14th September 2011, 03:02 AM
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Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

i scored 63% in 10th and 56% in 12th but i have scored 75% in btech(overall) am i eligible for placement in ibm, infosys,accenture,apple and in all these companises

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14th September 2011, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

Originally Posted by prashant8530 View Post
i scored 63% in 10th and 56% in 12th but i have scored 75% in btech(overall) am i eligible for placement in ibm, infosys,accenture,apple and in all these companises
dear friend,

The eligibility criteria for ACCENTURE,APPLE :-

1)You must score 60% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for INFOSYS ,IBM:-

1)You must score 65% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

So you are NOT eligble for above companies.

all the best.
14th September 2011, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

Dear friend,
You mentioned that you have 56% in class 12.
Although you have a decent percentage in class10 and in B.Tech.
Companies like IBM, Infosys, Apple demand a minimum of 605 marks overall in your carrier.
As you don't have that criteria therefore you are not eligible to apply.
Although you can try several other CMM level3 companies.
All the very best.
14th September 2011, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

Yes you should receive a call for the written test. You need to score really well in the same to get selected for the next round. You should be prepared for the aptitude test which will be in areas like verbal reasoning, logical reasoning etc. After that there will be a technical round. You should give importance to gaining experience in the area of your interest. So even if you are not selected by these companies you should try to gain knowledge by joining companies with lesser repute.
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23rd September 2011, 10:31 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

what are the procedures for walk-in interview for companies like HUAWEI,APPLE,etc
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26th September 2011, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

am i eligible for ibm,tcs,infosys,accenture,L&T having secured 57% 10th,59% 12th,69%BCA?
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30th September 2011, 12:45 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

Dear friend,
Having scored 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech you only can appear for Accenture.

Normally IBM and INFOSYS wants 70% in your 10th,12th and graduation level.
So you can not appear for these companies because your marks in12th standard is below 70%.

Apple normally recruits experienced candidate.
So you can not apply for Apple.

But you can apply for Accenture.
Criteria for Accenture :

1.50% marks throughout your academic career.
2.you should not have any pending backlogs.
3.Maximum 2years of study gap is allowed here.
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10th October 2011, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

I have secured 67% in 10th, 59.83% in 12th. I am a btech final year student in CSE, with a cpga of 7.04 upto 6th semester. i have been debarred of 60% for a single marks in 12th, under state board. This has always been a matter of worry for me. Am i eligible for TCS, WIPRO, ACCENTURE and other top companies? I dont have any year gap and backlogs. Plz help me out this chaos.
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12th October 2011, 12:41 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

Am I eligible for placements in IBM, Accenture n Apple having secured 87.20% in 10th, 56.33% in 12th and 70% in BE( upto 6th sem in telecommunication)??? If u other then these companies please suggest me:(:(:(:(
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14th October 2011, 12:48 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

i have seucred55.20%in10thclass and 66.66%in12th class and currently i persuing my be with the aggregation of 62%till now .for which company i fullfil there criteria .give me some suggestion which company i like to choose
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21st October 2011, 12:00 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

am i eligible for cds having 48% in10th,63% in 12th and 70% in b.tech?
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24th October 2011, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

dear friend,

Eligibility For the Company Infosys:-

1.60% marks throughout your academic career.

2.you should not have any backlogs.

3.More then 2 years study gap is not allowed here.

Eligibility For the Company Accenture:-

1.50% marks throughout your academic career.

2.you should not have any backlogs.

3.More then 2 years study gap is not allowed here.

Eligibility For the Company IBM:-

1.70% marks throughout your academic career.

2.you should not have any backlogs.

3.More then 2 years study gap is not allowed here.

According to the company eligibility you can go for Accenture,Infosys.
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25th October 2011, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

Dear friend,
You have decent marks in your 10th standard and in graduation level
But your marks in the 12th standard is not so good.

Here are the details of those companies :

Criteria details for IBM :

>You should have minimum 70% marks in your academic career.
>No pending backlogs are allowed.
>Maximum 2 years of study gap is allowed

Criteria details for INFOSYS :

>You should have minimum 70% marks in your academic career.
>No pending backlogs are allowed.
>Maximum 2 years of study gap is allowed

Criteria details for ACCENTURE :

>You should have minimum 65% marks in your academic career.
>No pending backlogs are allowed.
>Maximum 2 years of study gap is allowed

Criteria details for APPLE :

