Thread: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field? Reply to Thread

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4th June 2015 01:29 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Sir I want tojoin in btech biotech but some are saying it is not a good career to earn money. Is it truel
3rd June 2015 09:35 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

sir whether biotechnology is better course or bpharmacy is better course in which field i can join please tell me i am really confused how much salary would be for biotechnology
21st January 2015 08:57 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Can we go for a job directly after 4 years of we should go for further studies in it?. what will be the salary range if we stop with and what will be the salary range after further studies in
5th January 2014 04:12 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

When the forms of bioteh will b availabl n what should be criteria fulfilled by a candidate to take admsn in btech?
16th June 2013 03:34 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

can i take admission in with my subjects as PCB in 11th and 12th
1st May 2013 03:41 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

What is the advantage of doing M.Tech in biotechnology after Will it be a good thing to do P.hd later.? If yes, why?
16th January 2013 08:48 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

I have in Biotechnology, can i go for in Biotechnology?
31st December 2012 09:56 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

plz tell about the top government colleges offering biotechnology
15th December 2012 02:20 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Originally Posted by puja kapur View Post
I m interested in biotechnology. Should i go for in biotechnology or in biotechnology.Are there good chances in india for job after doing or in biotechnology??
Hello Puja,
Well, in my opinion you can go for B.Tech in biotechnology. This will make you from en engineering and technical field. Today to get a job in a well known technical sector, people always want a technical degree with them. So you must choose degree. Then when after 4 years you already have a technical backup, go for MBA. This will add a business knowledge to your kitty. Today companies want more business people than technical people. If a person has both then it is a royal combination. You just study hard and score more than 60% in your After that take up MBA in biotechnology by clearing MAT or CAT or GMAT and you can go for an MBA here or in abroad.
8th December 2012 12:58 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

which is better mtech in biotech or ms from some foriegn university after btech in biotech?
7th July 2012 10:13 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

what are the exams should i pass to do in bio technology
30th June 2012 05:26 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

i have completed my 12 im little bit cofused..,, i should do or plz help me out
5th June 2012 10:01 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

what are top biotec collages in tamillnadu affillated to anna university
3rd June 2012 06:34 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

now i havw compleated my 2 and joined for b tech biotechnology . as a student in which subjet i have to give more concentration
10th May 2012 08:01 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

my name: jaya prabha
i am completed 2.
which course i will be studied? in (biotechnology) or in (biotechnology)
3rd April 2012 01:40 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

can computer science group students take biotechnology
3rd April 2012 01:25 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

can computer science group students study biotechnology?
4th October 2011 08:08 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Hi Friends ...... i completed Btech Biotech in 2009 , and wandered here and there (whole india) for job , i tried in pharma company , somehow i got work in a pharma company IN HIMACHAL PRADESH AND MY SALARY WAS 5000 ..... i worked there in QC ...... I gave one complete year in search of job , but in vain. I also cleared IISC 2009 WRITTEN TEST FOR RESEARCH PROGRAM , but couldnt make it through interview. With All MY EXPERIENCE I CAN TELL YOU , THERE IS NO REAL SCOPE OF BIOTECH IN INDIA , YOU MAY GET SOME JOB BUT YOU CANT RUN FAMILY ......EVEN IN PHARMA GROWTH PROSPECT FOR US IS VERY LESS. EVEN IF SOME RAY OF HOPE IS THERE BUT FOR THOSE WHO COMPLETE PHD AND JOIN TEACHING LINE ... IN GOVT. COLLEGE ... OTHERWISE .... you will repent whole life watching your earning and prospering friends frm other dept.
20th September 2011 12:42 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

hello frnds...
thr is no scope for boitech in india, just nw its devoloping here... if u want to do biotech, do it in IIT or NIT... then only u ll get placement or else its waste to do in anyother institution... lots of my frnds hasnt got job...
6th September 2011 02:38 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Is there any integrated course of and in abroad(U.S)? I am doing in India.
21st August 2011 06:11 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

no not al....its a best course but aft finishin u should o aboard u ll shine nicely...
16th August 2011 02:05 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

I joined be biotechnology dis year...all are telling that be biotech has no it????m worried
12th August 2011 11:22 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

I am doing in bio-technology from NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,DURGAPUR 2011-2015. What are job chances for me
9th August 2011 08:57 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

i had taken BYPC to do BIOTECHNOLOGY is a goodthing?i had listened that doing biotechnology with BYPC is this better is it right?
6th August 2011 09:28 AM
Angelin sebastian
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

i have chosen What should i do next?what can be done to improve my job facilities?
30th July 2011 11:27 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

dear friend, in biotechnology is 3 yrs course where as is 4 yrs course . is always better than the course because in you get more technical knowledge .

Companies also prefer more students than the students

Now a days the scope for this stream increases in India & abroad .

If you do after the then you can go for the research line.

Best of luck.......
28th July 2011 02:14 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

I have completed my and was very much disheartened as I tried for job in this field .Its better if you go for after B.Tech.For salary I can say , Biotech people are comparatively paid less at the beginning but will have a good prospect once you gain experience.So time really matters for this subject.
26th July 2011 07:19 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

after completing biotech doing MBA is good for job opportunity or not?
20th June 2011 10:42 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

what is the coming for me after finishing the biotechnology
13th June 2011 09:07 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

biotech is not at all d so evr believes dt...God bless is a good option then bt stl dont thnk dt jst a btech degree is enough...a good salary requires lots of knowledge in d practical world...wich is nt posbl jst b ur bachelors...n moreovr job opportunities r given only 2 or ph.d far as i hv seen...
10th June 2011 06:39 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

biotechnology is the worst never ever opt for this, no job, no requiremnt, even if u got marks................yours truly (by a biotech post graduate)
10th June 2011 05:17 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are all the collage in tamil nadu offering btech biotechnology and what are all the top most collage offering bio technology ?
Dear friend ,
These are the best colleges offering bio tech courses-
1.anna university ,chennai of engineering,chennai
3.SRM institute.chennai
4.Bharath university,chennai
5.Bharathidasan Institute of Engineering & Technology .trichy
6.alagappa university.karaikudi
7.PSG College of Technology,coimbatore
8.Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University),vellore
9.Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology ,madurai
Though biotech is slow now it has very vast scope in the future and is better to select B.Tech over B.Sc bio tech.

