 4.
SC/ST: Unlimited.
OBC :7.

15th December 2011 09:27 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

sir when its paper
9th December 2011 12:52 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

dear friend,
IAS and IPS both the exams are conducted by UPSC every year fro administrative jobs..

Eligibility for IAS and IPS exam:-

1.Candidate must have complete the graduation in any trade.

2.Age should be in between 21-30 years , for SC/ST the upper age relaxation is 5 years and for OBC the upper age relaxation is 3 years.

3.Candidate must be a citizen of India.

4.candidate must be physically fit...

These are the minimum eligibility criteria for IAS and IPS exam..

These exams are held in two phases..

1. Preliminary exam
2.Main exam

So, prepare for these exams..

All the best.
8th December 2011 10:33 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
m miti yadav.i want to knw exam date of 2011 .and what is the minmum age and maximum age m for ias nd ips ?????
60 years after marriage and 50 kids
6th December 2011 09:44 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm Love Bajwa of 16years. I want to know that at what age IAS & IPS exams were held. What are the minimum and maximum requirement to become the same and at what age a person will got his target to become an IPS or IAS officer.At what age this responsibility starts and at what age a person will retired? Please guide me at this regards by everything in detail. I shall be very thankful to u for this kind act.
Eligibility Criteria For IAS

(i) Age limits :

21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories as specified in Para 3(ii) of Notice).

(ii) Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification (Para 3(iii) of Notice).
30th November 2011 01:03 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

amarried women have given birth is aible to become an IPS
26th November 2011 05:09 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

For become a IAS\IPS officer, you must have to clear the CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION ,conducted by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION [UPSC].

This civil service commission has three stages -

For appear in this examination, you must have atleast a graduation degree from a recognized college in any stream,.
The age limit for this examination is 21-30 years, there are 5 & 3 years of the age relaxations are applicable for the SC\ST & OBC candidates respectively.

Exam pattern-

No of attempts-
Four for the General candidates,
Seven for the OBC candidates..
No such restriction for the SC\ST candidates...

22nd November 2011 07:50 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

(i) Age limits :

21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories)

(ii) Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification...
13th November 2011 02:07 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

is there any quota for visually handicapped persons ?
1st November 2011 12:06 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm Love Bajwa of 16years. I want to know that at what age IAS & IPS exams were held. What are the minimum and maximum requirement to become the same and at what age a person will got his target to become an IPS or IAS officer.At what age this responsibility starts and at what age a person will retired? Please guide me at this regards by everything in detail. I shall be very thankful to u for this kind act.
Dear Friend,
The age limit criteria for the IAS or the IPS examination is that the age of the candidate must be between 21 years to 30 years for general category candidates and age relaxation of 5 years and 3 years are provided to the SC/ST and OBC candidates.
The minimum educational qualification required for the examination is Graduation in any stream from a recognized institution.

Best Wishes...
31st October 2011 10:29 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Hi dear,

UPSC conduct Civil Services exam for IAS and IPS.

IAS & IPS Exam Eligibility:-

Oualification:-The basic eligibility to appear in the IPS exam is to have a
graduation degree from any discipline.

Age limit:- The age of the candidate must be above 21 years of age while
appearing the preliminary exam. The age of the candidate must not be more than 30 years. relaxation for non general .

For general - 30
For OBC - 33
For SC/ST - 35
For Ex-service men it is 5 years from the prescribed age limits.

Physical Eligibility for IPS :- Minimum height of 165 cm for Men and 150 cm
for Women .
minimum height is relaxable to 160 and 145 cm for SC/ST.

Attempts:The attempts for several categories are

For Open -4
For OBC -7
For SC/ST - No limit.

31st October 2011 07:25 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

UPSC conduct Civil Services exam for IAS and IPS.

IPS Exam Eligibility---The basic eligibility to appear in the IPS exam is to have any graduation degree

Age limit---- The age of the candidate must be above 21 years of age while
appearing the preliminary exam. The age of the candidate must not be more than 30 years.there is also relaxation for non general .

For general - 30 OBC - 33 SC/ST - 35 Ex-service men it is 5 years from the prescribed age limits.

Physical Eligibility --- Minimum height of 165 cm for Men and 150 cm for
Women .
there is relaxation for minimum height 160 and 145 cm for SC/ST.

The attempts are different for different categories

For Open -4
For OBC -7
For SC/ST - No limit.
31st October 2011 06:25 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Dear,Your Qualification:-The basic eligibility to appear in the IPS exam is to have a
graduation degree from any discipline.

