9th May 2015, 12:47 AM
What is the cutoff marks in BSc Agriculture?
How many cut off mark in bsc agri
9th May 2015, 09:12 AM
We are sorry to say that your question is totally not clear means it does not clarify that what do you actually want to ask that is why we are unable to provide you answer as per your expectations but we are trying our best to judge that what you want to know from us.
If you are asking about cut off marks of entrance examination to get admission in B.Sc Agriculture then it is good because most of the states conduct state level PAT - Pre Agriculture Test but one more test is there which is called CPAT - Central Pre Agriculture Test that is conducted by ICAR - Indian Council of Agriculture Research to provide admission in B.Sc Agriculture Course for candidates want to make their future in agriculture field. If you want to know about cut off marks of state level Pre Agriculture Test then I have mentioned aggregate cut off marks which is asked every year in PAT in different states like CG and MP : SC Category - 112 for fee seats and 107 for payment seats. ST Category - 105 for free seats and 95 for payment seats. OBC Category - 121 for free seats and 115 for payment seats. General Category - 127 for free seats and 115 for payment seats. These cut off marks are asked out of total 200 marks then only a candidate get admission in B.Sc Agriculture. The test is consist of various subjects such as : Crop Production and Horticulture Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Elementary Mathematics Biology, Physics and Chemistry The same criteria of cut off marks goes for CPAT test but it is higher than that of mentioned. There are some states which provides admission in B.Sc agriculture without any entrance examination such as Uttar Pradesh and a candidate may complete easily. There are some other tests conducted in agriculture field like - JRF - Junior Research Fellowship etc. so a candidate who want to get admission in M.Sc Agriculture in ICAR need to qualify this test. |
9th May 2015, 01:01 PM
What is the admission process of BDS in Maharashtra ????? Fees structure ????egibility criteria????
9th May 2015, 01:26 PM
Bachelor in agriculture is a very good scope which has great scope as well.
Cut off marks for getting into this course are listed below General category 195 and above OBC category 192 and above Reserved category 180 and above |
9th May 2015, 02:37 PM
B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture is 4 year program which is offered by various state agricultural university recognized by ICAR.
Every state agricultural university organize its own entrance exam (CET) to get admission in this course. Education Qualification:- 12th standard from a recognized university with Physics, Chemistry and Math OR 12th standard with Physics,Chemistry and Biology OR 12th standard with Physics, Chemistry and Agricultural Minimum age is 16 years. Cut off for B.Sc Agriculture entrance exam is depend upon performance of all applying candidates. Please visit official link of various agricultural university to know cut off of this exam. |