al the best
9th June 2011 06:14 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

what are all the collage in tamil nadu offering btech biotechnology and what are all the top most collage offering bio technology ?
9th June 2011 05:39 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

i want to know about the salary after compliting my in bio techonogy?
8th June 2011 11:00 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

i want detail about biotec plz someone help
23rd May 2011 12:21 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

i want to know the salary after biotechnology in goa
18th May 2011 09:48 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

may i know the fee of the b tech biotechnology college
14th May 2011 12:49 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

what percent should a student score to get a seat in biotechnology
4th May 2011 11:46 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

I studied my Msc biotechnology i tried in many biotech industry till nw i didnt get interview.i think there is scope to biotechnology.
26th April 2011 11:45 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

sir, i have just finished my schooling . i like to do B.TECH (BIOTECHNOLOGY) . what will be the job opportunities after i finished my degree . i would like to know about the salary range . Is Biotechnology a good choice?
24th April 2011 12:58 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

sir i would like to know about the salary range for a biotechnologist.
27th March 2011 06:55 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

yes i have one question sir
what will be the payment after M.Tech or M.Sc in reputed institute
26th March 2011 03:40 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Ya both are good choices to get a good job. But B.Sc is for a period of 3 years and B.Tech is for a period of 4 years.
By B.Sc you have limited number of opportunities and you will be paid less salaries. So, again you have to go through M.Sc in biotechnology. It is for a period of 2 years. The admission into M.Sc in Biotechnology is through an entrance exam in most cases where as for B.Sc you can get admission directly.
B.Tech biotechnology is for a period of 4 years. It is being offered by limited number of colleges.
As per the job perspective, Biotechnology is a developing field in India. Plenty of jobs are going to come. But one should be good enough in the practical oriented.
26th March 2011 02:36 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?


Biology and Technology makes Biotechnology.

In Biotechnology we study about biological organisms through technological applications.

Biotechnology can be used as an effective tool for food production, food storing, environmental conservation and preservation etc.

Basically In Biotechnology we study about Tissue culture, Stem cell techniques, Immuno-technologies and Photosynthetic etc.

The Scope of Biotechnology in India is very wide and the future of Biotechnology in India is very bright.

NOTE: - B.Tech. (Biotechnology) & B.Sc. (Biotechnology) both courses are better and the course duration of B.Tech. (Biotechnology) is 04 Years & the course duration of B.Sc. (Biotechnology) is 03 Years.

According to my opinion you can choose B.Tech. (Biotechnology) because B.Tech. (Biotechnology) is having more weigtage than B.Sc. (Biotechnology).

Good Luck
26th March 2011 02:32 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

company always prefer students from B.Tech than B.Sc in any field. in B.Tech the subject is taught more than the B.Sc. course. first of all duration of B.Tech(4 years) is more than the B.Sc(3 years). in not only subject is taught but also mathematics, ethics, communication(English) etc also taught which are very much helpful to work in industry.

in biotechnology also in biotechnology is more preferable than the biotechnology in B.Sc. if you want to study in Biotechnology field it is better to study in Biotechnology. unfortunate if you are unable to get chance to take admission in B.Tech then go for B.Sc.

now scope and job opportunity is very much higher. even you may go for higher study after graduation like M.Tech or M.Sc. you may also appear in GATE in biotechnology paper after in biotechnology.

in India Biotechnology field is developing day by day. in future it will give more job opportunity. now in abroad there is a very good scope of research in biotechnology.

best wishes.
26th March 2011 02:23 PM
dreksha chaudhary
B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Dear friend ,

It is Better go for B.Tech.

Even though people claim as bio technology is latest field, job opportunities are rare.

Moreover B.Tech is professional degree, which will be helpful, if you try for some abroad job, they prefer 12+4 years of academic qualification for most of the job opportunities.

Best wishes!!!!!!
26th March 2011 01:29 PM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Ya both are good choices to get a good job. But B.Sc is for a period of 3 years and B.Tech is for a period of 4 years.

By B.Sc you have limited number of opportunities and you will be paid less salaries. So, again you have to go through M.Sc in biotechnology. It is for a period of 2 years. The admission into M.Sc in Biotechnology is through an entrance exam in most cases where as for B.Sc you can get admission directly.

B.Tech biotechnology is for a period of 4 years. It is being offered by limited number of colleges.

As per the job perspective, Biotechnology is a developing field in India. Plenty of jobs are going to come. But one should be good enough in the practical oriented.
26th March 2011 08:33 AM
Re: B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

Both these courses are well recognised. However in terms of value the B.Tech course has more value. Also B.Tech degree will give a more in depth training in this field. The scope in both India and abroad are high. But it is advisable to complete Masters course too. In India if you intend to go for the research field then you must clear the JRF exam too.
25th March 2011 10:20 PM
puja kapur
B.Sc(biotechnology) or B.Tech(biotechnology): better choice for a job in Biotechnology field?

I m interested in biotechnology. Should i go for in biotechnology or in biotechnology.Are there good chances in india for job after doing or in biotechnology??

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