Thread: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper? Reply to Thread

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25th January 2017 10:54 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of GME India? Last 3 years question paper?

Dear sir, kindly send me the previous year exam paper of GME at sachinkumar893016@
26th November 2014 12:38 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

hello sir ,myself ravi I am applied for accountant in Central coalfield ltd.and i urgently need previous years papers fo such exam kindly send me on [email protected]..... thanking you with anticipation.
2nd June 2014 06:06 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Dear sir,
kindly send me the previous year exam paper of MT (personal) at [email protected]
2nd June 2014 05:04 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Dear sir,
kindly send me the previous year exam paper of MT (personal) at [email protected]
30th January 2014 12:39 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

intelligence bureau security assistant question paper plz send me my mail id is [email protected]
2nd August 2012 04:03 AM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

intelligence bureau security assistant question paper plz send me my mail id is [email protected]
14th July 2012 09:17 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

pls send me sample papers for mt(computer science).my email id is [email protected]
13th July 2012 08:03 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

hi plz send me last year que ppr for CIL in computer science at [email protected]
13th July 2012 07:57 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

please send me last year que ppr for CIL computer science at [email protected]
7th July 2012 06:06 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Dear sir/madam

I have applied in management trainee in coal India ltd.for the post in Sales and marketing .

I am unable to find any syllabus or question pattern for the applied post.

Request you to send me at least last tow year question paper for the applied post to the bellow mention E-mail ID

[email protected]

Thanks & regards
kiran .
30th June 2012 04:24 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

i have applied for cil mt training sales @ marketing i want to know syllabus or pattern of questions. can u send me on my email id [email protected]
18th June 2012 11:40 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Please provide me 2 last years papers for CIL -MT post on my mail id [email protected]
as soon as possible, sothat i can prepare for exam accordingly.

Thanks & Regards
Rakesh Khandelwal
12th June 2012 04:14 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

my name is Murari Kumar, i am preparing for the Coal India ltd(MT-Sales and marketing). so please send me last 5 years papers.
on my mail id.
[email protected]

11th June 2012 07:39 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

ALP.kolkata Q.paper-2011
10th June 2012 08:16 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

can i have the last yr question paper for cil mt electrical . i'll b obliged if any 1 can send me on to my mail id - [email protected]
8th June 2012 01:28 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

sir i m udit kumar sahu prepare for the cil MT(HR)please send tomy mail id as soon as possible
my mail id [email protected]
with regard
7th June 2012 08:29 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

plz send me five year syllabus and question paper at [email protected]
4th June 2012 07:13 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

I AM PREPARING FOR MANAGEMENT TRAINEE EXAM IN COAL INDIA 2012 , could u please given me a previous year questions paper in my email id
my email id is ,[email protected]
4th June 2012 01:08 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

I need syllabous for the CIL exams for the PODT of MT Ecology and Environment
4th June 2012 01:03 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

I need the syllabous for CIL exams for the POST of MT Ecoloy and Environment
20th February 2012 01:40 PM
Rebika Singh
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

I need the syllabus for the CIL exams for the POST of MT HR
29th November 2011 10:54 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

give me the syllabus and sample papers for PSPCL test for IT for the post of assistant manager.
9th August 2011 12:32 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Re: Syllabus and questison paper pattern of Secretarial discipline in Coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am SN Gorai and I have applied for CIL examination of Secretarial discipline. Kindly provide me Syllabus, sample question etc. to [email protected]
6th August 2011 01:17 AM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Dear all above concerns,

If you all get any question papers for MT's in CIL, kindly send me to [email protected]

4th August 2011 06:44 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

This is most dull site,and use less bdy can find answer here
1st August 2011 09:02 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

hi ,

i am animesh sinha and i have applied for the post of management trainee,marketing in coal india limited.

kindly provide me syllabus,sample questions and previous examination questions.

tnx and regards,

1st August 2011 01:33 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

my name is durgesh dwivedi.i am priparing for the cil. so please try to give me 5years papers.
my mail id. is
[email protected]
1st August 2011 01:29 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

my name is durgesh dwivedi. my exam in cil. so please try to give me the 5 years question papers for pripration.

31st July 2011 02:31 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

i m here shikha,plz send me immediately last 5 years qyestion papers on my mail id,[email protected]
30th July 2011 10:16 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

i am swati rakshit preparing for the coal india mt exams . please send me some samples of the question paper patternin my mail [email protected].
thank you
29th July 2011 01:25 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

I am have applied in management trainee coal india limited for 2011 for the post of HR & personnel

i am unable to find out the syllabus and old question paper patterns please help me out

and send me HR & personnel related syllabus & some old question papers pattern

my mail id is

[email protected]

thanks & regards
28th July 2011 06:19 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

I AM PREPARING FOR MANAGEMENT TRAINEE EXAM IN COAL INDIA , could u please given me a previous year questions paper in my email id
my email id is [email protected]

Please help me i will b highly obliged
27th July 2011 10:29 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

26th July 2011 02:46 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Kindly give a sample paper for ongc GT exam in Material Management post
25th July 2011 05:17 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

syllabus of
cil exam
23rd July 2011 10:15 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

I AM PREPARING FOR MANAGEMENT TRAINEE EXAM IN COAL INDIA , could u please given me a previous year questions paper in my email id
my email id is ,[email protected]
22nd July 2011 07:19 PM
Re: Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

cil mt test sample paper 2011
20th July 2011 01:57 AM
kajal ray choudhary
Syllabus and question paper pattern of management trainee in coal India? Last 2 years question paper?

Dear sir/madam

I have applied in management trainee in coal India ltd.for the post in Sales and marketing .

I am unable to find any syllabus or question pattern for the applied post.

Request you to send me at least last tow year question paper for the applied post to the bellow mention E-mail ID

[email protected]

Thanks & regards
kajal .

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