25th August 2011, 12:56 AM
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Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

Sir i have 2 backlogs from second year and i already cleared it and agg. Up to 6 sem is 60% so i m eligible or not for tcs

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22nd September 2011, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

cleared backlogs students eligible or not?
23rd September 2011, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i have 2 backlogs from second year and i already cleared it and agg. Up to 6 sem is 60% so i m eligible or not for tcs

Information Regarding TCS Eligibility Criteria.

TCS is known as the one of the most famous IT company of India. To appear in the TCS recruitment examination you need the following eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria for TCS. :-
->Minimum 60% marks in the 10th, 12th and in B.Tech.
->There are no more then two years gap in the whole career.
->No backlog at the time of joining.

Selection Procedure :-
->Written test.
->Personal Interview. (Technical/HR).

So, if you have 2 backlog then try to clear the backlog quickly. You are eligible to appear in the TCS requirement examination but you need to clear all the backlog at the time of joining. You can seat in the campus placement in the final year of B.Tech course.

23rd September 2011, 10:31 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i have 2 backlogs from second year and i already cleared it and agg. Up to 6 sem is 60% so i m eligible or not for tcs
Dear friend,

TCS is the top most MNC company.So they have a placement criteria.

The criteria is given below:-

1)Candidate must be score at least 60% in through out career.
2)Pending Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 year gap are allowed.

The Selection process for TCS:-

1)Aptitude Test.
2)Technical Test
3)Personal Interview.

You have pending so you are not eligible for TCS .

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23rd September 2011, 10:40 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

Yes. You are allowed to seat in the campus placement.
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23rd September 2011, 12:52 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

hello dear

yes, you are eligiable for the TCS if you have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester.

you have to also follow the given eligibility criteria.

Eligibility criteria for TCS software Engineering post is given below

>>60 % in 10th and 12th, Graduation and Post Graduation ( Simple average for all the years of Engg.)

>> Candidates should not be having more than 2 years gap in their career.

>>No pending backlog at the time of appearing for the aptitude test.

>>candidate should hold UG-BE / BTech (Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engg, Electronics & Electrical Engg, Electronics & Telecom, Electronics & Instrumentations, Electronics & Communication Engg, Instrumentation & Control)

>>PG-ME / MTech (Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engg, Electronics & Electrical Engg, Electronics & Telecom, Electronics & Instrumentations, Electronics & Communication Engg, Instrumentation & Control)

all the best.........
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23rd September 2011, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?


TCS is the most popular company

Criteria for TCS. :-
->Minimum 60% marks with 10th, 12th and B.Tech.
->no more then two years gap in the whole career.
->No backlog at the time of joining.

Selection Procedure :-
->Written test.
->Personal Interview. (Technical/HR).

as you clear 2 backlog so, you are eligibile

have a good day
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23rd September 2011, 03:42 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

dear friend,
Yes, you are eligible to appear in campus drive of TCS..

Eligibility for campus drive of TCS:-

1.The candidate must have 60% aggregate through out the career..

2.The candidate should not have any study gap more than 2 years.

3.The candidate must not have any pending backlogs during graduation.

As you have mentioned that you already have clear your backlogs and you have 60% aggregate then you can appear in campus drive of TCS.

So, don't worry.. Go for it..
All the best.
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23rd September 2011, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?


to appear in the recruitment of TCS you must have to complete your b.tech\b.e.
you must have secure minimum 60% through out the academic carrier.
you must have to clear your all back logs at the time of joining.

So, if you have 2 backlog then try to clear the backlog quickly. You are eligible to appear in the TCS requirement examination but you need to clear all the backlog at the time of joining.
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23rd September 2011, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

dear friend,

Yes my friend you are very much eligible for this aspect.
At the time when you will sit for TCS, you should not have any backlog i.e. you have to clear all the backlogs. You should have 60% throughout your educational carrier life.
Two ways of examination..

1. Aptitude test online.
2. Go for interview(first technical and then PI/HR).

all the best.
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24th September 2011, 01:04 AM
saurabh abhijeet
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

hello friend,

eligibility criteria for TCS is;
Candidate must have at least 60% aggregate Xth, XIIth, Graduation and Post Graduation and
Candidates must not have fresh backlogs. Means if you are apeearing for recruitment in 2012 then you shouldn't have any backlogs at that time and
there shouldn't be more than two years educational gap without any valid reason
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24th September 2011, 10:56 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

Dear friend,
Following is the eligibility criteria to appear in TCS:-
1. You should have 60% in class 10
2. 60% in class 12
3. 60% in graduation till the recruitment process
4. No current backlogs in the running year of your studies.
So, if you have cleared the 2backlogs that you had in your 2nd semester then you are very much eligible to appear for TCS.
All the very best for your future.
Thank you.
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25th September 2011, 01:33 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

Yes man ,you are eligible for TCS.

Please go through the details about TCS :

Academic qualification :

1.60% in10th standard.
2.60% in 12th standard.
3.60% in graduation level.
4.No pending backlogs.
5.Maximum 2 year study gap.

So i think now you can understand that why you are eligible for this because you have already cleared your backlogs.
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11th January 2012, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

sir i have 4 backlogs upto 2-2..in 1 st year 3 and 2-1 1 backlog..but now cleared..presently i dnt have any backlogs...for which companys am i eligible..can u tel me please...i have 89% in 10th,85% in 12th.71% in btech(upto 2-2)....
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10th February 2012, 10:59 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

if you have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester.
you have to also follow the given eligibility criteria.
Eligibility criteria for TCS software Engineering post is given below
60 % in 10th and 12th, Graduation and Post Graduation ( Simple average for all the years of Engg.)
you should not be having more than 2 years gap in their career.
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24th June 2012, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?

Sir i m a student of uptu/mtu..wtz the crieria put by the company TCS .....is it 60% in every sem of betch or avg of all the 8 sems??.sir plz tel me about the other companies like wipro n infosys also...
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6th August 2013, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS if I have cleared the 2 backlogs in 2nd semester and scored 60% upto 6th semester?


The eligibility criteria for the TCS is as follows :

1] A candidate should be atleast 18 years of age .

2] A candidate should be a degree holder .

3]A candidate should have passed through each exam with 60% and above marks . Each exam here means Class Xth ,Class XIIth , Graduate, Post -Graduate exam , each with 60% and above marks.

4] A candidate should not have any pending result or backlog .

5]A candidate should have scored 60% and above marks in the first attempt only .

6] Only Full-time courses will be considered .

So , my friend as you have mentioned that you have backlogs ,
and even if you clear your backlogs you will not be eligible for the TCS
because the eligibility criteria tells that the eligible marks should have been scored in the first attempt only .

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