Age limit:- The age of the candidate must be above 21 years of age while
appearing the preliminary exam. The age of the candidate must not be more than 30 years. relaxation for non general .

For general - 30
For OBC - 33
For SC/ST - 35
For Ex-service men it is 5 years from the prescribed age limits.

Physical Eligibility :- Minimum height of 165 cm for Men and 150 cm for
Women .
minimum height is relaxable to 160 and 145 cm for SC/ST.

Attempts:The attempts for several categories are

For Open -4
For OBC -7
For SC/ST - No limit.
Reply With Quote
28th October 2011 07:55 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

For become a IAS (INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE) & IPS (INDIAN POLICE SERVICE) officer, you must have to clear the civil service examination, conducted by UPSC (union public service commission).

for both services, you must posses graduation degree from a recognized college, whatever may be the stream is...

the age limit for this examination is -
21-30 years for the GENERAL candidates,
21-33 years for the OBC candidates,

21-35 years for the SC\ST candidates,

this civil service examination has three stages-

No. of attempts for CSAT-
four for the general candidates,
seven for the OBC candidates,
no such restriction for the SC\ST candidates.

thank you!!
26th October 2011 06:04 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

dear sir i am 1 student and want to appear for ias exam when should i appear
22nd October 2011 08:32 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm Love Bajwa of 16years. I want to know that at what age IAS & IPS exams were held. What are the minimum and maximum requirement to become the same and at what age a person will got his target to become an IPS or IAS officer.At what age this responsibility starts and at what age a person will retired? Please guide me at this regards by everything in detail. I shall be very thankful to u for this kind act.

How To Become an IAS or IPS Officer

In order to become an IAS(Indian Administrative Service) or IPS(Indian Police Service) need to clear the Civil Service Exams conducted by UPSC..

Eligibility Criteria :-

According to the UPSC guidelines..a candidate must satisfy the following criterion to appear for the Civil Service Exam :-

1) You need to be a graduate or a final year graduation student in any stream from an AICTE or UGC recognized University..

2) You should be in the age limit of 21-30 years for general category,21-33 years for OBC and 21-35 years for SC/ST

The maximum number of attempts allowed for the general category is 4,for OBC it is 7 and for SC/ST there is no limit..

Exam Pattern :-

There are 2 rounds for clearing this exam

1) Prelims :- This round..also known as Civil Service Aptitude Test(CSAT) has 2 objective papers which will test your general knowledge,current affairs and aptitude..

2) Mains :- If you clear the Prelims,then you shall qualify for the Mains where you will face nine papers..where your knowledge of your graduation subjects shall be tested..

If you clear both the shall be called for the interview and the final selection..

Important Dates :-

The forms shall be available to you in the month of February..

The Prelims are held in last week of May and the results for the Prelims shall be declared in the first half of August..

The Mains shall be conducted in the last week of October and the results shall be announced in the mid of March..

The interview shall be held in the last week of April and the result shall be announced within 2 weeks of the interview..

The general age for retirement set by the government is 60 years..

The civil services are no place for jokes or complacency..

From the day of will have all the responsibilities on your shoulders..

In case you have any further queries then you can log on to the following site ..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
7th October 2011 01:49 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

i'm engg. student but appearing during appearing can i give exam for ips&ias??
19th September 2011 04:08 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

Here I'm giving you all details infor mation regarding this.

Eligibility :

Academic Qualification :
The candidate must be graduate from any university.

Age Limit :
ForGeneral :21 to 30 years.[SC/ST will get 5 years age relaxation and OBC will get 3 year age relaxation]

No Of Attempts :
General : 4.
SC/ST: Unlimited.
OBC :7.
19th September 2011 03:55 AM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

dear , sir

i want to know if i want to make plan to face entrance examination ..pls let me know from which age i need to start preparation for that and how to start proper preparation.
18th September 2011 06:18 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

these exams are conducted by UPSC every year.both exams have nearly same eligibility criteria. the age limit exist for both exams are 21-30 years, for a general cadidates. also there are 5 years relaxation for sc\st candidates.

you must have to complete your graduation in any stream.


* For General category - 4 attempts
* For OBC category - 7 attempts
* For SC/ST category - No limit

Best wishes
17th September 2011 12:45 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

1st September 2011 12:51 PM
Re: Age limit for IAS and IPS exam? Minimum and Maximum requirements to become IAS and IPS officer?

i am an army person, what is the age limit of ips.
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