>You should have minimum 80% marks in your academic career.
>No pending backlogs are allowed.
>Maximum 1 years of study gap is allowed
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8th November 2011, 07:18 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

hiiii sir i have passed 10th,12thand b.tech with 74%,59% and 76%... am i elibile for ibm ,infosys,accenture,wipro and nokia ......plz tell me right answer........
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7th March 2012, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

hi sir am presently doing my b.tech final year with 68%(till 4_1) , 76% in 12th , 76% in 10th am i eligible for off campus placements in ibm,infosys,accenture,cts?
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7th March 2012, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

hi sir am persing my b.tech final year and my present % is 68(till 4_1),76 in 12th,76 in 10th am i eligible for off campus placements in IBM,INFOSYS,ACCENTURE,CTS...?
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7th March 2012, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

hi sir am persuing my b.tech final year and my % till 4_1 sem is 68%,76 in 12th,76 in 10th am i eligible for off campus placements in IBM,INFOSYS,ACCENTURE,CTS?
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8th March 2012, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

Originally Posted by prashant8530 View Post
i scored 63% in 10th and 56% in 12th but i have scored 75% in btech(overall) am i eligible for placement in ibm, infosys,accenture,apple and in all these companises

Dear friend,

First of all I want to say that the rules of the placement is applicable only when the companies done recruitment through campus placement. These type of rules not applicable if you have good experience. So, as you have less then 60% in class 12 then may be you will be not eligible for the campus placement. But it is not necessary the companies always follow the same rule. They changes there rule at a time. Sometime while doing placement they only sees the current degree percentage.

So, you apply every where you find the job fest.

And also there is one more way to join these companies is that you go for the M.Tech and don it from the reputed institutes like IIT's, Hyderbad University etc. Then while doing campus placement of the M.tech they will sees only current and degree percentage. In which you are eligible.

All the very best
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8th March 2012, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

hai buddy..
welll i think ur not eligibil for placements in IBM , Infosys , accenture and apple..
you requried atleast 60% in any level of exams in ur carrer..
all the best..
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8th March 2012, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

dear friend,

IBM , INFOSYS , T.C.S. , ACCENTURE are the very good companies among other some good companies.First of all I want to mention the criteria for these companies. Here it is :

1. A candidate must have 65% aggregate throughout his carrier life, i.e. in 10th
12th and B.Tech. respectively.
2. have minimum 0 to 2 years experience.
3. must be from C.S.E.(Computer Science Engineering), I.T. (Information Technology)
and E.C.E. (Electronics Communication Engineering) department.
4. no backlogs will be considered
5. no educational gaps will be there.
6. should have very good communication skills. etc.

I think that any B.Sc degree holders candidate are not eligible.

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29th April 2012, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

My highness please do reply me whether i am eligible for campus in either Infosys , TCS , Wipro, IBM, or HCL an i have got 82 % in 10th , 70% in XII and 7.5 CGPA(till 4th sem in Information and Technology). But the biggest drawback is that i got back in Ist sem in one subject i.e. BE-104(Electronic and Electrical engineering) . sir plz mention that do i have any future or not..
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10th May 2012, 11:03 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

hi i have completed B.com and MBA -finance , got 60%in 10th, 83% in 12th and more than 65% in UG and PG and having experience of 2.5 yrs in an company do am i eligible for IBM, inosys,HCL or any other MNC companies
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15th January 2013, 04:20 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

dear friend,

The eligibility criteria for ACCENTURE,APPLE :-

1)You must score 60% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for INFOSYS ,IBM:-

1)You must score 65% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

So you are NOT eligble for above companies.

all the best.

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3rd March 2013, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

i have done my btech (ec) with 75% ,10 2 with 71.2% and 10 with 63.8% and now i wants go for mtech only and only with two possibility that firstly i got admission in any reputated college and secondly i will be placed in any mnc ,this time i am expecting 39 marks in gate and uptill now i have no gape and thats why i wants to go again for gate please tell me the pros and coins due to my 10 percentage in campus placement to a mnc like apple ,ibm etc
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3rd March 2013, 06:17 PM
The Mask Man
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Placement in IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Apple having secured 63% in 10th, 56% in 12th and 75% in B,Tech?

In order to appear for the placement ..a candidate must fulfill the following minimum general criteria for appearing in the recruitment exam..

1) You should have 60% or above in you 10th,12th and B.Tech

2) You should not have any current backlogs at the time of placement..

3) You should not have a study gap of more than 1 year

Since..only your 12th percentage does not satisfy the criteria hence its quite a tight situation..

You can talk it out with the management of the company when the come for the recruitment to your college..they might allow you because its the 12th percentage in which you are lacking marginally and not the B.Tech percentage..

all the best..
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